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-   -   Any witnesses to an accident at 620am today Granville & 12th Avenue? Helping a friend (

dark0821 04-27-2012 10:05 AM

For our 2012 rogue the new car replacement plus was 1400 extra on top...

We went against it... Since we were cheap asses. But what the coverage does is that.. Let's say my 2012 rogue got totaled in 2014, if ICBC can't find a brand new 2012 rogue with the exact spec as ours, they will be forced to give us a 2014 rogue with similar equipment...

At least that's how I understood it...

pastarocket 04-27-2012 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by FerrariEnzo (Post 7901816)
tell your friend to go to the doctor..

most injuries dont show up until 3+ days later...

If the car was a total loss, i honestly believe that he would sustain some type of injury...

Thanks for the advice. Yeah, he is seeing a doctor. I hope he gets X-rays too. He's feeling the whiplash, and some aches and pains.

pastarocket 04-27-2012 10:40 AM

Accidents like these continue to remind me to ALWAYS look both ways at an intersection even after the traffic light has changed to green. -

I'm putting up some pictures of my friend's car after the accident to show how the actions of some messed up drivers can be so life threatening. A good reminder for me. That crazy driver of the SUV is gonna get what's coming to him/her!!

The SUV runs a red light and clips my friend's car. Then the car hits a traffic light pole resulting in most of the damage that you see in the pictures below.

Please be careful out there.

One of the good things about the Revscene community is its promotion of safe driving to all its members all the time, especially at official/unofficial meets.

Big props to RS! :thumbs:

-just a warning that the pictures are quite graphic: :eek3:

belaud 04-27-2012 10:42 AM

Holy mother of all that is holy, I'm glad your friend came out of that unscathed, yay for modern crumple zones!

dlo 04-27-2012 11:00 AM

Holy fuck lol how did the other guy manage to flee wow

bcrdukes 04-27-2012 11:04 AM

Wow. That will definitely not buff out!

FerrariEnzo 04-27-2012 11:32 AM

this is why i dont dump money into cars..

firstly, if you sell, you will never get half the money you put into it back.
secondly, there are lots of bad drivers that dont care about road situations.... seeing your baby car in an accident is heart-break moment

Expresso 04-27-2012 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by FerrariEnzo (Post 7901950)
this is why i dont dump money into cars..

firstly, if you sell, you will never get half the money you put into it back.
secondly, there are lots of bad drivers that dont care about road situations.... seeing your baby car in an accident is heart-break moment

I feel the same way if I did or didnt dump money into the car.

Jermyzy 04-27-2012 12:50 PM

Holy shit @ the damage

GLOW 04-27-2012 12:52 PM

wow those pics are :ohgodwhy:.
seriously hope karma falcon punches that SUV driver

SumAznGuy 04-27-2012 01:51 PM

Wait a sec, did he hit the SUV or did the SUV hit him?

pastarocket 04-27-2012 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by SumAznGuy (Post 7902094)
Wait a sec, did he hit the SUV or did the SUV hit him?

The SUV ran a red light and hit my friend's Lancer. The high speed of the SUV caused the Lancer to hit a nearby traffic lightpole, thus causing most of the damage that you see in the pictures.

The driver of the SUV took off from the accident. A gruesome hit and run. It's definitely the SUV driver that's wrong.

SumAznGuy 04-27-2012 02:35 PM

Is there any damage on your friend's car from the other car?

pastarocket 04-27-2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by SumAznGuy (Post 7902133)
Is there any damage on your friend's car from the other car?

-don't know the specific details of the damage. I'm just getting picture updates from my friend.

llno24 07-12-2012 05:07 PM

Hi everyone... Thanks to pastarocket for posting this in Revscene... I finally got around to signing up for a RS account...

I am the one with the wrecked Ralliart... Police are still trying to narrow down SUV's with similar damage...

and so far... I've been off work for a month and have been on gradual return to work for the last month and a half. Physio and massage therapy is a b!tch... approximately twice a week for each...

The good news is I have a new car... and it's a 2012 Evo X Phantom Black Pearl.

Hope everyone drives safely... especially early in the morning or late at night...

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