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Old 06-02-2017, 12:36 AM   #9876
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Originally Posted by kr4l View Post
I just put a offer down Monday as a 'vip' buyer. They closed off floors 2-13 to buyers. You pick the floor plan you want and price you want to pay. They said by next week we should hear back to see if my offer got accepted or not.

Let's just say the offer I put down for 1 bed and den that was starting at like $370k was over $400k easily AND it might be rejected

Btw Everyone putting down offers was Chinese and everyone that was looking at the floor plans and samples was Chinese as well

Forgot to mention there was no 1 bed 1 bath available for VIP purchase
Rennie ppl already wrote and spoken for most of it. If you didn't write today or tmrw wait for rescission.

Most ppl got 1 out of 10 requests. Burquitlam or anything near Skytrain has been exploding as of late. 1BR under $400k is like scoring Jordan 11's (insert your favourite shoe) on Footlocker launch date.
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Old 06-02-2017, 12:42 AM   #9877
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question, at what point would I be entitled to have the developer to replace the countertops if I find that they were chipped during inspection?

Just recently done my inspection for my unit and like that video found some serious flaws with regards to finishing and materials; granite countertops and cabinets were chipped, holes on walls, and a pretty dinged up washer and dryer...

The counter top has a chip the size of a penny on one of its edges, I straight out asked them to replace it but I doubt I would...
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Old 06-02-2017, 12:47 AM   #9878
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Originally Posted by Ludepower View Post

What building and developer is that. They deserved to be called out.
Reddit identified it, it's Telus Gardens. Developer Westbank.
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Old 06-02-2017, 01:07 AM   #9879
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp View Post
Turing 35 actually and there are tons of people on RS who are around the same age who actually have a house or two already.

Want to get something you want? Work for it. How do all these people make money. Maybe some luck but sure as well they work hard. Can't afford to live in Vancouver then move. Maybe move to Port Coq, Langley. Far away from the Vancouver. Housing is cheap when you move out. See I hate people who complain but does nothing to change their life.

Here is something to read for though
Sean Cooper pays off mortgage in 3 years and earns online hate - Business - CBC News
He is case is rare and extreme. But guess what? He is willing to makes changes to his lifestyle. He is willing to suck it up. He is willing to work 7 days a week to get what he wants.
Saying the same thing 6 times in different ways doesn't actually add to your argument.

I'm not denying that there are retards in the 20-30's range that complain without doing shit. Those people annoy me too, and I have little sympathy for them.

But to group EVERYONE with legitimate complaints about the absurd housing prices as being lazy and entitled, is both ignorant and arrogant.

What if your parents didn't let you live rent free? Nope, apparently that's still your fault, should'a worked harder. Got student loans because you too wanted to be like Sean Cooper? Welp, better get on that 80-hour workweek train fast! Can't get a job because they require experience? Too bad! Should've worked harder!
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Old 06-02-2017, 07:00 AM   #9880
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Originally Posted by Matsuda View Post
regarding poor build quality of new condos

Can we get a list of bad developer's like this?

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Old 06-02-2017, 07:22 AM   #9881
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Originally Posted by inv4zn View Post
Reddit identified it, it's Telus Gardens. Developer Westbank.
I was just thinking I bid a lot of towers and I don't remember bidding anything for Westbank, first thing this morning I start taking off a new tower and look at the developer.........Westbank.

“The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I donīt care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. Thatīs how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth.” - Rocky Balboa
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Old 06-02-2017, 08:05 AM   #9882
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Originally Posted by hypediss View Post
question, at what point would I be entitled to have the developer to replace the countertops if I find that they were chipped during inspection?

Just recently done my inspection for my unit and like that video found some serious flaws with regards to finishing and materials; granite countertops and cabinets were chipped, holes on walls, and a pretty dinged up washer and dryer...

The counter top has a chip the size of a penny on one of its edges, I straight out asked them to replace it but I doubt I would...
All of that should be replaced. Do not sign off on anything until it is.

