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seakrait 05-23-2012 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by spoon.ek9 (Post 7926719)
:rukidding: OFF the pillow! -------- wait.. :suspicious: -------- cuteness overload :tears:

i just had to post this one :D

Ha. My dog does that with my wife's pillow as well. And we keep letting her do it just because of the cuteness. Lol.

Glad to see your pup is doing well.

spoon.ek9 05-24-2012 05:20 PM

We were running today and BB randomly did a belly flop in the grass :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

He was probably tired haha.. it was so unexpected.

dinosaur 05-24-2012 06:16 PM

oohhh!!!! dogs are the source of SO MUCH JOY!!!! :joy:

TheKingdom2000 05-24-2012 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by seakrait (Post 7926868)
Ha. My dog does that with my wife's pillow as well. And we keep letting her do it just because of the cuteness. Lol.

Glad to see your pup is doing well.

I could never let a pet sleep or lay on my pillow.
I'm pretty OCD about my bed being clean and especially a pillow where I stick my face into.
And i'm surprised your wife is okay with this considering having a pet sleep on her pillow should make her more prone to breaking out? ie. pimples?

spoon.ek9 05-24-2012 07:08 PM

I have up to 3 dogs sleeping in my bed every night. I don't have any problems with acne :lol

seakrait 05-24-2012 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by mx703 (Post 7927606)
I could never let a pet sleep or lay on my pillow.
I'm pretty OCD about my bed being clean and especially a pillow where I stick my face into.
And i'm surprised your wife is okay with this considering having a pet sleep on her pillow should make her more prone to breaking out? ie. pimples?

the cuteness quotient of the dog completely overwhelms any sense of cleanliness that my wife has. i have more of an issue with it but we usually rinse the dog's feet after walks.

and no, no issues with breaking out.

white rocket 05-28-2012 09:55 AM

total cuteness overload!! my doggies sleep in the bed every night. they are nice foot warmers. lol!

spoon.ek9 06-18-2012 07:55 PM

This shall serve as my 10,000th post on RS. I wanted it to be an important one and I suppose it is but on a serious note rather than a joyous one.


June 14th, 2012: Confrontation with BB's previous owner.

As I was walking the boys today, a man had shouted to me from a distance for me to stop. I turned around and saw him approaching so I stopped and waited to see what he wanted. He asked me where I got the dog from and I said I had adopted him from a local shelter. He said that his dog had gone missing a couple of months ago (this is important later) and that this must be him. He said he has an ear tattoo (which he does) and I said "I adopted him, you can talk to the shelter if you want". He then proceeded to fabricate a sob story about how his wife had left him and that it was because the dog had gone missing. :rukidding:

He continued and said that he just wants to give her the dog back. At this point I knew he was full of shit and became very blunt with him. I told him "Even if this was your dog, he was very neglected. He hadn't had a bath or a haircut in MONTHS. His response was "Oh, it's because he was missing" and I said "No, that's not it. No one cared for this dog for months. He wasn't missing for MONTHS". After this comment he basically had no reply. I continued and told him, whoever the previous owner was, the shelter had called and left messages with no reply. He asked which shelter and I told him the one on No.5 Road to which he replied "Oh, I think I called that one". He said that he had posters up (wanted to show it to me) and had called shelters (which is absolute bullshit). One of the first questions he had asked he was "How much did you pay for him?". At first, I ignored this question because it's irrelevant. When he asked me again I told him it doesn't matter; this isn't about money. He then commented that "You have so many dogs, why do you care about one?". This comment alone was a clear indication of how wrong his perception of dogs is. They aren't possessions; they are living, breathing members of your family. People like him don't deserve to own dogs nor should they have the right to do so.

He went on to say that I should give him my information. I told him "You live over there right? I will come find you." and he says "No, that's not right. That's my dog". I told him that I'm on my way to work and I have to leave. He repeated the same things over saying that's not right blah, blah, blah. I told him again that I have to go to work and asked him "do you understand that?" He paused and had no response so I asked "Is that a Yes? No?". So at this point I had no choice but to continue walking home because I literally had to leave for work. He proceeded to follow me to my house and watched me bring all the boys in. I unleashed the boys and went upstairs to prepare my room mate for what situation was about to occur and he proceeded to ring the door bell, sending the boys into a craze. Anyways, my room mate spoke with him briefly and explained that I have done everything right, I own the dog and you can speak to the shelter if you want. As this was happening, I had gone to grab BB's folder containing my adoption form and everything else. I thought about showing him the form but I thought "Fuck this guy" and took only the business card with me. I walked outside and told him he could call them with the number on the card. At this point, I called him out on his "couple of months" comment and told him "A couple means, two. I found him in January" to which he replied "No, a couple means three or more". :facepalm: He demanded that I show him the adoption papers and I said "I don't have to show you anything. Talk to the shelter" (asshole!).

