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04-25-2012, 10:03 AM
#26 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Not all goods purchased during the trip have to be declared, right? I mean, what if I bought a super high tech CF prosthetic leg, but I didn't declare it. Would customs seize my leg straight off my nub?
What about gifts given to you by someone during the trip?
Lol the results of having nothing to do at work.
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04-25-2012, 10:37 AM
#27 | The RS Freebie guru
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Originally Posted by nns Not all goods purchased during the trip have to be declared, right? I mean, what if I bought a super high tech CF prosthetic leg, but I didn't declare it. Would customs seize my leg straight off my nub?
What about gifts given to you by someone during the trip?
Lol the results of having nothing to do at work. | Yes to both questions.
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04-25-2012, 12:09 PM
#28 | My homepage has been set to RS
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wasn't duty (concept) was so that people purchase canadian goods? if so, i dont see the point of paying duty for good that are not even produced in Canada. (a little off topic, as you are required to disclose total value, and if ur bringing anything over 10k) Quote:
Canadian shoppers pay more for products because suppliers charge Canadian retailers more – between 10-50 per cent more – a senate committee was told Tuesday morning.
“Retailers play a very small part in determining final prices of goods they sell,” Diane Brisebois, CEO and president of the Retail Council of Canada (RCC), told a Senate Committee on National Finance on Tuesday morning.
The Senate committee began looking into pricing in October, following complaints from consumers tired of paying more in Canada for the same products sold in the U.S. The two currencies have been trading roughly at par for years.
There was more bad news for Canadian retailers on Tuesday: Retail sales unexpectedly fell for the first time in seven months in February, led by a decline in purchases of new cars, according to Statistics Canada.
And a survey from the Conference Board of Canada found that Canadians remained cautious about making large purchases in April. After three consecutive months of increases, the index fell to 75 in April, down 4.5 percentage points from a surprisingly positive March.
It all adds up to a tough 2012 for Canadian retailers, who are not optimistic about sales growth this year, according to the report from the RCC presented to the senate committee in Ottawa.
A survey of the 70 biggest RCC members found most expect growth of two to three per cent this year. With inflation expected to be in the two per cent range, the growth in actual volume of sales would be minimal.
The report gave examples of items sold by suppliers at different price points in Canada and the U.S.
Ibuprophen 200 mg, sells to U.S. retailers for $10.76 and to Canadian retailers for $18.29, a difference of 70 per cent. A bottle of Aspirin 81 mg low dose sells to U.S. retailers for $10.16, and to Canadian retailers for $21.78, a difference of 114 per cent.
Canadian retailers say their suppliers tell them they charge more because Canadians are used to paying more for products in Canada; because the higher prices subsidize the costs of maintaining offices and operations in Canada, and because they have to compensate their Canadian distributors and wholesalers.
The RCC report also blamed tariffs on finished goods like some clothes, pantyhose, wooden bedroom furniture, bed linens, towels and pillows, for putting Canadian retailers at a competitive disadvantage with their U.S. peers.
The report called books the “poster children” of the price differences. Canada’s own copyright regulations allow for a 10 per cent markup on U.S.-sourced books and the tax has been collected by multinational book distributors since 1999, it alleges.
The recent increase in personal exemption limits for Canadians travelling outside the country will also hurt retailers at home and ultimately, the Canadian economy, the report says.
February saw an 8 per cent increase in same-day car travel by Canadians to the United States, to 2.6 million trips, the highest monthly level since December 1997.
The RCC also cited supply management for the high prices for eggs, chicken, butter and milk in Canada, which sends residents of border towns to the U.S. for groceries.
“It is the RCC’s position that the government should not favour one industry over another, in this case farmers over retailers, to the detriment of the latter,” it concluded.
Bill Mitchell, spokesperson for the Dairy Farmers of Ontario, said the idea that the marketing boards are responsible for the price difference in milk between Canada and the U.S. is false.
