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JKam 01-18-2012 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by seakrait (Post 7766275)
I might have missed it but what timeframe does the shelter give the dogs' owners to pick up their dogs before the dogs are adopted out?
Posted via RS Mobile

last time I found a stray, SPCA told me it was 2 weeks before I could adopt. Original owner picked up their dog 13 days after I dropped her off :(

Matsuda 01-18-2012 05:51 PM

Spoon, I hope we get to see this dog at the spring and summer meet :thumbs:

spoon.ek9 01-18-2012 06:06 PM

Haha I might.. But that also wouldn't be fair to my other boys ;)
Posted via RS Mobile

butter_sashimi 01-18-2012 08:17 PM

Congrats! But I do find it strange that they readily put the dog up for adoption after a day? They left the "owners" a message, didn't get a quick reply and released the dog. Isn't that too quick. I mean, what if the people are away or has no access to voicemail, etc.

Anyway, have you settled on a name yet?

"spoon" is cute and pays homage to your posts. =D

spoon.ek9 01-18-2012 08:19 PM

you guys are a little mistaken, i haven't adopted the dog just yet. i simply filled out an application form today for adoption. there is a fair waiting period involved.

spoon.ek9 01-19-2012 07:02 PM

HUGE update:

Long story short, I legally own the dog now! :D

Since I had found the dog and was taking good care of him, the shelter gave me the option of making a donation instead of paying the standard adoption fee. I asked them how much the adoption fee was and they said $300. I gave them $250 along with purchasing the dog license and a box of raw food :)

He's 2 years old and will enjoy a long and happy life with his two new brothers. on the ride home, he was pretty much bouncing off the walls. He eventually felt it was a good idea to literally straddle my left arm as I drove and stayed there :rofl:

Anyways, he's home, he's excited, he's happy and so am I :)

Details on why I was able to adopt the dog in this time frame for those who may be wondering:

freakshow 01-19-2012 07:04 PM


spoon.ek9 01-19-2012 07:09 PM

pics tmrw maybe lol. i wanna get one of me holding him with his back against my chest. it makes him look like a wookie almost with all 4 legs sticking out lol.

dinosaur 01-19-2012 07:13 PM

Thats great!!!

I vote for his name being Spoon too :)

Owners ever respond?

CRS 01-19-2012 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by spoon.ek9 (Post 7767872)
HUGE update:

Long story short, I legally own the dog now! :D

Since I had found the dog and was taking good care of him, the shelter gave me the option of making a donation instead of paying the standard adoption fee. I asked them how much the adoption fee was and they said $300. I gave them $250 along with purchasing the dog license and a box of raw food :)

He's 2 years old and will enjoy a long and happy life with his two new brothers. on the ride home, he was pretty much bouncing off the walls. He eventually felt it was a good idea to literally straddle my left arm as I drove and stayed there :rofl:

Anyways, he's home, he's excited, he's happy and so am I :)

Details on why I was able to adopt the dog in this time frame for those who may be wondering:

You, Sir, have the only thanks I have ever given out.

Jermyzy 01-19-2012 07:16 PM

Awesome spoon!!!

Matsuda 01-19-2012 07:18 PM

that's frickin awesome! I wanna see him at the Spring meet!

SkinnyPupp 01-19-2012 07:23 PM

What a great story, thanks for sharing. RS needs more people like this, and less people like shawn79 and zyzz

Windstar 01-19-2012 07:47 PM

cuteee doggie <3

BlackZRoadster 01-19-2012 07:48 PM

Such a happy ending.

Karma for u!
Posted via RS Mobile

Soundy 01-19-2012 07:54 PM

So happy for both of you :fullofwin:

I second "Repost" for a name... except the first person who asks you his name, you say it's "R", and then next person you say it's "E", and so on... :troll:

Ronin 01-19-2012 07:56 PM

Spoon's a cool name.


Posted via RS Mobile

rb 01-19-2012 08:08 PM

^ I've always wanted to name a dog "dinner." So Jelly. I would love to adopt that dog. You're a good man Spoon.

Soundy 01-19-2012 09:04 PM

Naming idea: STEVEN WRIGHT - The COMPLETE Works - stereo HQ - (pt.2 of 5) - YouTube

dovo 01-19-2012 09:10 PM

Awesome story.. We need more stories like these during this frigid times.. i myself own 2 dogs, i love them and all animals

seakrait 01-19-2012 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by spoon.ek9 (Post 7767872)
HUGE update:

Long story short, I legally own the dog now! :D


Omg. :fullofwin: yay! I'm so happy for you.

No homo. :hay:

JKam 01-19-2012 10:33 PM

I'm really happy for you and the dog but it feels like the SPCA didn't try very hard to get a hold of the original owners..

2 calls within 1 week and they decide to let someone adopt the dog? What if the owners are on vacation...? Kind of shitty for them if they are legitimately unreachable.

seakrait 01-19-2012 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by JKam (Post 7768171)
I'm really happy for you and the dog but it feels like the SPCA didn't try very hard to get a hold of the original owners..

2 calls within 1 week and they decide to let someone adopt the dog? What if the owners are on vacation...? Kind of shitty for them if they are legitimately unreachable.

I think the shelter assumes that the dog's owners wouldn't have left the dog alone by itself. So they then assume that someone would have been taking care of the dog while its owners were on vacation. So if someone is supposed to be taking care of the dog, why aren't they looking for it when it has gone missing? No calls looking for that type of dog. I assume Spoon put up posters.

There's also the financial consideration of keeping an animal at the shelter I suppose. The faster they can get a stray into a good home, the less of their already-short funds they have to use. Hmm....

I guess there are situations (like my own with a stray I picked up) where the person taking care of the dog didn't/couldn't really look too hard (she was old).

Spoon, was there any talk from the shelter of what would happen if the owners called after you legally adopted the dog? SOL for them?

spoon.ek9 01-19-2012 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by JKam (Post 7768171)
I'm really happy for you and the dog but it feels like the SPCA didn't try very hard to get a hold of the original owners..

2 calls within 1 week and they decide to let someone adopt the dog? What if the owners are on vacation...? Kind of shitty for them if they are legitimately unreachable.

^ I will refer you to the details in the spoiler. On top of that, take another look at the first photo I took.

1. The dog was months overdue for a grooming. Even if he was only out for a few days, you cannot explain this neglect.
2. No one was out on the streets actively looking for this dog.
3. No one printed posters to put up searching for a missing companion.
4. Everyone we talked to on the street had not seen anyone looking for a missing dog
5. Not a single person called the shelter to report/ask about white, male westie gone missing
6. And the big one, the dog doesn't even respond to the name the previous owner gave him

If the previous owner was on vacation, someone had to be looking after this dog. No one was looking for the little guy.


Originally Posted by seakrait (Post 7768224)
Spoon, was there any talk from the shelter of what would happen if the owners called after you legally adopted the dog? SOL for them?

I actually didn't ask about that part. I can ask tmrw when I have some free time.

butter_sashimi 01-19-2012 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by spoon.ek9 (Post 7768231)
6. And the big one, the dog doesn't even respond to the name the previous owner gave him

What was and currently is the dog's name?

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