With my bluetooth on, I called the Shelter to inform them of the situation while driving to work. They said that the guy had already called and put me on hold to talk with the Assistant Manager. I told her the whole story, she remembers the whole process and said that everything appears to have been done correctly and that she will talk to her Manager and get back to me. She had also mentioned that this had only happened one other time where the previous owner stepped up a long time after an adoption had occurred. She said that they would look at how that case was handled and call me back. I waited for that phone call but it never happened. Perhaps tomorrow they will call me to let me know what's going on.

This is where the story ends for now. I do not see how he has any legal recourse to claim the dog back. I'm thinking worst case he can try and sue me for possession of the dog but I am fairly confident that I would win that case should it become a reality. BB was found by me on Jan 12, 2012 at approximately 1 or 2pm. The first thing I did was put a collar and a leash on him and walked around the neighbourhood looking for anyone searching for a lost dog. I even went to the park to talk to some teenagers smoking pot to see if they might know the dog or had seen the owner(s) looking for him. No one had seen anything or anyone searching for BB. Over the next couple of days we kept our eyes open for posters and owners. We even asked neighbours and people passing by if they were looking for a lost dog. Nothing. My room mate says that one neighbour recalled seeing BB on the street by himself earlier in the morning. Which means that he was missing for 3-5hrs before I found him in the afternoon. So really, if you hadn't seen your dog in 3-5 hrs you'd fucking notice that.

You all remember, this is what he looked like when I found him:

Fast forward a bit and this is when I called RAPS to inform them of BB. They came that afternoon to pick BB up for legal reasons and we surrendered him. After 7 days, ownership of the dog transfers to the shelther at which point they can adopt the dog out to anyone they so please. Within that time span, calls were made and messages were left for the owner and there was NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER. So, I filled out the forms, made a generous donation (taken as an adoption fee) and BB was legally owned by me from that point on.

Some other points I want to make are that it has been FIVE months since I first found BB. I walk in front of this guy's house almost on a daily basis and this is the first time he's noticed the dog? Buddy, it's been five fucking months. Your dog would have been dead if I hadn't found him and he would most DEFINETELY have ended up dead if he had to rely on YOU to find him. I have no sympathy for this idiot and everything makes sense now that I have met BB's previous owner. The level of neglect BB suffered through can only be explained by how stupid this guy is and how little he actually cares for dogs. Also, if your wife really left you because BB went missing, you marriage was a pure fucking failure. Don't feed me horse shit and expect me to call it chocolate souffle.

June 15th, 2012: Update

I called the shelter and they had the manager call me back. She says that she explained to the previous owner that after 7 days the dog can be adopted out and that there's nothing they can do about it. He asked "So I'm not getting my dog back?"

and she told him, no and sincerely apologized. She advised me to walk another route and avoid going in front of his house. She also mentioned that they had checked all lost dog reports between December and February and found nothing. He claims his wife did report it so he's either lying or she never did a damn thing. Anyways, the manager feels like he won't pursue the matter any further but... we'll see how that goes.

1exotic 06-18-2012 07:59 PM

PJ 06-18-2012 08:03 PM

Nicely done.
You handled the situation very well, my man.

Really happy for you and your doggy.

jpark 06-18-2012 08:05 PM

the fuck is the guy on? its been 6 months and all the sudden now he thinks he found his dog? :facepalm:

Ronin 06-18-2012 08:07 PM

Good stuff. Fuck that guy.

If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'm sure if any problems arise, dog lovers here on RS would have your back.

TOPEC 06-18-2012 08:22 PM

this story is more epic than dr.mike vs the green hulk

how does bb look right now? any pics?

Lowered_Klass 06-18-2012 08:27 PM

This kind of shit pisses me off.

There is NO WAY you should have to endure any of this stress.

You went above any beyond what most people would have done, have cared for this dog, and gave him the proper home he deserves.

This has to feel like a kick in the balls :(

Any PROPER dog owner would turn their neighbourhood upside down as soon as they found out their dog was missing. This guy clearly didn't give a shit. So fuck him.

dinamix 06-18-2012 08:27 PM

finders keepers. losers weepers

TOPEC 06-18-2012 08:29 PM

oh and how did bb react when he saw the previous owner? if that was indeed the previous owner, there should be some reaction coming from bb?

Mr.HappySilp 06-18-2012 08:30 PM

LOL if someone tries to follow me home I would have call the cops and said someone very suspicious is following me and he look very dangerous.

Get the police on his case.

HondaGuy 06-18-2012 08:52 PM

Thumbs up for dealing this situation like a pro.

If anyone reads through all these facts and dates, and especially the time frame you've given for the "original owner" to locate his dog, there's no way he's allowed to have back his dog.

There were ample time, and he waits for now to say something.
He probably realizes now that his charm couldn't get his wife back so he thinks getting BB back now would be his final option.

With the Shelter even agreeing with you, there shouldn't be any problems legally. You did everything by the books.