Border towns keep the price of milk artificially low to draw shoppers from Canada. Farms in the U.S. get federal and state subsidies that keep prices artificially low.
“We hope that the material we provided will help to set the record straight as to the real reasons behind the differences in pricing between Canada and the United States,” said Karen Proud, VP, federal government relations at the RCC.
The retail sector is the largest employer in Canada, providing jobs for more than 2 million Canadian and generating sales in excess of $300 billion dollars a year. It contributed $74.2 billion to Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2009.
The RCC represents more than 45,000 stores of all retail formats across Canada.
| Shopping for fairness: Why Canadians pay more for everything - |
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04-25-2012, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by MajinHurricane seriously how do you get caught? If you wear it how do they know? | I've been asked about my laptop and my camera before. This is why I scan the receipts and upload them to say.... dropbox so I can retrieve them easily.
Where the hell am I
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04-25-2012, 04:18 PM
#30 | & Associates Inc.
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Originally Posted by Manic! Because when he left the country he didn't have the watch when he came back he did. I thing you are supposed to declare any valuable items you are taking when you leave the country. Also he has no proof he bought it here. | Quote:
Originally Posted by InvisibleSoul You're supposed to declare them before you leave the country as well so that it is on record that you already own the item. | THIS!
When we went to India I made sure I declared all electronic devices to the CBSA before leaving. I had an ipod and video camera valued at around $800. We also declared all our jewelry as well($XXXX). Providing pictures of it and filling out a form for it.
Before we left I went into the CBSA office and asked him for a little form. From what I can remember it was as simple as writing down the name of the device and serial number and maybe the value...its been a while so I'm not sure if they kept a copy of the form, but I know I took a copy of it with me to India and brought it back upon re-entry to Canada.
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04-25-2012, 04:54 PM
#31 | I *heart* very Muchie
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We declare our camera gear with CBSA when we go to the US to cover car events
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04-25-2012, 05:02 PM
#32 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by CharlieH they'll often ask you for receipts if you're wearing an expensive watch. on top of that, high end watches can be traced via the serial number to the time of the purchase and from which store it was bought at. | say it's a fake |
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04-25-2012, 07:14 PM
#33 | The Lone Wanderator
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Curious, where would I make this declaration? When I last flew to Korea (albeit there years ago and through the US), I don't remember seeing any CBSA agents on my way out. I only dealt with the Alaskan air reps and then American border guards. How could I safeguard myself next time?
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04-25-2012, 08:11 PM
#34 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Originally Posted by Alpha v2 say it's a fake  | Getting caught with counterfeit luxury is even worst. And custom is not dumb they can tell if sumthing is fake or not
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04-26-2012, 12:37 AM
#35 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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Originally Posted by Graeme S Curious, where would I make this declaration? When I last flew to Korea (albeit there years ago and through the US), I don't remember seeing any CBSA agents on my way out. I only dealt with the Alaskan air reps and then American border guards. How could I safeguard myself next time? | If I remember correctly, it's on the international arrival level behind the coffee shop. There is a CBSA office where you can fill out the declaration form and they'll stamp it.
Infiniti G20
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04-26-2012, 10:42 AM
#36 | & Associates Inc.
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Originally Posted by littledog If I remember correctly, it's on the international arrival level behind the coffee shop. There is a CBSA office where you can fill out the declaration form and they'll stamp it. | I believe this is correct, they had an office where you could go in and get the form.
__________________ Ruthless and Associates Inc © Serving Revscene proudly since 2008 |
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04-26-2012, 10:36 PM
#37 | I subscribe to Revscene
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Big Wang? |
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04-27-2012, 08:23 AM
#38 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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head to the front office , located at international arrivals level right beside tim Hortons. Ask for a y38 form. It's a small green card of which you provide the serial number of the high valued item and description. The officer will verify the items, stamp the card and return it to you for your trip. Very straight forward. Not a lot of ppl know this, but also if you intend on traveling with more than 10k worth of currency equivalent CAN $, you are expected to declare it at the front office.
