Long story short, was on the way home night market with the GF...
Half way home the wipers get stuck at highest position.I pull over and restart the car, turn wipers on...nothing.
I get outta the car, I can hear the motor working; but the wipers just wont "connect" with the motor. So yeah, had to drive for awhile without wipers.

Hoping for anyone with a similar experience to shine some light on this.
Car is a '99 infiniti G20...
Originally Posted by Prolowtone I had the arm from the motor pop off on my car once. the hole for the pivot was all stretched and just popped off, But my car is also from 85 so wear is expected to show up sometime |
got the car in the garage, popped a few covers off.
ding ding... exactly what happened. Wiper arm from the motor popped out and no longer moved the wiper pivots.
new bushing time.