IMO this has to go and never come back as well:
G-spec, that's a nice history lesson there and I agree with a lot of what is in there. But you can't say something is not a fad here just because it existed since the 80's in other parts of the world. Why did it take so long to become popular in North America? Things become a 'scene' and fad when they carry the momentum of bandwagoners and noobs, who throw their money to stimulate that economy and scene. Stance as a scene will go out of style just like bodykits did, but there will always be people who will continue to stance out their cars just like how there will always be people who will continue to run kits on their cars.
The S15 you posted can just as easily pass as a F&F car if it was painted a bright colour and plastered with stickers and vinyl all over. You can take that cleanly kitted and fitted S15 to the extreme of the Civic you posted of course, so maybe F&F cars never really went away, they just evolved into stanced cars of today? I'm half joking
That's just my outside opinion on the scene. I may be wrong and stance will remain popular until I'm 50. But maybe F&F kitted cars will make a comeback somewhere in there too. Who knows.