At my former company we replaced entire island counter slabs because they had a slight dark blemish on them we could not get rid of. We've replaced doors and cabinets, gable ends etc. because they have scratches you only see at some angles.

That is on their quality systems, not you to accept. They either installed the counter already chipped, or they did not cover it during the remaining construction and it sustained damage during time.

Tell them that they should be on the hook for their processes and the damage obviously occurred at some point during construction (not that it really mattered when it happened, it's there.)

completely unacceptable to even show the unit in that state if they did not bring it up to you on their own rather than you finding it imo
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Old 06-02-2017, 08:45 AM   #9883
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
All of that should be replaced. Do not sign off on anything until it is.

At my former company we replaced entire island counter slabs because they had a slight dark blemish on them we could not get rid of. We've replaced doors and cabinets, gable ends etc. because they have scratches you only see at some angles.

That is on their quality systems, not you to accept. They either installed the counter already chipped, or they did not cover it during the remaining construction and it sustained damage during time.

Tell them that they should be on the hook for their processes and the damage obviously occurred at some point during construction (not that it really mattered when it happened, it's there.)

completely unacceptable to even show the unit in that state if they did not bring it up to you on their own rather than you finding it imo
Little off topic question for hondaracer, but when an entire island counter slab is replaced, what did your former company do with the old slab reuse else where sell it at discount?
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Old 06-02-2017, 08:49 AM   #9884
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the supplier would take it and probably try to reinstall it for another customer who wasnt as anal as we were..

most counter top suppliers are pretty shady
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Old 06-02-2017, 09:32 AM   #9885
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Originally Posted by hypediss View Post
question, at what point would I be entitled to have the developer to replace the countertops if I find that they were chipped during inspection?

Just recently done my inspection for my unit and like that video found some serious flaws with regards to finishing and materials; granite countertops and cabinets were chipped, holes on walls, and a pretty dinged up washer and dryer...

The counter top has a chip the size of a penny on one of its edges, I straight out asked them to replace it but I doubt I would...
Good Luck

And if you are one of the many people i saw doing there walk through at the dawson and willingdon low rise i wish you even more luck
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Old 06-02-2017, 10:07 AM   #9886
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With all of the new multi-family these days, you have to assume it's all crap. The only way to get finishing up to the standard you want is to hound the warranty provider and the developer after the fact. Whatever you do, make sure you submit everything in writing before the warranty period is up.

Again, this is another reason to buy pre-owned. Let the first owner deal with all of the deficiencies.
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Old 06-02-2017, 10:30 AM   #9887
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warantee provider isnt going to address the finishing levels unless if effects functionality i believe
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Old 06-02-2017, 11:36 AM   #9888
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
warantee provider isnt going to address the finishing levels unless if effects functionality i believe
I was able to get walls repainted that were poorly painted.

But maybe things have changed over the last decade.
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Old 06-02-2017, 12:21 PM   #9889
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Originally Posted by Tapioca View Post
I was able to get walls repainted that were poorly painted.

But maybe things have changed over the last decade.
I think it all depends on the developer
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Old 06-02-2017, 12:45 PM   #9890
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Some of the shit you notice in new builds really makes you wonder. I was looking at a townhouse and the door to the powder room would hit the counter when you opened it all the way, so it really only opened 3/4.

So what happens when you have a pre-sale and the developer won't fix some of the shit you want fixed?
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Old 06-02-2017, 01:00 PM   #9891
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Originally Posted by MarkyMark View Post
Some of the shit you notice in new builds really makes you wonder. I was looking at a townhouse and the door to the powder room would hit the counter when you opened it all the way, so it really only opened 3/4.

So what happens when you have a pre-sale and the developer won't fix some of the shit you want fixed?
Just like many things in pre-sale.

You're SOL.
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Old 06-02-2017, 01:03 PM   #9892
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just never sign off on it.

