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Yes, pay and house to feed them. What's the alternative? Ship them out and say "It's OK to kill someone in Canada - the worst that will happen is we'll send you back to your own country". That tells other people with similar beliefs that they can commit murder and get away with it.
We're fucked up? So maybe we should bring back executions even though it's been proven the death penalty has no effect on crime reduction. And forget about appeals or legal proceedings - let's execute immediately after the trial is over. And we execute a few innocent people along the way it's perfectly OK - as long as most of them were bad.
Make em dig ditches and other such menial manual labour and then allow me to drive by and throw tomatoes at them and laugh and point at.
And atleast with executions you're cleaning the gene pool and helping with over population
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Originally Posted by achiam
Yup. We're going to pay $100,000/year each to house them for life. All of us taxpayers. In China they execute the same day, and charge the guilty party's family for the bullet. Fact.
The fucked up country we live in.
they've got camps for lifers in china too who commit murder
Don't expect CNN to concentrate on those things or the fact that the religion was the reason they were murdered. They must have missed all that court testimony and even the judge's remarks.
so the american media is really digging this story....another reason for them to hate Islam.
Don't think they hate Islam, just the way the religion is being used for political purposes by some people and the lack of condemnation within the religion for those that twist it to their purposes. As far as hate crimes go in the US, the jews are way more victimised than Islam. Did a quick search of stats to see who the real hate crime victims are in the US.
Religious bias
Of the 1,552 victims of an anti-religion hate crime:
■67.0 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
■12.7 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
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^^^ would be interesting to see the percentage of crimes against Sikhs as there's been a lot of news regarding hate crimes towards them in the USA since 9/11 as they're mistaken for muslims
there's a sikh organization in the states called SALDEF which suggest the "true" number of hate crimes is likely 15X what is reported by the FBI when it comes to sikhs & muslims (back in 2005 it was listed as 800 incidents) as most incidents go unreported or aren't classified as hate crimes
Don't think they hate Islam, just the way the religion is being used for political purposes by some people and the lack of condemnation within the religion for those that twist it to their purposes.
a popular talking point by bigots like pamela geller eve though she's been consistently proven wrong her and others like to continue to use it
The Shafias will appeal their first-degree murder convictions based on what their lawyers consider prejudicial evidence presented at their trial.
Hamed Shafia’s lawyer, Patrick McCann, has already filed application with the Ontario Court of Appeal on behalf of his client and told CBC the other two lawyers involved with the case will likely do the same.
“He is quite determined to pursue it and continue the fight, so to speak,” McCann said Tuesday.
Lawyer Patrick McCann says his client is determined to appeal his first-degree murder conviction. Lawyer Patrick McCann says his client is determined to appeal his first-degree murder conviction. (Lorian Belanger/Radio-Canada)
Echoing reports made in his closing arguments in the trial, the Ottawa-based lawyer said statements from the victims made to their boyfriends and teachers, who testified in court, represented hearsay evidence and should not have been heard by the jury.
“They’re reporting what someone else has said,” McCann said. “That evidence is fundamentally inadmissible and normally inadmissible. It’s only in somewhat exceptional circumstances that it gets admitted.… It requires some great care in assessing that kind of evidence before it should go in.”
On Sunday, the seven women and five men on the jury convicted Hamed Shafia, 21, his mother Tooba Yahya, 42, and his father, Mohammad Shafia, 59, on four counts each of first-degree murder.
They were handed automatic life sentences with no chance of parole for at least 25 years.
The victims, Zainab, 19, Sahar, 17, and Geeti Shafia, 13, and Rona Amir, 50, were found dead in a car submerged in the Kingston Mills lock in June 2009.
The jury found the Shafias guilty of planning, killing and covering up the murders in an attempt to restore family honour in the wake of alleged betrayals and inappropriate behaviour of the women.
In addition to the hearsay evidence, McCann pointed to an expert in "honour killings" called by the Crown as another basis for appeal.
University of Toronto professor Shahrzad Mojab testified in court about so-called honour-killings and how the utterings of the Shafias, captured on wiretaps, are consistent with the notion of them she found in her research.
She told the court that when family honour is threatened, it is acceptable and expected in some cultures that a male family member could kill a relative.
