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Retrac 01-14-2012 04:31 PM

I have more respect for a 17 year old with a beater that he earned compared to one with a newer luxury car that his parents bought him. Don't complain about things your getting for free.
Posted via RS Mobile

Suprarz666 01-14-2012 04:31 PM

If you're so worried about gas, you might as well make your dad pay for it too since hes paying for everything else.

Otherwise, deal with having a "shitty and basic" car.

triplexcel 01-14-2012 04:55 PM

with that budget, i suggest you get a civic si and do some minor suspension mods and then call it a day. that car is decent on gas if you compare it to other cars that run on 91 octane.

i drive a tsx and its not that good on gas lol. its a heavy car. plus insurance costs quite a bit ~$3000 if you just got your license recently.

since your gona be working at bestbuy or something related to that, your best bet is to get out of that "sport luxury" category and move it down a notch so atleast you'll have some money left over at the end of the month to go chill with your friends or something. Cars are nice, fun and all, but it aint cheap.

its also nice to do your own repairs/maintenance.

Retrac 01-14-2012 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by EUPHORiA1911 (Post 7760669)
I don't really have A job just yet but I will start around the summer maybe at Bestbuy or something...
Posted via RS Mobile

He has no job.
Posted via RS Mobile

<3 envee 01-14-2012 05:05 PM

Honestly if you're off to buying your first car, especially if your dad is buying it for you. I'd just get something cheap like a civic, integra or something along the line. You'll save your family a whole lot of money and use the money for something else. Buying the car is one thing, but insurance and gas is gonna be crazy considering how expensive gas is nowadays.

If you have the money to cover the maintenance, insurance and gas, then go ahead and get whatever you want. But to me, to be able to own a car already, especially for someone that's still going to school, that person should be happy. When you're a teenager, I know all you want is to get a car to show it off, but after awhile you just realize that a car is a car, the main purpose of it is to get to places; and of course being cheap at the same time.

EUPHORiA1911 01-14-2012 05:06 PM

Sorry guys, I didn't mean it like that.
I understand Hondas are great cars, but I need some extra features too like nav and AWD etc.
Hondas I was looking at don't seem to have them..... Not complaining, just saying.
Well i found that mini coopers seem fun? What do you guys think of that?
Thanks envee! That made a lot of sense. It's just that my parents want to reward me for working so hard..
Posted via RS Mobile

NLY 01-14-2012 05:08 PM

17 year old, No job, driving a luxury car bought from parents.

Do you have a faux hawk and a closet full of true religions?

EUPHORiA1911 01-14-2012 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by PeanutButter (Post 7760953)
17 year old, No job, driving a luxury car bought from parents.

Do you have a faux hawk and a closet full of true religions?

Umm. No, I'm trying to save money to pay for med school. l
Posted via RS Mobile

RL604 01-14-2012 05:13 PM

the tl-s is horrible on gas and insurance, but maintence is good. insurance is abt 3600 a year with full coverage with 20% discount on it

Wetordry 01-14-2012 05:18 PM

If ur going med school you'll need time to study, not a pt job to pay for gas and maintenance on a 25K car.

Save the headaches, take the bus, buy nice clothes, nice laptop, and tell your dad to pay for school instead of a car.

Posted via RS Mobile

EUPHORiA1911 01-14-2012 05:21 PM

^I understand, but I need a car atleast to go where I want when I want like public transit is too much of a hassle for me. And I also think that I want to mature as well, like I want to be independent and not live off my parents all the time that's why I want a job.

dlo 01-14-2012 05:22 PM

tsx and tl fuel consumption is kinda the same lol, my friend told me he gets around 375-400, im pretty close to that, but look at the horsepower difference and even the i4 to v6 difference..
navi? you can easily buy a tomtom and use that as navi... we're in vancouver, roads arent hard to find :lol

CharlieH 01-14-2012 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by EUPHORiA1911 (Post 7760957)
Umm. No, I'm trying to save money to pay for med school. l
Posted via RS Mobile

LOL come on man who are we kidding here. your parents are going to be paying for the car, insurance, gas and the med school. and even if you're supposedly paying for the gas out of your own pocket, it'll be coming out of your allowance anyways. stop trying to sound like you're some sort of responsible adult and just get a used 335/g37/a4 and be on your way already.