The best position you have is if you are living with parents, etc. where you're not pressured to move in to your new unit you just never complete/move in until the problems are addressed.

Moving in is almost the same as signing off on the unit. It's a sad state that developers dont address the situation because bigger developers have so many people under their employ that strictly deal with deficiencies. However, their quality systems obviously fail them when people are moving in with chips in counters etc.

When we did our walk throughs, we would actually pre-emptively mark stuff off we saw as a sign of good will towards the home owner, sometimes it would work well because people would see this as a good faith gesture, other times people would go insane marking every single little thing.

Peeps moving into a new unit, pay me $50 an hour and i'll be your new 'friend' for your walkthrough lol
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Old 06-02-2017, 01:08 PM   #9893
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My buddy is a higher up at one of the large developers and he tells me that the issue is with a lack of skilled sub contractors. You have hundreds of people working on these mdu buildings and you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting a major defiency. You may have a great plumber working on your unit, but chances are that you will have shoddy tile work. Or you may get a finisher that really cares, but your electrician is an alcoholic. He even says that for what people are paying that the place should be perfect, and he does his best to ensure that the units are of the highest quality. But there are things they can't control, or figure out too late and that's where you have problems.

He admits that he wouldn't pay the price that these units are going for. The quality just isn't there, and chances are we're up for another "leaky condo" tragedy like we did during the last big building boom. That could be what hurts the market more than anything.
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Old 06-02-2017, 01:10 PM   #9894
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I'm waiting on the 4th floor of a building on main just south of terminal and a skinny guy walked past me. The whole floor moved as he walked past!! Aren't these concrete builds!?

To think, these are marketed to be a high end buildings.

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Old 06-02-2017, 01:21 PM   #9895
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
just never sign off on it.

The best position you have is if you are living with parents, etc. where you're not pressured to move in to your new unit you just never complete/move in until the problems are addressed.

Moving in is almost the same as signing off on the unit. It's a sad state that developers dont address the situation because bigger developers have so many people under their employ that strictly deal with deficiencies. However, their quality systems obviously fail them when people are moving in with chips in counters etc.

When we did our walk throughs, we would actually pre-emptively mark stuff off we saw as a sign of good will towards the home owner, sometimes it would work well because people would see this as a good faith gesture, other times people would go insane marking every single little thing.

Peeps moving into a new unit, pay me $50 an hour and i'll be your new 'friend' for your walkthrough lol
Yes. Don't sign off until you're satisfied. That's your only leverage.

I think nowadays, it's worth paying a home inspector to assist you in your walk through. Unless you have a trained eye and search every nook and cranny of a unit, you won't catch everything.

I personally wouldn't count on someone from the developer to really nitpick things.
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Old 06-02-2017, 01:49 PM   #9896
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Originally Posted by originalhypa View Post
My buddy is a higher up at one of the large developers and he tells me that the issue is with a lack of skilled sub contractors. You have hundreds of people working on these mdu buildings and you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting a major defiency. You may have a great plumber working on your unit, but chances are that you will have shoddy tile work. Or you may get a finisher that really cares, but your electrician is an alcoholic. He even says that for what people are paying that the place should be perfect, and he does his best to ensure that the units are of the highest quality. But there are things they can't control, or figure out too late and that's where you have problems.

He admits that he wouldn't pay the price that these units are going for. The quality just isn't there, and chances are we're up for another "leaky condo" tragedy like we did during the last big building boom. That could be what hurts the market more than anything.
A lot of the issues the general contractors are getting from subcontractors are caused by the schedules there putting out now a days. The shift we've seen is somewhat alarming, they are taking projects that you used to get a year to do and demanding they be done in 6 months. When you're working at that pace it leads to nothing but headaches and problems. They might have a nice schedule when the project comes into conception but it gets behind for this that or the other and the end date never changes.

