Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events The off-topic forum for Vancouver, funnies, non-auto centered discussions, WORK SAFE. While the rules are more relaxed here, there are still rules. Please refer to sticky thread in this forum. |  | |
04-17-2012, 04:52 PM
#76 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
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Wait a minute, WAIT ONE MINUTE...
You DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT allow or tolerate any street racing act in your group, but yet the MAIN admin Mr.Street Ricer Chevy blast through traffic, taunting people have a fun DRAG.. not race.. a DRAG on the hwy.. and that is acceptable?
shieeet.. time to start my own group.
Make my own rules
Break the shit outta those rules
*puts on glasses*
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04-17-2012, 04:59 PM
#77 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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Perhaps you should choose your mods and admin more wisely- people who will stand up for what's right/wrong, and represent the forum in a way that promotes these things you speak of.
Clearly this has not been the case.
Having "management" condone/take part of, and misrepresent the club's said motto, gives your club a bad rep from the get go. This is very disappointing to see.
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04-17-2012, 06:18 PM
#78 | not the mod you're looking for
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For a forum claiming to not condone the act of street racing, I laugh at the fact that there are specific areas on the site for members to post up their illustrious activities Quote:
Originally Posted by skyrine Topic: Yes me vs grey r34 skyline
I have been seeing this grey r34 skyline in my area for the last month and been itching for a good race. I found him going the other direction on Fraser hwy so I pulled a huge u- turn caught up with him at the light. It was on. It was a dead even race all the way down fraser hwy rb20 vs rb20. Pulled over and chatted for a bit handed him a card | And another by an admin Quote:
Originally Posted by Bennji Got to rip with a yellow CRX up the Bypass.
Fun times.
At the light at Kingsway we went off the line,
I only had 1 car length on him by the time he had to slow down for a car in his lane.
Makes me wonder what he has in there.
I gotta get decals that are more prominent at night. |   |
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04-17-2012, 06:49 PM
#79 | no
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04-17-2012, 10:16 PM
#80 | My homepage has been set to RS
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they just made a forum to talk about street racing but to covertheir asses made a long disclaimer about how they dot condone it. it sounds completely fake. they're not for real, theyre camille cacnio'ing
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04-17-2012, 10:30 PM
#81 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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What do you expect from a riced out cavalier wanna be underground street racer forum
drive cars like this:
Probably look like this:
93 CDN Mazda RX7
02 RSX Type S 6spd
82 CDN Mazda RX7 scca track car
68 Plymouth Barracuda
03 Custom Chopper
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04-17-2012, 10:44 PM
#82 | has a homepage?!
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E70 4.8i
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04-17-2012, 11:02 PM
#83 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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what a bunch of fucking idiots
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04-18-2012, 01:07 AM
#84 | They let me be a moderator. LOL
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| Quote:
Originally Posted by skyrine
Topic: Yes me vs grey r34 skyline
I have been seeing this grey r34 skyline in my area for the last month and been itching for a good race. I found him going the other direction on Fraser hwy so I pulled a huge u- turn caught up with him at the light. It was on. It was a dead even race all the way down fraser hwy rb20 vs rb20. Pulled over and chatted for a bit handed him a card
| Is this person retarded?
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04-18-2012, 07:37 AM
#85 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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| member looks EXACTLY like that. I will have to post a pic hahahagahaah!
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04-18-2012, 07:53 AM
#86 | RS Lurker, I don't post!
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Well I've said what I wanted
Now it's just turning into a Flame fest
Have fun RS
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04-18-2012, 10:26 AM
#87 | WOAH! i think Vtec just kicked in!
Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: B.C
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I wish you and your fast n furious friends the best of luck.
Aka: don't end up killing anyone but yourselves, waste more of your time and effort on a PoS.
With the money you guys spend on fixing and "pimping" it out, you can literally get a nice 2006+ car with all its luxury/reliabilities.
Oh and btw, if you ever rip it down a HWY or taunt anyone to "rice" i mean "race" and im around to see.. you know you'll be fucked.
Cause a big fraction of the RS community have something called the dash cam.
one footage and prepare your anus for a mega butthurt.
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04-18-2012, 10:41 AM
#88 | Official Texas Ambassador
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| Quote:
Originally Posted by corkit This is another reason this site was started; To support rather than flame those who think differently. Who are you to say what is cool vs not, for that matter, who is anyone to say someone else's car isn't "Cool"? If the owner likes it, that should be all that matters.
