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dlo 04-11-2012 10:56 AM

The Weeknd May 12th!!!
The Weeknd Announces North American Tour, Heads to Vancouver • News •

His first ever tour!!! anyones excited?!?! i know i am :fuckyea: tics coming out tmr

Vansterdam 04-11-2012 12:05 PM

wouldof been sick if drake was there too some of dat OVO XO SHITTTTT

dlo 04-11-2012 12:52 PM

having his first tour and dropping by van is good enough :fuckyeah:

rocksforsale 04-11-2012 03:10 PM


Vansterdam 04-11-2012 04:55 PM

Onsale to General Public
Start: Thu, 04/12/12 10:00 AM PDT

ws6ta 04-12-2012 09:08 AM

can't wait! got my tickets :D

Powerslide 04-12-2012 09:13 AM

got mine too. hope the show is good!

edit: wow they sold out fast

Ilagon 04-12-2012 09:15 AM

I got 4! My friend tried getting some right at 10 am too but was sold out quick!

exdee 04-12-2012 09:46 AM

fuck i was doing it right at 10 sold out...

JSilver 04-12-2012 10:00 AM


dlo 04-12-2012 10:15 AM

just woke up...
note to scalpers, fuck you and suck my fucking dick -.- prices will drop sooner or later..

miss_crayon 04-12-2012 10:18 AM

Choked! Gf was on livenation right at 10 and nothing. Half of ticket sales probably went to scalpers or people that don't even care about the Weeknd. :'(

mike313 04-12-2012 10:26 AM

Tired getting tickets also, damn sold out so fast =/ hope he does a second show

Ilagon 04-12-2012 11:17 AM

My friend ended up getting 4. At first, it said no more tickets were available and he just kept trying and was able to purchase them.

miss_crayon 04-12-2012 11:32 AM

According to Vancity Buzz they only released 1000 tickets. Believable since it's such a small venue..but MAN! We even tried Seattle and still no luck. :( least my gf gets to see him at Coachella...

rocksforsale 04-12-2012 12:32 PM

wow sold out online in less than a minute.. what happened there?

dlo 04-12-2012 12:48 PM

theres rumours of a 2nd show........... if so, AHHAHA FUCK U SCALPERS SUCK MY BALLS

exdee 04-12-2012 01:13 PM

thats why i said you shoulda posted it after the tickets were released so we get them first :(

dlo 04-12-2012 01:26 PM

yeah revscene is the reason why it sold out :rukidding: i never expected this to happen but :facepalm:

ShanghaiKid 04-15-2012 12:00 AM


LC21 04-15-2012 12:07 AM

Im pretty sure half the people dont even know half his songs. HYPED.

dlo 04-15-2012 12:12 AM

Lol half the ppl will know him for ovo xo that's about it smh -_- echo of silence/thursday/house of balloons motherfuckas!!!

Ilagon 04-15-2012 10:31 PM

Youtube streamed his Coachella performance today. Makes me more hyped for a smaller setting like the Commodore!

exdee 04-15-2012 11:42 PM

smaller settin with all the girls grindin and shiett cause yanno the weeknd makes the ladie's panties get wet

dlo 04-15-2012 11:46 PM

Anyone know the tracklist he played at coachella??

theres the video, iunno why i cant emb it lol theres alsos dr dre's & snoop, frank oceans!!

edit: fuck he played outside than in the morning.......... sweet jesus

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