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dinosaur 01-29-2012 10:56 AM

Honour Killings
Pretty fucked up case...

Global News | Jury convicts 3 Shafia family members of first degree murder

Wonder that type of sentence they will get.

taylor192 01-29-2012 11:11 AM

I hope this sends a message to those protesting for Sharia (aka Islamic) law in Canada. While many claim honour killings are not part of Sharia law, Sharia law does not treat men and women equal and these killings to happen by those with extreme interpretations of Islamic law.

I'm glad the judge put it this way:

your completely twisted concept of honour...that has absolutely no place in any civilized society

spyker 01-29-2012 11:12 AM

Hope these 3 enjoy their honour rapings in jail,along with a healthy serving of 3 square meals of dick in the mouth.

lowside67 01-29-2012 11:35 AM

It is about time. For once, Canada has actually squashed the nonsensical fanaticism imported by some extremist immigrants. It's not okay in Afghanistan and it's not okay here. Neither I, nor our country, condones the death penalty, yet, I could not think of a set of more deserving recipients than this family.


TMT 01-29-2012 12:07 PM

fucking fucked up fuckers

Presto 01-29-2012 12:17 PM

Murder one is the only way it should've gone down. I was reading some "notable" quotes from the trial. Some chilling stuff in there:


lowside67 01-29-2012 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by dinosaur (Post 7778523)
Wonder that type of sentence they will get.

1st degree murder = automatic life in prison, minimum 25 years before parole.


JDął 01-29-2012 01:35 PM

As I stated in the other thread on this trial, please deport these pieces of shit out of my country. Their citizenship (if they even have it) and all Canadian immigration status should be revoked. They can go serve their life sentences in the shitty country they emigrated from. Fuck them.

RacingMetro92 01-29-2012 02:17 PM

I still can't believe the first words out of his mouth were "We did not commit a murder and this is unjust."

Does he not get it? The evidence is RIGHT THERE.What a sick bastard, I hope they put him away for a very long time.

nsmb 01-29-2012 02:22 PM

religion of peace

taylor192 01-29-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by JDął (Post 7778682)
As I stated in the other thread on this trial, please deport these pieces of shit out of my country. Their citizenship (if they even have it) and all Canadian immigration status should be revoked. They can go serve their life sentences in the shitty country they emigrated from. Fuck them.

Likely they'd get a slap on the wrist or nothing at all in their home country.

Lock'em up here to serve their punishment, then deport them.

dangonay 01-29-2012 03:04 PM

^ This. Make them serve their punishment, and as a finale send them away when they're done.

Manic! 01-29-2012 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Form>Function (Post 7778727)
I still can't believe the first words out of his mouth were "We did not commit a murder and this is unjust."

Does he not get it? The evidence is RIGHT THERE.What a sick bastard, I hope they put him away for a very long time.

What do you want him to say, I did it throw me in jail?

Anjew 01-29-2012 03:30 PM

well they just killed 3 people in a nation that does not support their extreme ideas. they should have known that they would have been sent to jail.

that alone explains a lot into what kind of people they are and how they operate mentally

GLOW 01-29-2012 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by spyker (Post 7778544)
Hope these 3 enjoy their honour rapings in jail,along with a healthy serving of 3 square meals of dick in the mouth.

we can only hope

StylinRed 01-29-2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by nsmb (Post 7778733)
religion on peace

sharia law isn't a part of the religion; it was the desert culture that used the religion to support their ideals on the rule of law so they nitpick and bend what they can to have their way

its like a get out of jail free card to those in power they say "oh its sharia" so you cant protest because people there equate sharia to their bible even though it isnt

also each country has their own version of sharia law; since its not like the quran thats set in stone so to speak; each culture or despot or nation has their own rule of law and they plaster "sharia" over it as a means to prevent protest

it has nothing to do with the religion it has everything to do with politicians trying to get their way and warping religion to get it (like evangelicals wanting to go to war or evangelicals wanting to make muslims seem completely crazy)

back on topic im glad the jury finally came to a conclusion i was getting concerned there, fucking disgusting crime they should get some saudi sharia justice (saudi sharia is unbelievably cruel)

GabAlmighty 01-29-2012 04:01 PM

Don't need retards like this in Canada, get rid of em.


