enough time has passed. i know there are many other cars who rock rs decals who haven't seen this thread, but we have to move on with this contest! There will be other contests (for non-car owners too), don't worry.. so always keep checking back and sport our decal/products proud. It's our way of saying "Thanks".
ok here are your entries and numbers:
1. cho
2. DiiCii
3. Jgresch
4. !Aznboi128
5. S1_S2
6. Araadi
7. asr
8. jtrinh
9. jeffwilliams17
10. mb_
11. akinari-kun
12. Limitless
13. eg6_ninja
14. Mochiko
15. RevYouUp
16. Energy
17. Gh0stRider
18. jtanner
19. mercyboy
20. artmotion
21. swfk
22. figure.09
23. monkeywrench
24. Linol55
25. impulseX
26. Nicotine
27. tofu1413
And the winner is 16! Energy! Please contact me via PM to claim your prize. Thanks for playing! Stayed tuned for other fun games we just come up with