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The_AK 01-24-2012 11:53 PM

McDonalds Marketing Twitter fail
"One time I walked into McDonalds and I could smell Type 2 diabetes floating in the air and I threw up. #McDStories"

"Eating a Quarter Pounder value meal makes me feel exactly the same as an hour of violent weeping. #McDStories"

check #McDStories on twitter

more info here

McDonald's Twitter Marketing Turns into Disgusting Customer Revolt

Sky_High 01-25-2012 12:01 AM

#McDStories Working drive-thru shift as a teenager. Arch Deluxe fell off the conveyor belt onto the floor. Re-wrapped it and sent it out.

#mcdstories My dad ate there, pulled off the road, puked violently in empty cooler.Hasn't been back since. I was 7. Thanks for that memory

#McDstories When I was 16 with only a couple of GCSE exams under my belt, I was turned down for a job at McD because I was "overqualified"!

Jgresch 01-25-2012 12:25 AM

craving mcdonalds now... damn

spideyv2 01-25-2012 12:32 AM

inb4 skinnypupp locks thread


Okami 01-25-2012 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by jayare604 (Post 7773929)
inb4 skinnypupp locks thread


why would he? mcdonalds is healthy :fullofwin:

sindragon 01-25-2012 02:04 AM

inb4 we all go to mcdicks because of this... fuck 3 am and i am craving!

Gerbs 01-25-2012 02:39 AM

i just got a double filet and fries :fuckyea: no long craving
Posted via RS Mobile

DanHibiki 01-25-2012 02:41 AM

lol this is hilarious

AzNightmare 01-25-2012 02:59 AM

It's lame. Bashing McD is like some kind of fad or something.

But McD's like :fuckthatshit:

Billion dollar corporation.
You think a few twitter posts, a bunch of documentary videos, movies, etc
are going to stop anyone from going??

The only people that don't go to McD's are those that never went in the first place.
These stories aren't changing anyone's opinon.

Only reason McD's always in the spotlight is because they are #1 at the top of fast food restaurants.
Naturally, everyone wants to take down first place.

SkinnyPupp 01-25-2012 03:14 AM

It is mind-boggling to me that somehow the BRAND of a food makes it bad for you, rather than the STUPID CHOICES people make in what they eat. Talk about a cop out! :fulloffuck:

yot065 01-25-2012 07:18 AM bah dah bAh bah bah

7seven 01-25-2012 08:36 AM

What's really mind boggling to me is all these idiots that bash McDonalds for being "unhealthy" but continually eat at these Hong Kong style cafes. :facepalm:

sonick 01-25-2012 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by 7seven (Post 7774064)
What's really mind boggling to me is all these idiots that bash McDonalds for being "unhealthy" but continually eat at these Hong Kong style cafes. :facepalm:

Pan fried chicken steak with black peppercorn sauce :sweetjesus:

The_AK 01-25-2012 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by AzNightmare (Post 7773990)
The only people that don't go to McD's are those that never went in the first place.
These stories aren't changing anyone's opinon.

Not necessarily true, some people that were thinking mcdonalds earlier might be deterred from going. Although that might be the case and the result is negative comments regarding the brand, I think it does a great job in creating awareness and maybe that's all they need for more sales.

With that in mind, if a large group of people start posting anti-mcdonalds videos that show people where the food comes from etc. etc. while using the hashtag, then I think that might be small threat.

AAnthony 01-25-2012 10:02 AM


donjalapeno 01-25-2012 10:08 AM

Having a angus deluxe and chicken nuggets for lunch....bratttatatst

Gridlock 01-25-2012 10:12 AM

If 'Super Size Me' didn't slow McD's down, then twitter isn't going to do it.

taylor192 01-25-2012 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by AzNightmare (Post 7773990)
The only people that don't go to McD's are those that never went in the first place.

Exactly. I know its not healthy, and sometimes I feel like crap after eating it just like I feel like crap when I eat too much junk food - yet the rest of the time it sure tastes good! Nuggets + sweet/sour sauce == happiness!

taylor192 01-25-2012 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by AAnthony (Post 7774135)
saw this on my FB feed

"What does this picture tell you? My doctor has had this "processed food" on her counter ever since 2010 and 2011 respectively. I asked her why she had it out, she stated "to show people what they are putting into their bodies". This is man-made "processed food", not real food. Over time real food will decay, grow mold and produce a decomposing odor. This "processed food" has not done any of that, matter of fact it has kept it's original size, shape and texture. Your body has to work harder to breakdown and digest this stuff over real food. Since I've seen this, I have not had any fast food. #tyingtolivebetterin2012"

That myth has been debunked. Don;'t believe crap you read on FB posted by hippies.

The Burger Lab: Revisiting the Myth of The 12-Year Old McDonald's Burger That Just Won't Rot (Testing Results!) | A Hamburger Today

InvisibleSoul 01-25-2012 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by AAnthony (Post 7774135)
saw this on my FB feed

"What does this picture tell you? My doctor has had this "processed food" on her counter ever since 2010 and 2011 respectively. I asked her why she had it out, she stated "to show people what they are putting into their bodies". This is man-made "processed food", not real food. Over time real food will decay, grow mold and produce a decomposing odor. This "processed food" has not done any of that, matter of fact it has kept it's original size, shape and texture. Your body has to work harder to breakdown and digest this stuff over real food. Since I've seen this, I have not had any fast food. #tyingtolivebetterin2012"

The burger that does not rot… or does it? « theloonyrunner

donjalapeno 01-25-2012 10:32 AM

Best way to look at it


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

It's as bad as any of the processed food we all eat. Unless you eat non-cooked raw food all the time, you are eating processed food. Mc Donald's beef is real beef, their chicken is real chicken, their fries are from real potatoes. There are a lot of false rumors out there about Mc Donald's. The bun gives you B vitamins, the meat gives you protein, the cheese gives you calcium, the lettuce and tomato give you Vitamin A and C, the oil gives you Vitamin E. Anyone can survive off Mc Donald's but food that is cooked at high temperatures makes certain chemicals... (oxidization is thought to help cause cancer) but that can be said of cooking any food, even homemade food at high temperatures. Raw food is the only way to have clean unprocessed stuff, but it is still full of pesticides which cause cancer, and even if you get organic raw food, you don't know forsure that it's organic, and the pollution absorbed in the food will kill you anyway. It's a lose-lose situation. This world is messed up. There is only one person who can help us.
3 years ago Report Abuse

iwantaskyline 01-25-2012 10:50 AM

Just had a vanilla ice cream in a cup w/ crunched up apple pie in it.


dachinesedude 01-25-2012 11:20 AM

I know some people who eat a ton nuggets to get in "protein", no joke
Posted via RS Mobile

falcon 01-25-2012 11:29 AM

You guys do realize that McDonalds USA and McDonalds in Canada are COMPLETELY different, right? I eat once in a while at McD's in Canada, however I will never step into a US store again in my life.

spyker 01-25-2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by falcon (Post 7774229)
You guys do realize that McDonalds USA and McDonalds in Canada are COMPLETELY different, right? I eat once in a while at McD's in Canada, however I will never step into a US store again in my life.

100% true.

I will never eat at a American McDonalds again....fucking disgusting.After I ate a combo meal,I felt like I wanted to puke,never have I ever had that feeling eating McD's ever.It was just not me either,the people I was with who also ate there,felt the same way too.

Shit even their ice cream tastes different,they must use goat's milk or something.

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