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impulseX 09-28-2012 10:06 AM

jeeze, i had goosebumps just thinking "are those all ticks?", but damn. glad the pup is with the spca now.

spoon.ek9 09-28-2012 10:18 AM

holy hell... i'm glad the dog is getting help but there needs to be a permanent solution for the pup. great job helping all these pups out skinny, you're a good guy.

SkinnyPupp 10-09-2012 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 8040628)
Well look who we found wandering the side of the road, literally right in front of the spot where the good boy got run over:

We're waiting for our neighbour to come home and help decide what to do. She already has the other two pupps (who were SO HAPPY to see us even through the window) so I don't know if she can take this dog, who is so utterly terrified right now :(


As you know, we took her to the SPCA. Unfortunately they deemed her "unfit for adoption" because apparently it would take them too long to rid her of the ticks, mites, and ringworm (fungus). Basically, they told us that if we don't adopt her ourselves, they would put her down.

We asked them to PLEASE hold off on it while we find someone to adopt her... We would have done it ourselves, but the way my life is situated right now, it is NOT the right time to be responsible for a dog. So we begged and pleaded on Facebook, and one of my friends' friend was able to take her in!

She was literally running into the last hours of her life, and she was rescued. I want to cry! :tears:

spoon.ek9 10-10-2012 06:15 AM


SP delivers! I wanna shake your hand, sir.

TheKingdom2000 10-10-2012 06:38 AM

Out of curiosity, how much does it cost to get her back into tip top shape? ie. get rid of all the ticks/fleas/ring worm?

SkinnyPupp 10-10-2012 07:08 AM

I can ask the guy who adopted her. It shouldn't be too much, since she had no serious illnesses. I think he is having her stay at their vet, so that would be somewhat costly. Taking her to your own home wouldn't be much, since all you'd have to do is keep pulling ticks out of her as they hatch. Pretty gross job (you can see the video of what happens on the previous page... nastiest cleanup job I have ever done), but not too expensive.

The adoption would be $1800 HKD, $1000 of which gets returned after you have her spayed. So about $100 CAD in the end.

StylinRed 10-18-2012 03:03 PM

Nothing to do with me rescuing a dog but this thread felt like the best place for this story

a guy on a paddle board paddled by some rocks peeking just over sea level and he finds a puppy stranded on it! and he rescues it (just saw it on cnn)

Paddle boarder saves Bam Bam the shih tzu stranded at sea - NY Daily News


Paddle boarder saves Bam Bam the shih tzu stranded at sea
'He just sat there like a little dude’ says rescuer.

It wasn’t looking good for Bam Bam.
The shih tzu had ended up stranded on rocks in England’s North Sea, and the tide was rising.
But a water sports enthusiast paddling through the area spotted the shivering pup and came to his rescue just in time.
“There’s a little dog...and he’s stuck because of the tide,” Charlie Head said during a video he filmed of the rescue.
Head, 33, expertly maneuvered his paddle board toward the frightened animal.
‘He just sat there like a little dude, wondering what the hell to do,” he said as he steered toward the dog.
“He definitely needs a rescue,” he adds.
“It’s alright’s ok, it’s ok,” Head says as he coaxes the wet, shivering animal on his board.

Head was paddling his way from Cornwall to London to train for a 3,000-mile cross-Atlantic trip, Kent Online reported.
He took the dog to shore in Hampton. He is being kept by the town's dog warden as authorities search for his owners.

Read more: Paddle boarder saves Bam Bam the shih tzu stranded at sea - NY Daily News

Meowjin 10-18-2012 04:46 PM

Anyone need a 7 month old pit bull? Found one wandering our work and in tempted to adopt but my program starts soon.
Posted via RS Mobile

westopher 10-18-2012 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Meowjin (Post 8058740)
Anyone need a 7 month old pit bull? Found one wandering our work and in tempted to adopt but my program starts soon.
Posted via RS Mobile

I wish I had room. Monty would love a little brother. :okay: I'll spread the word around.

SkinnyPupp 11-04-2012 01:59 AM

Here's "Stella" all healthy now :D

SkinnyPupp 07-11-2013 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp (Post 7970448)
They came back!

We think they escape when their "owners" neglect to feed them. I think one of our neighbors wants to take them in so we'll help him get them registered properly so he owns them legitimately

I was looking through my instagram photos, and I noticed that it has been nearly 1 year since we met these three... As you know, the boy (top in photo) got run over (coming home to that scene is something I'll never forget) but we were able to save the other two. Our neighbours took them in, and they are doing very well!

The memorial we put up for the boy lasted quite a while, but my wife says it was torn down about a month or two ago :( We'll still never forget him, and I am glad we get to see the girls still (although our neighbour moved to another village, it's not that far)

Them feels :okay:

Soundy 08-18-2013 08:55 PM

Well, the name on the barge is "BARKley Sound", after all :troll:

fliptuner 08-18-2013 10:22 PM

Called river dispatch to ask a passing tug to check it out. :thumbsup:

spoon.ek9 10-13-2018 05:41 PM

Just a quick update, BB is alive and well. Livin' it up with his fur brothers still :)

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