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spoon.ek9 07-27-2012 10:43 PM

just to give you an idea, a 30-ish lb husky ended up costing roughly $2500 CAD to ship here to Canada from HK. keep in mind, you must update all vaccinations and have the animal's health cleared by a veterinarian before being able to ship it over. Then there's fees at the airport to pay as well.

SkinnyPupp 07-27-2012 11:06 PM

Shouldn't cost that much if you do your own logistics. If you hire it out, then yeah that's the normal price. If you do it yourself, it's more in the $500 range per dog

SkinnyPupp 09-11-2012 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7986178)

We let the dogs stay in our stairway area, since it has been raining non stop for a week or so. This is the first time they have had dry shelter in a week, and they spent the entire 6 hours SLEEPING.

And scratching.

No matter how many ticks we pull out of them, they are still covered. Also some other bugs, I think they are a form of lice, are crawling all over them.

It finally stopped raining, so we let them out for the night. We had to kill about 20 ticks they had left behind - these suckers can crawl and jump like crazy! Treated the entire hallway with (animal friendly) bug spray.

We're on the verge of calling SPCA to pick them up, but since that means there is a chance they will be sent to the 'pound' to be put down if they can't be rehomed, that really is a last resort. We're trying to find some alternative to doing that...

I have tragic, sad news about these puppies.. I don't know if I should share it, but I have to get it out somehow. I am beside myself with anger and frustration, and need to get it out.


MindBomber 09-11-2012 03:44 AM

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." - Immanuel Kant

The hearts of yourself, and your wife, would be judged very well, Skinny.

rsx 09-11-2012 03:58 AM

If anyone wants to adopt the dog, try contacting World Wide Animal Travel (Richmond, BC). They did the logistics for my dog to be shipped over with me to Ph.

I used to p/t there when I was in HS, I can definitely vouch for how they handle and transport dogs.

SkinnyPupp 09-11-2012 04:15 AM

We spoke to another neighbour, who happens to work with an animal rescue association. She is almost as attached to these guys as we were, and in fact arranged to have the dogs spayed/neutered for them, and provided them with proper dog food (they were being fed table scraps only) and even had their dogs registered for them.

(BTW I was correct in that forcing them to be taken by the SPCA wouldn't work. Someone else actually did that, and they got the dogs back. So I don't feel so bad for not even attempting it... at first I felt guilty that I didn't TRY to have the SPCA take the dogs away)

She seems to be willing to straight out kidnap the last dog and get a proper home for her.. Personally I don't want to mettle, and I hope it doesn't escalate past that.

I rarely if ever wish harm upon other people, but right now all I can think is that I wish thee people would feel at least a little bit of the pain and agony my wife went through when she saw that horrific scene today. I doubt they do, since this isn't the first dog they've lost to traffic. But I wish they do. That's all I can do I guess...

Prolowtone 09-11-2012 05:46 AM

I would take the brown girl in an instant if i had my own place. Hell if we get a house soon with my own loft in the garage i would be willing to put aside my car build account, I honestly do not like the current owner and would Hate to see another one go.:emo:

SkinnyPupp 09-11-2012 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by MindBomber (Post 8026185)
"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." - Immanuel Kant

The hearts of yourself, and your wife, would be judged very well, Skinny.

damn near chokes me up lol... love my wife

Soundy 09-11-2012 07:02 AM

How would they even know the difference if the dog was kidnapped, vs. having run away or being run over on a different street?

Can we Kickstarter a fund to get this poor creature the fuck out of there?

SkinnyPupp 09-11-2012 09:40 AM

If we took her in, someone would see. And believe me in a village where 99% of the people have the same name, word spreads quickly. I already reminded my wife to be careful what she says around people.

Like I said, I think another neighbour is considering going there and taking her away by force. I hope she does because there's nothing more we can do.

Soundy 09-11-2012 10:04 AM

"Last I saw her, she was napping in my stairwell when I went to bed... this morning she's gone. Sorry I can't help you."