If someone chooses to make their car look better than a stock one, that's an improvement, regardless of who approves, and the same goes for someone who adds an air intake to make their engine perform better. What's it to you?
If you look through this site, it'll be difficult to find someone flaming another member's car on here. Support, and be supported. Opinons are up for discussion; Flaming is not what we are all about, unlike so MANY other "car enthusiasts" sites.
Within 1 night, I come back, and I see 3 different posts, all from RS members "Flaming" our member's cars. THIS is why the need was felt to start another club, NOT to rival, but to start something more "Team"-like
I'm a member of 4 other car enthusiasts sites, 3 of which I'm quite active on. I chose those sites, because they are helpful, not flameful, but the downside, is that they are specialty sites (ie made for one model)... Enter, Vancouver Underground; A truely community site for all types of cars
Grow up, and move on | Link to post
He chose to strawman my point about Revscene as a community condemning street racing and focused on the fact that a few of our members don't care for the style in which they've chosen to cosmetically upgrade their vehicles.
I think we may have to take steps to ban these people from our future meets, lest they show up and undo the work we've done to distance ourselves from street racers with the RCMP, the media, and by working with Resist the Race.
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04-18-2012, 12:33 PM
#89 | RS Lurker, I don't post!
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Just wanted to say, that I am part of VU and I don't condone street racing.
I don't participate in it. I'm part of VU because no one there bashes other peoples
cars for what they do to it. That being cosmetically, sound sytems, lights or engine.
I go to the meets to meet other people who like cars and to talk about them.
None of the meets I have been to have been turned into some sort of "underground
street racing" and if they were, I wouldn't be attending them.
It was also I who put the card on the mitsubishi at the walmart on 88th.
I put it there to see if he had any interest in the club, not for racing,
but because he had a nice car and hoping he'd come out to a meet so I can
know more about it. If keeping it in your car for humour purposes, just throw it
out. If you're offended or whatever because of it, throw it out.
Don't keep it to just laugh at the fact someone thought you had a nice vehicle.
And you can all look on VU and see for yourself that all my posts have been car and
meet related. Not once have I posted or commented on any racing besides auto x
or drag strip. So please don't jump to conclusions that all VU members are made up of ricer street racers.
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04-18-2012, 03:45 PM
#90 | My homepage has been set to RS
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| Quote:
Originally Posted by greenlantern01 |
__________________ Quote:
Originally Posted by jackmeister who are you planning to spend the rest of your life with? your sister or girlfriend? | Quote:
Originally Posted by .Renn.Sport I sold my Yaris 5 years ago, and seriously, IT IS better than your shit box civics. The mods I have for that car is probably worth more than your whole self-worth. | Quote:
Originally Posted by Joreus After spending some time reading through this thread, I now know how to give a killer blowjob. Thanks revscene. |
2005 richmond transportation device
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04-18-2012, 10:43 PM
#91 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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site is not working now |
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04-18-2012, 10:52 PM
#92 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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| Quote:
Originally Posted by you! site is not working now  | It works
But first time i accendently put in
And it took me to a fetish site....o.o
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04-19-2012, 12:08 AM
#93 | no
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they deleted the race location section lol
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04-19-2012, 07:33 AM
#94 | Official Texas Ambassador
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The Race Locations themselves are still there, so are the posts, but they've taken the "Race Locations" subforum and made it inaccessible. Link to post
Replace the final word in that URL with Surrey, Richmond, Abbotsford, Burnaby, etc and the posts and those boards are still there.
They're just waiting for Revscene to stop paying attention to them to bring them back. The last thing they want is to set up one of their street races and someone contacts the authorities as a result.
__________________ Quote:
Originally Posted by MG1 She taught me right from wrong and always told me to stay positive and help others no matter how small the deed - that helping others gives us meaning to carry on. The sun is out today and it's a new day. Life is good. I just needed a slap in the face. | |
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04-19-2012, 09:04 AM
#95 | Ask me about how I answered the question "How fat is TOO fat?"
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i remember when i was 16
I'm so stance my roof rack got a roof rack
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e92 335i 6MT FBO
e90 330i 6MT Former
e46 330ci 5MT - RIP
uc1 5AT
em2 5MT
db7 5AT - RIP Quote:
Originally Posted by toyota86 the guys over at lambo vancouver said there are 60-70 pre-orders already. don't quote me though. | |
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04-19-2012, 09:06 AM
#96 | I bringith the lowerballerith
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Does anyone have a card from these idiots? If you do,can you please post a picture of it,would like to see what it looks like and have a good laugh.