But just in case, even in real estate, always have your papertrail ready. So if anything arises, all documents are ready. Hell, even print out RS complete thread to back yourself up, dates and times do not lie.
(But again, there's no need for legal issues anyways...just saying...:) )

PS: If you recall my previous post about me and my fiance finding a lost dog as well sometime ago, and luckily the dog had a tag, when I spoke to the owner on the phone, he had no idea their dog was gone. And they said the dog was playing in the yard early morning, and it was late evening when I found him. O well...

rsx 06-18-2012 09:23 PM

Glad all worked out for the best.

I had a similar incident with useless owners. A husky ran up to me and my dog late one night (12:00am ish) and had no tags. I figured the owner was somewhere near so just waited around, after a few smokes, I began to worry, we walked around the park and no one was around. Waited for at least an hour and half before some honger lady in a pj came out, she didn't even looked half concerned and mumbled something like "oh he always" runs

spoon.ek9 06-18-2012 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by TOPEC (Post 7951399)
this story is more epic than dr.mike vs the green hulk

how does bb look right now? any pics?

here's a cute one :D


Originally Posted by Spoon_Fed (Post 7951403)
This kind of shit pisses me off.

There is NO WAY you should have to endure any of this stress.

You went above any beyond what most people would have done, have cared for this dog, and gave him the proper home he deserves.

This has to feel like a kick in the balls :(

Any PROPER dog owner would turn their neighbourhood upside down as soon as they found out their dog was missing. This guy clearly didn't give a shit. So fuck him.

It is quite annoying that he knows where I live because who knows what this retard is capable of. Thankfully, he hasn't bothered us since that fateful day.


Originally Posted by TOPEC (Post 7951405)
oh and how did bb react when he saw the previous owner? if that was indeed the previous owner, there should be some reaction coming from bb?

Actually, BB barked at him (angrily). My biggest boy was barking too so he may have just been following suit. But, it makes me happier to think that BB hardly barks AT people so he treated this guy like an aggressive stranger. After awhile he just plopped down on the concrete and waited for me to finish talking so we could leave.


Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp (Post 7951407)
LOL if someone tries to follow me home I would have call the cops and said someone very suspicious is following me and he look very dangerous.

Get the police on his case.

I actually had my phone at the time of this incident but it didn't occur to me that I should call the police. I was also running out of time and had to be at work but I suppose they would have understood me being a bit late considering the circumstances. If this guy does anything else to disturb me or the dogs I will not hesitate to involve the RCMP.


Originally Posted by HondaGuy (Post 7951442)
Thumbs up for dealing this situation like a pro.

If anyone reads through all these facts and dates, and especially the time frame you've given for the "original owner" to locate his dog, there's no way he's allowed to have back his dog.

There were ample time, and he waits for now to say something.
He probably realizes now that his charm couldn't get his wife back so he thinks getting BB back now would be his final option.

With the Shelter even agreeing with you, there shouldn't be any problems legally. You did everything by the books.

But just in case, even in real estate, always have your papertrail ready. So if anything arises, all documents are ready. Hell, even print out RS complete thread to back yourself up, dates and times do not lie.
(But again, there's no need for legal issues anyways...just saying...:) )

PS: If you recall my previous post about me and my fiance finding a lost dog as well sometime ago, and luckily the dog had a tag, when I spoke to the owner on the phone, he had no idea their dog was gone. And they said the dog was playing in the yard early morning, and it was late evening when I found him. O well...

Yup, I tend to prepare for worst case scenarios rather than a "deal with it later" mentality. I also have a friend who is a lawyer and will seek advice should it be needed. Also, one of the main purposes of this thread (and the dated photos) was to keep a public record of everything since day one :)

CP.AR 06-18-2012 10:00 PM

I like how you stressed "with my bluetooth on" :troll:

anyways Spoon, this is for you

butter_sashimi 06-18-2012 10:11 PM

Do not let your dog roam in the front or back yard unsupervised under these current circumstances. Its easy for a guy to hop fences and snatch your dog.
High alert!

spoon.ek9 06-18-2012 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Amuro Ray (Post 7951514)
I like how you stressed "with my bluetooth on" :troll:

anyways Spoon, this is for you

I uhh.. learned the hard way :pokerface:


Originally Posted by butter_sashimi (Post 7951526)
Do not let your dog roam in the front or back yard unsupervised under these current circumstances. Its easy for a guy to hop fences and snatch your dog.
High alert!

Yep, I personally don't leave them in the backyard unsupervised. I'm usually outside with them. Also, my biggest boy would literally tear this guy a new one should he be stupid enough to hop the fence.

MaxinX 06-18-2012 10:38 PM

Might be a good idea to inform non emergency PD about it, so they have it on record, so if something does happen later on and they have to believe you or his story, they'll see how it came up to that point. Never hurts to let them know anyways.

Meowjin 06-18-2012 10:39 PM

what general area do you live in?

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