Newbie pet question (owning a canine friend)
Hi guys,
I really wish to have a canine companion in the near future.
I was wondering what the typical cost per month/year it is to own a dog? (food, shots, neuter/spaying, tagging, supplies, leash, toys, training etc.) I understand the first year is roughly 2x of typical annual cost. I don't want to be caught by surprise and not be able to afford maintaining one after making the commitment. (I had heard it ranged from $700~4000)
I searched it up but I want an idea being Vancouver-specific.
How much time would be adequate to dedicate to a dog? 1~2 hours a day?
I'm looking at medium or medium-smaller sized dogs. something not over 50 lbs.
I live in a house, roughly 2700 sqft., so housing isn't an issue.
I work a regular 9-5, 4x a week, with stable income and no plans at all to move to anywhere more than 15km away.