I'm currently working on a PowerPoint presentation for one of my classes and I'd like my presentation to resemble a book. I haven't used this program in many years. I'm not sure how to explain this but I want my presentation to have a "turning page" feature, as if you were actually reading a book and flipping through each page. I've kind of figured it out but its not working out so well.
I've already searched the web and there is very little information available. There are a few plugins but I would like to leave that as my last option.
I'm looking for a way to do it natively.
I have PowerPoint 2008 on my CrapBook and PowerPoint 2003 on my Windows 7 laptop.
Here's an example of what I'd like it to be.
Presentation Design: Page Flip Effect
press play a bunch of times or fast forward to see the pages flip.
I'd like to use this template but it only works with 2010 PC PowerPoint
Animated pages turn in open book - Templates - Office.com
Unless there is a way of somehow converting the 2010 file to 2008 or 2003 cause neither programs are able to open the template.
Please help