What boggles the mind is that these people would get so bent about someone else having "their" dogs, when they obviously don't give a fuck about feeding them, or whether the dog is running all over town and under the wheels of cars...

westopher 09-11-2012 12:58 PM

Sorry skinny I haven't read all of your posts, so maybe this has already been thought of. Have you tried talking to the people and maybe offered them a small (and I mean small amount) of cash for the dog that is still around? It seems like such heartless people would jump at the opportunity to profit off an animal they clearly don't give a fuck about. Hell I'd even donate to the cause as I'm sure others in here would. Its kind of a corrupt and weird thought, but to save an animal that you've developed an attachment to would be nice.

spoon.ek9 09-12-2012 06:05 PM

^ that is a good suggestion. it seems like the current owner(s) treat the dog like a possession so why not offer them a small amount of cash to "rid themselves" of what they probably view as a headache? hopefully it works or hopefully someone in your neighbourhood kidnaps the dogs and sends it to a better home.

SkinnyPupp 09-12-2012 07:56 PM

These three aren't their first dogs, and they won't be the last. We heard the whole reason they got these 3 pups was because their last one was run over.

The best we can do is take care of the girl if we ever see her. They seem to have locked her up pretty good now, we haven't seen her around in at least a week. The boy was the one who got out the most (despite them saying that they didn't need to tie him up since he "never tried to get away before)... these fucking morons

Anyway, we're going to see about getting our own puppy now I think. I am torn though because we are going through a really tough time right now financially... but it kills me not to have one for some reason.... :fuuuuu:

westopher 09-12-2012 10:34 PM

Hey guys, the jam space that me and my buddies play at just posted this up on their page. Since its kinda just become the dog lovers unite thread I thought I'd post it here. Its a 3yo bull mastiff that has a rare spinal disorder and needs surgery to the tune of $9k. He actually is just fostered right now as well so of course the people wouldn't have pet insurance unfortunately.
Save Truman! -- Indiegogo

SkinnyPupp 09-13-2012 03:18 AM

Our tribute is still there :tears:

My wife is doing better, she still cries every day for him... It still kills me to think of the scene she had to see... knowing he's run over was bad enough, but seeing it... I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

donjalapeno 09-13-2012 10:01 AM

:tears::tears::tears: is all that i can say..

RevYouUp 09-14-2012 07:23 PM

Dog stands guard over deceased owner

Dogs are awesome, I don't know how some people can treat them like shit. :tears:

SkinnyPupp 09-23-2012 04:31 AM

Update on the puppies

1) Amazingly, our tribute to the Boy is still there! We change his flower every day when we walk by

2) Turns out that the other girl didn't die - we just hadn't seen her for so long because she never got away. It was always the good boy and sweet girl that got away.

3) Our neighbour went and rescued the two remaining girls from the owner. She is keeping them at her house now.. we had no idea until now, we are trying to get in touch with her so we can see them again

4) As we were going out the other day, we spotted the guy getting two more puppies, since his were taken away. :(

This time, if we ever see these dogs around, we are taking them in to find a new home. Not taking any chances.

SkinnyPupp 09-27-2012 04:22 AM

Well look who we found wandering the side of the road, literally right in front of the spot where the good boy got run over:

We're waiting for our neighbour to come home and help decide what to do. She already has the other two pupps (who were SO HAPPY to see us even through the window) so I don't know if she can take this dog, who is so utterly terrified right now :(

Soundy 09-27-2012 06:51 AM

"So wait: you got two new dogs, you haven't had them a week, you just let them run loose... and you're surprised that you can't find one of them? Gee dude, my heart bleeds..."

SkinnyPupp 09-27-2012 09:21 PM

Here's the aftermath of having the puppy sleep in our hallway overnight... Hundreds, if not thousands of ticks. And these are just the little ones. She is still covered in the big fat ones. We are taking her into SPCA now.

impulseX 09-28-2012 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8041265)
Puppy Rescue - YouTube

Here's the aftermath of having the puppy sleep in our hallway overnight... Hundreds, if not thousands of ticks. And these are just the little ones. She is still covered in the big fat ones. We are taking her into SPCA now.

holy fuck. are those ALL ticks just chilling on the floor? :(

SkinnyPupp 09-28-2012 01:44 AM

Yup all dead and dying. lots of blood stains everywhere too, if you look closely. she's probably pretty sick, with anemia and maybe a fever. she's with the spca now, so hopefully she will get some help from them
Posted via RS Mobile

ToneCapone 09-28-2012 02:47 AM

just wow. That's fuckin heartbreaking dude. I cant stand seeing helpless animals suffer like this. Good on you and your wife for bringing the pups in the first time and even now. I honestly wouldn't know where to start if a dog in that condition showed up on my doorstep.

Skinny, to cheer you up, this is so you right now :):

now i'm going to go check on my bird.

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