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04-19-2012, 09:37 AM
#97 | The sound of inevitability
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|  this is hilarious
The only ocean creature you can call yourself is the giant squid. He's the destroyer of ships, and the eater of seamen. At least you share one of those traits. -Hypa
mixed girls that look predominatly asian with subtle caucasian features=what i'd give my left nut for -6chr0nic4 |
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04-19-2012, 09:39 AM
#98 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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| Quote:
Originally Posted by El Bastardo Link to post
He chose to strawman my point about Revscene as a community condemning street racing and focused on the fact that a few of our members don't care for the style in which they've chosen to cosmetically upgrade their vehicles.
I think we may have to take steps to ban these people from our future meets, lest they show up and undo the work we've done to distance ourselves from street racers with the RCMP, the media, and by working with Resist the Race. | This is what pisses me off. All of us have given ample evidence for the hypocrisy, making excuses for their behavior, saying they don't condone racing... yet they all OPENLY brag about it.
No one cares what their cars look like, sure everyone has their own taste, and whether we laugh at them or not, that's far from the point.
The point is, that there is a group of people out there, street racing at high speeds, and they think there is nothing wrong with it.
Or, sorry, they do think there's something wrong with it, and don't condone it, but do it anyway.
Yes, I do think these people should be banned from future meets, as these are not the kind of people I want to associate myself with. It's people like these, that will forever ruin the peace we have with the police, as well as whatever respect we have from other people out there on the road. As little as that may be.
The fact that after countless quotings of these people, no one has owned up to their wrong behavior or attitudes. No one will admit they are in the wrong.
And at this point, there is zero trust that anything out of their mouths is the truth. It's scary, and I personally, want to have nothing to do with them.
Dishonesty doesn't do anything for me.
I've set my standards higher than that.
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04-19-2012, 10:50 AM
#99 | Ask me about how I answered the question "How fat is TOO fat?"
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Just read this:
also Quote:
Originally Posted by civiccer This is what pisses me off. All of us have given ample evidence for the hypocrisy, making excuses for their behavior, saying they don't condone racing... yet they all OPENLY brag about it. | Its not racing if their cars go 80km/h max
I'm so stance my roof rack got a roof rack
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Current
e92 335i 6MT FBO
e90 330i 6MT Former
e46 330ci 5MT - RIP
uc1 5AT
em2 5MT
db7 5AT - RIP Quote:
Originally Posted by toyota86 the guys over at lambo vancouver said there are 60-70 pre-orders already. don't quote me though. | |
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04-19-2012, 11:05 AM
#100 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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| They sent out a mass e-mail to all there users 2 days ago:
This past week I was in Calgary at a conference, meeting with the Canadian reps for Alpine, Pioneer, JVC, Beltronics, Kicker, JL Audio, and the list can go on. To get us all better pricing on ANY In Car Electronics we want. And this is what I get to come home to.
I do want to thank the few RevSceners who actually had some intelligent things to post, and our community is, and will continue to take, the respectful criticism to help improve our site. Any intelligent feedback will be left on our forums, but hate on other peoples cars will be deleted.
This is how we differ from RS, as we do not have a "Hall of Shame" as we will respect any persons car as much as they do. Even if it's a Bone Stock cavalier. Hence the need for an alternate solution to the Car Scene.
I personally LOVE to race, AutoCross in Pitt Meadows, The Mission Strip, Ashcroft Strip, and I admittedly do go fast off the track as well.
With no intention do I promote street racing, as I have lost several friends too early due to stupid mistakes made in a split second. However I have posted my intereactions on the road, for someone who may feel rejected by other clubs for being a street racer, so that if/when they join they can feel a bit of acceptance.
With that said, we DO NOT plan or organise Street Races.
At our planned meets, we do the same as at your Planned meets. Have a cup of coffee, and talk. And usually they will be at a place where there are other activities, Go Karts, Pool Halls, ect. Or have our races at Mission Raceway or Pitt Meadows Autocross.
I hope a few of you do stay, and continue to be an active part of our community, as well as the RS community. But if you are only here to flame the fire, either you can delete your account, or I will. Please try to be mature about it.
As I'm sure a copy of this will be posted on your forums, so feel free to beak it there.
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__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
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