Originally Posted by dangonay (Post 7778782)
^ This. Make them serve their punishment, and as a finale send them away when they're done.

So pay to feed and house them?

achiam 01-29-2012 04:24 PM

Yup. We're going to pay $100,000/year each to house them for life. All of us taxpayers. In China they execute the same day, and charge the guilty party's family for the bullet. Fact.

The fucked up country we live in.

Manic! 01-29-2012 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by achiam (Post 7778879)
Yup. We're going to pay $100,000/year each to house them for life. All of us taxpayers. In China they execute the same day, and charge the guilty party's family for the bullet. Fact.

The fucked up country we live in.

And China's a awesome country way better than Canada.

The7even 01-29-2012 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by StylinRed (Post 7778852)
sharia law isn't a part of the religion; it was the desert culture that used the religion to support there ideals on the rule of law so they nitpick and bend what they can to have their way

its like a get out of jail free card to those in power they say "oh its sharia" so you cant protest because people there equate sharia to their bible even though it isnt

also each country has their own version of sharia law; since its not like the quran thats set in stone so to speak; each culture or despot or nation has their own rule of law and they plaster "sharia" over it as a means to prevent protest

it has nothing to do with the religion it has everything to do with politicians trying to get their way and warping religion to get it (like evangelicals wanting to go to war or evangelicals wanting to make muslims seem completely crazy)

back on topic im glad the jury finally came to a conclusion i was getting concerned there, fucking disgusting crime they should get some saudi sharia justice (saudi sharia is unbelievably cruel)

Glad you brought that up. It's why I'm no longer a Sunni or Shia Muslim.

Sorry, stoning for adultery, punishing homosexuality in any sort of way, murder for apostasy and other stupid shit is not something I can believe in.

It's why I only Follow the Koran it self.
But this shit is so ingrained into their culture that for those who don't know better will think "hey, that's Islam" when in fact, it's not. It's actually the opposite.

sindragon 01-29-2012 05:09 PM

anyone give quick notes on what they done in point form?

G-spec 01-29-2012 05:12 PM

there was already a thread on this exact thing where we all had a fairly civil and informative discussion, why was this one created, maybe a thread merge is in order ?

But like I said in the other thread, simply put there really isn't a need to bring religion into this, these honor killings are tribal customs of these regions going way back long before Islam even came to the lands.

dinosaur 01-29-2012 07:21 PM

^ I thought I had seen the thread, but when I searched for it, I could not find it. Sorry.

I did not necessarily intend for this thread to be about religion/belief structure/cultural ideals, but merely a thread pointing out that the trial had finally ended and a ruling had finally been made. It seems to be a rare occurrence (I could be very wrong) that a person (or persons, in this case) are actually tried and convicted for first degree murder.

This got a little bit of attention when it first happened, but it had kind of fallen under the radar out here as opposed to back east. I had personally totally forgot about it until the last couple days.

Also, I just want to add that I think this thread has remained civil so far...

GabAlmighty 01-29-2012 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by dinosaur (Post 7779053)
^ I thought I had seen the thread, but when I searched for it, I could not find it. Sorry.

I did not necessarily intend for this thread to be about religion/belief structure/cultural ideals, but merely a thread pointing out that the trial had finally ended and a ruling had finally been made. It seems to be a rare occurrence (I could be very wrong) that a person (or persons, in this case) are actually tried and convicted for first degree murder.

Surely you're joking

dangonay 01-29-2012 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by GabAlmighty (Post 7778860)
Don't need retards like this in Canada, get rid of em.

So pay to feed and house them?


Originally Posted by achiam (Post 7778879)
Yup. We're going to pay $100,000/year each to house them for life. All of us taxpayers. In China they execute the same day, and charge the guilty party's family for the bullet. Fact.

The fucked up country we live in.

Yes, pay and house to feed them. What's the alternative? Ship them out and say "It's OK to kill someone in Canada - the worst that will happen is we'll send you back to your own country". That tells other people with similar beliefs that they can commit murder and get away with it.

We're fucked up? So maybe we should bring back executions even though it's been proven the death penalty has no effect on crime reduction. And forget about appeals or legal proceedings - let's execute immediately after the trial is over. And we execute a few innocent people along the way it's perfectly OK - as long as most of them were bad.

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