The defence argued in its closing arguments that Mojab hadn’t done any fieldwork in Afghanistan and her observations were biased.
“The fact that the witness herself acknowledging having an agenda, had devoted her life to a very worthy cause, no doubt, eradicating patriarchy throughout the world, but it tends to colour the evidence,” he said.
Calls to the Ontario Attorney General’s Office regarding appeals were not immediately returned.
So in Afghanistan when they murder famliy members because their religion tells them to do so if they 'dishonour" the family, what do they call it?
An honor killing, or honour killing[1] (also: honor murder[2][3]) is the homicide of a member of a family or social group by other members, due to the belief of the perpetrators that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family or community. Honor killings are directed mostly against women and girls, but have been extended to men.
The perceived dishonor is normally the result of one of the following behaviors, or the suspicion of such behaviors: dressing in a manner unacceptable to the family or community, wanting to terminate or prevent an arranged marriage or desiring to marry by own choice, especially if to a member of a social group deemed inappropriate, engaging in heterosexual acts outside marriage and engaging in homosexual acts. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees state that "claims made by LGBT persons often reveal exposure to physical and sexual violence, extended periods of detention, medical abuse, threat of execution and honour killing."[4]
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that perhaps as many as 5,000 women and girls a year are killed by members of their own families.[5] Many women's groups in the Middle East and Southwest Asia suspect the number of victims is about four times greater.[6]
^^^ would be interesting to see the percentage of crimes against Sikhs as there's been a lot of news regarding hate crimes towards them in the USA since 9/11 as they're mistaken for muslims
there's a sikh organization in the states called SALDEF which suggest the "true" number of hate crimes is likely 15X what is reported by the FBI when it comes to sikhs & muslims (back in 2005 it was listed as 800 incidents) as most incidents go unreported or aren't classified as hate crimes SALDEF
i guess it doesnt help their community when networks show scenes of sikhs when speaking of terrorists/al-qaeda etc Monitoring the Media for You « SALDEF
a popular talking point by bigots like pamela geller eve though she's been consistently proven wrong her and others like to continue to use it
When Canadian Islamists feel the need to condemn the murder of women in their community, our response should not be, "aren't you wonderfully progressive!," it should be: "What the hell is wrong with a culture that needs to say that in the first place?"
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When Canadian Islamists feel the need to condemn the murder of women in their community, our response should not be, "aren't you wonderfully progressive!," it should be: "What the hell is wrong with a culture that needs to say that in the first place?"
hmmm so they're damned by you that they don't speak out against things like this and they're damned when they do.... (rofl omg you're quoting me Pamela Geller)
and the quote blurs the line of religion and culture; religion is simply a facet of culture it doesnt embody it
there are afghan tribes that still enjoy pedophilia (the us military was providing children to them when negotiating) as its some fucked up tribal thing thats existed for milllenia its something the Taliban was putting a stop to when america was helping them
you dont hear about exactly hear of honour killings in the worlds largest muslim community (china/indonesia) where even interfaith marriages are plenty and generally accepted amongst the public and government although there are hardliners who are against it (as there are everywhere) Australia did a study on this google "refugee review tribunal" edit: ah heres the link and to a specific article
orthodox christians perform honour killings too (we had a discussion in the past could search it up if you want) the orthodoxy that dwell/originate in the middle east
honour killings have long been associated with Tribal cultures of the Middle East and South Asia its only when the US media started attacking Muslims that it became a "muslim thing"
its interesting to see that you're continuing to support your bigotry though im done
Make em dig ditches and other such menial manual labour and then allow me to drive by and throw tomatoes at them and laugh and point at.
And atleast with executions you're cleaning the gene pool and helping with over population
I'm not totally for the death penalty either -- I would only support it for cases where the guilt is ridiculously proven e.g. serial killers, gangsters, etc etc.
The correction system though, is truly a joke -- I had a stupid friend from high school get busted for bringing drugs into Washington State and was served time in California before being transferred to Canada.
He would write many of us and brag about how he had a free gym, library, magazines, ping pong rooms -- seriously wtf? Life in there was even better than his real life on the outside.
For career drug offenders, thieves, and other scum, I'd lock them away forever but not in a prison -- I'd build forced labor camps where they work for food and produce goods to be used by society.