EUPHORiA1911 01-14-2012 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by CharlieH (Post 7761007)
LOL come on man who are we kidding here. your parents are going to be paying for the car, insurance, gas and the med school. and even if you're supposedly paying for the gas out of your own pocket, it'll be coming out of your allowance anyways. stop trying to sound like you're some sort of responsible adult and just get a used 335/g37/a4 and be on your way already.

Well its worth a try, I am trying to help myself too you know.. Its not like I want to live off my parents.. Whatever then, thanks for the help guys. :okay:

CharlieH 01-14-2012 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by EUPHORiA1911 (Post 7761008)
Well its worth a try, I am trying to help myself too you know.. Its not like I want to live off my parents.. Whatever then, thanks for the help guys. :okay:

i understand what you're saying but you're telling us that you're 17, and going to pay for maintenance, gas and med school with a potential job at bestbuy while you're going to school full time? sounds a little too optimistic to me. nobody wants to live off their parents forever but cmon, your parents clearly have the means to support you if they can buy you a $25000 car so why wouldn't they invest in your education? so cut the BS and just go buy your car lol.

LuHua 01-14-2012 06:18 PM

Haha...well you have tons of info from everyone already, just make a decision on your own now. Btw...that budget you have for a new car? That'll pay for med school...for one year. Yea, 20 grand a year. Tbh I'm not one to talk though, parents bought me a 23k car. I am paying for everything else though.

bloodline129 01-14-2012 06:30 PM

No matter what you buy u won't be happy with it for long since it didn't come
Earned from work... I bought a 03 350z in 08 for 23k on a bank loan for 5 years. All payed off now n I love the car and as unpractical it is I just can't see myself selling it cuz I earned it
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taylor192 01-14-2012 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by EUPHORiA1911 (Post 7759844)
Shit. I don't really know what is expensive or not for gas... What would you guys recommend then?

I'd recommend learning something about cars other than to open the door, turn the steering wheel and push the pedals.

EUPHORiA1911 01-14-2012 06:32 PM

bloodline thats exactly what i mean! Like i want to earn it, but whatever..
BTW I've been taking mechanics classes for 2 years now, I know enough about cars... Sorry, I don't cry about gas prices all the time..
Thanks guys... :)

bloodline129 01-14-2012 06:36 PM

If u worry about gas buy a diesel :) jetta diesels are the shit
Posted via RS Mobile

xilley 01-14-2012 06:37 PM

tsx or altima coupe

honestly even a 98 civic would he hot in Highschool, majority of kids dont even have a car

so a tsx or altima coupe would be pretty flashy already

taylor192 01-14-2012 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Wetordry (Post 7760965)
If ur going med school you'll need time to study, not a pt job to pay for gas and maintenance on a 25K car.

x a million

I was glad I didn't have to work during university, it allowed me more time to focus on school (and party) and my grades reflected that (top 3%).

I got more pussy when I had a bus pass. A car doesn't matter in university, having time and money to have beers at the pub does.

EUPHORiA1911 01-14-2012 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by bloodline129 (Post 7761053)
If u worry about gas buy a diesel :) jetta diesels are the shit
Posted via RS Mobile

Dude! I want one! I don't think the GLI trim comes in diesel....:okay:

Retrac 01-14-2012 06:48 PM

It's a good mentality to have where you want to earn everything yourself. However you have no job, looking at vehicles beyond your means. If you wanted the satisfaction of earning something and not living off your parents, buy a cheaper vehicle and be proud of yourself when you can say, 'I bought this on my own.' If not enjoy your parents help, thank them and don't be hypocritical about earning things yourself, med school or any other excuses.
Posted via RS Mobile

EUPHORiA1911 01-14-2012 06:54 PM

Well its not that I have no job, I quit my job working as a web designer because my parents thought i didn't need a job.... I could get back into it if i wanted.. Thanks though, appreciate the advice :)

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