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spoon.ek9 06-18-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by MaxinX (Post 7951554)
Might be a good idea to inform non emergency PD about it, so they have it on record, so if something does happen later on and they have to believe you or his story, they'll see how it came up to that point. Never hurts to let them know anyways.

That's true. I could just talk to non-emergency and see what they say about it.


Originally Posted by Meowjin (Post 7951557)
what general area do you live in?

Southarm Area.

Meowjin 06-18-2012 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by spoon.ek9 (Post 7951568)
That's true. I could just talk to non-emergency and see what they say about it.

Southarm Area.

hm so around me. I'll be sure to keep an eye out!

BaoTurbo 06-18-2012 11:13 PM


Don't feed me horse shit and expect me to call it chocolate souffle.
This, made me LOL so hard.

BlackZRoadster 06-18-2012 11:23 PM

Spoon ek9... I applaud everything you have done!

From another animal lover!

spoon.ek9 06-19-2012 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Spoon_Fed (Post 7951403)
Any PROPER dog owner would turn their neighbourhood upside down as soon as they found out their dog was missing. This guy clearly didn't give a shit. So fuck him.

forgot to talk about this point. this is exactly what we were all saying (myself and friends on facebook). i literally live on the same street as this asshole and he's going to tell me he had signs up? bullshit. also, when all the dog owners don't recognize your dog, that's a clear sign that you never walk your dog. this guy just doesn't get it. he's a terrible dog owner and i shudder at the thought of him trying to raise another dog in his lifetime.

if ANY of my dogs were missing, i'd have signs up, i'd knock on every door. i'd also spend all my free time searching for the boys whether that be by foot or by car. it would kill me inside to think that my boys aren't safe at home under my supervision. this guy didn't make any attempt to locate this dog from January all the way to June for fuck's sake! argh..


Originally Posted by HondaGuy (Post 7951442)
He probably realizes now that his charm couldn't get his wife back so he thinks getting BB back now would be his final option.

missed this point too. we were all speculating why he might want the dog back (after so long) and this scenario did come up. we figured maybe he was going to use BB as a ploy to win his wife back. which, again, is another ignorant way to look at dogs. makes me rage just thinking what kind of selfish/retarded reasons he would want to take BB back for.


Originally Posted by BaoTurbo (Post 7951587)
This, made me LOL so hard.

haha you weren't the only one who mentioned this to me. guess i came up with a good one liner there :smug:

Meowjin 06-19-2012 12:29 AM

hey do you ever see another family walk their westie around that area? I wonder if they got approached by this same asshole. (family friends of mine)

spoon.ek9 06-19-2012 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Meowjin (Post 7951654)
hey do you ever see another family walk their westie around that area? I wonder if they got approached by this same asshole. (family friends of mine)

I think I've only seen one female westie owned by a nice caucasian (possibly european) woman.

seakrait 06-19-2012 05:37 PM

+1 on informing the police non-emergency if you ever feel threatened or fear for the safety of your home and pups.

I've seen people go crazy and do stupid things over much lesser things so please be careful and keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

spoon.ek9 06-21-2012 10:27 AM

^ it's been a week since it's happened now. he hasn't tried to contact me and i haven't seen any suspicious activity. like i said before, i'm hoping he has come to terms with this and simply lets it go. however, i have no guarantee that he won't ever try something in the future.

also, considering this dog was bought for his wife, she hasn't tried in any way, shape, or form to come see this dog. i'm not opposed to letting them visit him. in fact, it may be the best way to diffuse the situation so that i no longer have to worry about what may happen should i let my guard down. i know most of you guys are thinking "fuck this guy" and trust me, that's how i feel too but sometimes the best solution is a proactive one :lol

Porschedog 06-21-2012 11:36 AM

rs beatdown crew on that guy if he tries anything =D

Vansterdam 06-22-2012 05:28 PM

thought il post this here for a friend


Dog's Name: Tubbie
Breed: Chihuahua
Description: Colour: Mostly black with white chest, stomach and paws with brown markings all around and front left paw.
Size: About 8" tall
Weight: 5 lbs.
Personality: Timid and shakes a lot
Sex: Female (Spayed)
Age: 5
Location: W34th Ave & Mackenzie St
She was last seen at midnight of Friday, June 22nd, 2012. She escaped from home to look for the owner. Hence, she has no collar on.

REWARD: $300 +
If you have any information or have located her,

Please contact: (604)218-7203 or (604)762-2797
OR contact SPCA, City of Vancouver, your local vet, or any place of that accord.



spoon.ek9 07-05-2012 11:34 AM

Quick Update:

Went to the shelter today and happened to see the manager there. We talked about the previous owner and after I told her the sob story he gave me, she told me he had told her he was in the hospital and had lost the dog because of it. :rukidding: :fuckthatshit:

This guy is seriously retarded! We all shook our heads at how stupid this guy is thinking that he could lie his way into getting the dog back and also that he could give us completely different stories without us ever discussing it.

