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RL604 01-20-2012 10:15 AM

another accident thread
so yesterday about 8am i got into an accident, i dont know who is at fault right now. here is what happened anyways theres only 1 lane each way going north and south bound and basically this car was coming out of residential area trying to make a right turn to go north bound. i assume she thought it was safe to go so i guess she went for it and i had no choice but to slam into her vehicle or swerve onto on coming traffic and hit the other driver head on. no one was hurt. she did have a stop sign where she was coming out from. i was wondering who would be at fault for this? i pulled the car aside after incident and we exchanged information and both got on our ways, cops were not involved cause no one was hurt. i did have a witness that left his name and number.

see.lai 01-20-2012 10:17 AM

I may be wrong, but you stated that there was a stop sign. Isn't that her fault already?

Jgresch 01-20-2012 10:18 AM

she cut in front of you.. she is at fault. imo

XplicitLuder 01-20-2012 10:18 AM

you'd have the right of way im guessing as you were already on the street going north bound while she had to come out of a residential area. And obviously she blew the stop sign and didn't check both ways before going out or she would have seen you

AzNightmare 01-20-2012 10:21 AM

Whether she had stop sign or not, it's 100% her fault.
Because you're on the main road, and she's pulling out from residential area.

But since she did have a stop sign, there really is nothing more to this.
The only thing she can argue about is that you suddenly sped up (which you didn't right?), but she probably won't win with that anyway.

Plus you have a witness. I think you got this covered.

taylor192 01-20-2012 10:35 AM

She's 100% at fault unless:
- you hit her square in the rear, and
- you were travelling too fast for the conditions.

Most rear end accidents are 100% of the person that runs into the car, with the exception if the car infront pulled a manoeuvre that didn't reasonably leave you enough time to stop. Even if she pulls out infront of you, there is an expectation that you had time to slow down to avoid hitting her - so I hope you weren't speeding. Be very clear about how little stopping distance she left you.

If that is true, you did the right thing hitting her. If you pulled out and hit a car head on, it becomes 100% your fault, even if you were trying to avoid an accident. :(

Fafine 01-20-2012 10:39 AM

she had a stop sign. You didn't. That's means you have the right of way
Posted via RS Mobile

fishCak3s 01-20-2012 11:36 AM

Like everyone else said: she had a stop sign, and you have a witness. Her fault.

racerman88 01-20-2012 03:33 PM

she had the stop sign and you have a witness which is important

TheKingdom2000 01-20-2012 03:45 PM

how bad is the damage?

subordinate 01-20-2012 04:07 PM

Women Drivers :fuckthatshit:

RL604 01-24-2012 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by taylor192 (Post 7768642)
She's 100% at fault unless:
- you hit her square in the rear, and
- you were travelling too fast for the conditions.

Most rear end accidents are 100% of the person that runs into the car, with the exception if the car infront pulled a manoeuvre that didn't reasonably leave you enough time to stop. Even if she pulls out infront of you, there is an expectation that you had time to slow down to avoid hitting her - so I hope you weren't speeding. Be very clear about how little stopping distance she left you.

If that is true, you did the right thing hitting her. If you pulled out and hit a car head on, it becomes 100% your fault, even if you were trying to avoid an accident. :(

my passenger front end collided with her left driver front end actually. i just wanted to make sure who was at fault. i had no other choice at that time. i slammed on the brakes to slow down as much as i could before coming in contact with her. im just worried that the witness would change his story and some how it would end up on me instead. well thanks for the help guys.

GabAlmighty 01-24-2012 07:33 PM

Is it really that hard to figure out?

sindragon 01-24-2012 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by RL604 (Post 7773391)
my passenger front end collided with her left driver front end actually. i just wanted to make sure who was at fault. i had no other choice at that time. i slammed on the brakes to slow down as much as i could before coming in contact with her. im just worried that the witness would change his story and some how it would end up on me instead. well thanks for the help guys.

rofl this makes it even more her fault :lawl:

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