Case and point, we're doing a high end mid rise in West Vancouver right now, it was originally a 12 month schedule for our scope we were 5 months late getting started due to no fault of our own but we're still expected to turn everything over in December. The exact same thing happened on the last two towers we did in Richmond. Instead of running 60 guys on a job in a controlled fashion you now have 110, many of which are useless but you have no choice because if you don't provide bodies you get put on notice and they bring in other companies and back charge the shit out of you. It's lose lose for everyone involved.

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Old 06-02-2017, 01:54 PM   #9897
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
just never sign off on it.

The best position you have is if you are living with parents, etc. where you're not pressured to move in to your new unit you just never complete/move in until the problems are addressed.

Moving in is almost the same as signing off on the unit. It's a sad state that developers dont address the situation because bigger developers have so many people under their employ that strictly deal with deficiencies. However, their quality systems obviously fail them when people are moving in with chips in counters etc.

When we did our walk throughs, we would actually pre-emptively mark stuff off we saw as a sign of good will towards the home owner, sometimes it would work well because people would see this as a good faith gesture, other times people would go insane marking every single little thing.

Peeps moving into a new unit, pay me $50 an hour and i'll be your new 'friend' for your walkthrough lol
Problem is, most of problems this guy has aren't obvious during inspection.
No way, he signed up off on it, if had he noticed these problems during initial inspection.
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Old 06-02-2017, 02:31 PM   #9898
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what kind of problems?
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Old 06-02-2017, 02:35 PM   #9899
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Originally Posted by quasi View Post
A lot of the issues the general contractors are getting from subcontractors are caused by the schedules there putting out now a days. The shift we've seen is somewhat alarming, they are taking projects that you used to get a year to do and demanding they be done in 6 months. When you're working at that pace it leads to nothing but headaches and problems. They might have a nice schedule when the project comes into conception but it gets behind for this that or the other and the end date never changes.

Case and point, we're doing a high end mid rise in West Vancouver right now, it was originally a 12 month schedule for our scope we were 5 months late getting started due to no fault of our own but we're still expected to turn everything over in December. The exact same thing happened on the last two towers we did in Richmond. Instead of running 60 guys on a job in a controlled fashion you now have 110, many of which are useless but you have no choice because if you don't provide bodies you get put on notice and they bring in other companies and back charge the shit out of you. It's lose lose for everyone involved.
Those exact scheduling problems are why i got out of construction.

We were a smaller company mainly building townhouses but i'd bust my ass, work saturdays, OT, stress the fuck out over aligning work, trades etc. to meet a schedule thats been pushed forward once, twice, three times since the beginning.

Once we began turning over units we'd almost always have 2/3/4 weeks cut out of our finishing schedule and would have to find a way to make up that time again..

I'm at a position financially now where it wasnt worth the stress and toll it was taking on me any longer, i've changed careers over the last 6 months and it's honestly like a breathe of fresh air being in this new industry and the attitude within it.
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Old 06-02-2017, 03:49 PM   #9900
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
Those exact scheduling problems are why i got out of construction.

We were a smaller company mainly building townhouses but i'd bust my ass, work saturdays, OT, stress the fuck out over aligning work, trades etc. to meet a schedule thats been pushed forward once, twice, three times since the beginning.

Once we began turning over units we'd almost always have 2/3/4 weeks cut out of our finishing schedule and would have to find a way to make up that time again..

I'm at a position financially now where it wasnt worth the stress and toll it was taking on me any longer, i've changed careers over the last 6 months and it's honestly like a breathe of fresh air being in this new industry and the attitude within it.
I hear you, it can be frustrating I'm just glad the scheduling stress isn't really mine to bare but I do feel bad for our foreman and my bosses. Don't get me wrong it's not like I don't have stresses there just different, meeting tight deadlines or missing something on an estimate and costing my company a bunch of money. The biggest stress I have right now is not being able to find anyone qualified to help me out, we've been looking for months with zero success.

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