In Canada, they'd be forced to build shit Canadians use. Like crap you find in a Canadian Tire or something.
I want the person(s) in the immigration dept, who let these savages into the country locked up. You get out & take your peverted ideals with you. We have enough crazy's here all ready. Close the border to anyone with fantastical beliefs and by fantastical beliefs I mean any form of religion. Sorry to you thumpers reading this but your kind is of a dying breed no matter what you believe.
honour killings have long been associated with Tribal cultures of the Middle East and South Asia its only when the US media started attacking Muslims that it became a "muslim thing"
its interesting to see that you're continuing to support your bigotry though im done
to your post
is zulu really a cop ? not saying he is, but quite a few of his posts are on the level of some of revscene's douchebags... that last post of has a strong scent of ignorance sprinkled with islamophobia....
the reason the Islamic community there actually even had to speak out was because they KNEW there are simpleton ignoramuses like zulu out there who were gonna take the events the wrong way and place blame in the wrong place
__________________ (oO:::\___/:::Oo) (DPE-wheels) // Satin Cocaine White
So in Afghanistan when they murder famliy members because their religion tells them to do so...
Hey, this will sound weird but were you by any chance dropped on the head as a child?
I ask because you're stupid.
The only ocean creature you can call yourself is the giant squid. He's the destroyer of ships, and the eater of seamen. At least you share one of those traits. -Hypa
mixed girls that look predominatly asian with subtle caucasian features=what i'd give my left nut for -6chr0nic4
But I love fantastic things lol. Maybe you mean "fanatical"
Originally Posted by minoru_tanaka
Yea if it's fantastic, I would like to hear it too
Fantastical is a word that is used in english and no I don't mean fanatical ( Obsessively concerned with something). Definition C is what I was going for but all apply to religion.
Free online dictionary:
fan·tas·tic (fn-tstk) also fan·tas·ti·cal (-t-kl)
1. Quaint or strange in form, conception, or appearance.
a. Unrestrainedly fanciful; extravagant: fantastic hopes.
b. Bizarre, as in form or appearance; strange: fantastic attire; fantastic behavior.
c. Based on or existing only in fantasy; unreal: fantastic ideas about her own superiority.
3. Wonderful or superb; remarkable: a fantastic trip to Europe.
Have fun losing an esl battle. Sorry for the stereo type there but whatever
Fantastical is a word that is used in english and no I don't mean fanatical ( Obsessively concerned with something). Definition C is what I was going for but all apply to religion.
Free online dictionary:
fan·tas·tic (fn-tstk) also fan·tas·ti·cal (-t-kl)
1. Quaint or strange in form, conception, or appearance.
a. Unrestrainedly fanciful; extravagant: fantastic hopes.
b. Bizarre, as in form or appearance; strange: fantastic attire; fantastic behavior.
c. Based on or existing only in fantasy; unreal: fantastic ideas about her own superiority.
3. Wonderful or superb; remarkable: a fantastic trip to Europe.
Have fun losing an esl battle. Sorry for the stereo type there but whatever
Definition C. You're using the word in the context of "fantasy"? That's pretty much every religion, and you're pretty much making atheism a requirement for immigration if we get down into semantics of your verbage if you would like to take it that far.
I believe you were looking for "fanatic." The word most commonly used and appropriate for the certain situation at hand. People who not only believe but practice their ideology to extremism. Which is what is true with this case.
"Definition C. You're using the word in the context of "fantasy"? That's pretty much every religion, and you're pretty much making atheism a requirement for immigration if we get down into semantics of your verbage if you would like to take it that far." -Noir
"We have enough crazy's here all ready. Close the border to anyone with fantastical beliefs and by fantastical beliefs I mean any form of religion" -impulse777
He clearly defined what meant by fantastical beliefs by stating that any form of religion qualifies. You might think his choice of word is peculiar, but his diction is correct.
and to Noir, where does this come from? just curious.
I believe you were looking for "fanatic." The word most commonly used and appropriate for the certain situation at hand. People who not only believe but practice their ideology to extremism. Which is what is true with this case.
Last edited by noventa; 02-11-2012 at 06:31 PM.
Reason: for clarity