BaoTurbo 07-05-2012 12:20 PM

I think he is retarded because: Lost his dog+found his dog which was near his house all this time+makes up sob story about wife leaving him because lost dog but he is actually retarded+makes up story which ends up failing miserably because hes retarded+lost his dog for good in the end because hes retarded and didn't even take good care of his dog, yet retarded. Probably crying at home in his corner after that....

Cuz retarded LOL

edit: Bring him to the Summer meet man, come on I want to walk him around like he's my dog and get all the ladies to go "oh hes so cute" :)

Oh wait its a Meat. In that case nvm :troll:

No jk I love dogs anyways. Please sir :QQ:

SkinnyPupp 07-05-2012 07:18 PM

I was just reminded of this thread yesterday, as I am in a similar situation.

There are these 3 puppies that roam around our village.. Nobody here knew where they came from, and one of our neighbours actually took them in for a while. As it turns out they "belong" to someone in a neighbouring village. Unfortunately, they aren't taking very good care of them. They roam around wherever they want, and we live right by a busy road...

We saw the owners maid come get them once, but that's it. Anyway, the dogs are super friendly, but are in rough shape. They are covered in scars, and quite dirty. Yesterday we spent an hour picking ticks off them.. they each had at least 15-20 ticks all over their bodies, including one fucking HUGE one inside her ear... like this tick was the size of the end of your finger :heckno:

Anyway I'm not sure what to do... We did contact a housing shelter, but they said they don't do rescues, only abandonments. I guess we'll call SPCA, but the thing is the dogs aren't always around, and we can't really take them in...

This is a tough one for me... I would be pretty upset if someone took my dogs to the SPCA, but these people clearly arent' taking care of them at all... :okay:

I'll try to get a picture of them next time. 2 girls and 1 boy

Soundy 07-05-2012 07:28 PM

Put them on a plane to spoon.ek9

spoon.ek9 07-06-2012 12:18 AM

^ LOL I think I have enough dogs as is ;)

Skinny: I hope you can find a resolution for those pups. Some people just don't understand that these are lives (not possessions) they are dealing with. It's like BB's previous owner.. I didn't find his freaking scarf :rukidding: It's a life dammit!

Soundy 07-06-2012 05:06 AM

If I had a house with a yard, hell, I'd say put'em on a plane to ME :) The wife is constantly browsing rescue sites and wishing she could save them all... figures if we get something with a little land, we can apply for a Hobby Kennel license and start Mini-Mutts Rescue ;)

SkinnyPupp 07-06-2012 05:50 AM

I really wish we could take all three of them in, but we're not in the position to take in dogs right now. We'll do our best to take care of them when they come by, feeding them decent food, and ripping out all their ticks. I am guessing those tick medications are really expensive right?

spoon.ek9 07-06-2012 10:07 AM

Not sure about HK but i think it only costs around $20-$40 over here. It's been awhile since the last time I've done it for my boys so I can't remember the exact cost atm.

edit: Found out today it costs around $100-$120 but that's good enough for two large dogs or a bit more.

SkinnyPupp 07-08-2012 10:02 PM

They came back!

We think they escape when their "owners" neglect to feed them. I think one of our neighbors wants to take them in so we'll help him get them registered properly so he owns them legitimately

i-vtecyo 07-09-2012 12:40 AM

Hope they'll live a better life with the new owner if everything goes well. just reading this thread makes me want to hug my dog and never let him go. really sad how people do not give a shit or even have a heart for their own dogs. cant imagine how they'll treat their kids..

spoon.ek9 07-09-2012 12:49 AM

that's a cute pic! three small dogs aren't a whole lot of work really. especially if they get along to begin with.

SkinnyPupp 07-09-2012 01:09 AM

The girl on the left is the sweetest, most beta puppy you'll meet. The girl on the right is the least used to human interaction, but she loves us after we got rid of all her ticks. The boy at the top is a big sweetie. He loves belly rubs and loves to kiss your arm as you pet him. :tears:

SkinnyPupp 07-09-2012 03:42 AM

After talking to the neighbour, it looks like he wants to take in one of them (the sweet girl on the left). Unfortunately that doesn't help the other two, but I suppose it's better than nothing. All the villagers were swarming around gossiping, it was quite the sight. I hope the current "owners" give her up to him, and after that I hope we can convince him to take her in to get spayed and vaccinated. I'm pretty sure this can be done free? I hope so...

Prolowtone 07-09-2012 03:44 AM

Cute pups! Hope something works out and they wind up in good hands

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