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Originally Posted by Raid3n ^
i don't think i ever played a game as a kid where you punch each other in the dick. | |
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04-27-2012, 12:20 PM
#39 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Off-topic: Does anyone know the model of that Mont Blanc watch?
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04-28-2012, 02:33 PM
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One of my friends was caught with a rolex watch that she did not claim. So she thought to avoid paying duty and taxes she told the customs officer that the watch was fake. So the officer gets a hammer and smashes the rolex in bits and tells her. "counterfit items are not allowed into canada, you may go now" LOL, that was pretty dumb yet funny.
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04-28-2012, 02:46 PM
#41 | Even when im right, is still right!
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Originally Posted by parm104 Off-topic: Does anyone know the model of that Mont Blanc watch? | Montblanc Star Chrono GMT (I believe rose gold was limited edition)
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04-28-2012, 03:41 PM
#42 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Should have hid the watch in a prosthetic leg. |
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04-29-2012, 07:20 PM
#43 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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04-30-2012, 09:58 AM
#44 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by 604Playa One of my friends was caught with a rolex watch that she did not claim. So she thought to avoid paying duty and taxes she told the customs officer that the watch was fake. So the officer gets a hammer and smashes the rolex in bits and tells her. "counterfit items are not allowed into canada, you may go now" LOL, that was pretty dumb yet funny. | I've heard this story before... |
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04-30-2012, 10:24 AM
#45 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Should had said he got robbed by some random guy and that's the reason you're leaving the country
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04-30-2012, 10:32 AM
#46 | Unofficial Tin Foil Hat Specialist.
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For electronic products. You do not need to declare it as the serial/Sticker on the product will state that it was bought from Canada."This product blah blah Class B blah blah Canadian blah blah". Unless your electronic product doesn't have the sticker then you should definitely declare it.
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04-30-2012, 01:48 PM
#47 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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Originally Posted by 604Playa One of my friends was caught with a rolex watch that she did not claim. So she thought to avoid paying duty and taxes she told the customs officer that the watch was fake. So the officer gets a hammer and smashes the rolex in bits and tells her. "counterfit items are not allowed into canada, you may go now" LOL, that was pretty dumb yet funny. | If this story is at all true and officers are allowed to do shit like that; one clever officer with good sleight of hand can easily walk away with tons of money in ill-gotten goods.
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04-30-2012, 01:52 PM
#48 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by RicePanda If this story is at all true and officers are allowed to do shit like that; one clever officer with good sleight of hand can easily walk away with tons of money in ill-gotten goods. | So an officer is going to work with a pocket full of fake watches so he can switch them for real ones he comes across during the day?
__________________ Do Not Put Aftershave on Your Balls. -604CEFIRO Looks like I'm gonna have some hot sex again tonight...OOPS i got the 6 pack. that wont last me the night, I better go back and get the 24 pack! -Turbo E kinda off topic but obama is a dilf - miss_crayon Honest to fucking Christ the easiest way to get a married woman in the mood is clean the house and do the laundry.....I've been with the same girl almost 17 years, ask me how I know. - quasi |
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04-30-2012, 09:18 PM
#49 | Banned By Establishment
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anyone who can shove $18,356.49 worth of jewelery up their ass deserves to keep it.
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05-01-2012, 08:18 AM
#50 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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A diamond ring is pretty small and can easily be worth $30k+...
__________________ Do Not Put Aftershave on Your Balls. -604CEFIRO Looks like I'm gonna have some hot sex again tonight...OOPS i got the 6 pack. that wont last me the night, I better go back and get the 24 pack! -Turbo E kinda off topic but obama is a dilf - miss_crayon Honest to fucking Christ the easiest way to get a married woman in the mood is clean the house and do the laundry.....I've been with the same girl almost 17 years, ask me how I know. - quasi |
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