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rk604 01-30-2013 04:41 PM

hmm...where is that...looks unaccessable

mb_ 01-30-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by rk604 (Post 8146588)
Ex. Since aznboi tagged my post, he had 1 hour to post a photo to keep the game going. BUT when he does post the new tag up, it will stay up 24 hours before it expires.

Considering the amount of people in Revscene, i'm sure the time frame should fit just fine. The idea of the 1 hour limit is so that:
1. The game progresses
2. New photos could potentially be close to the original tag

Once you really get into it, you could start "banking" tags and make the new tag available right after you tag the previous tag.

@Jesse, AGREE...but aznboi's post is not dark to the point where we don't recognize where it is. Google maps is your friend :)

I'm still confused kinda but you can't post a new tag unless you "tag" the current /previous post right?
Posted via RS Mobile

Prolowtone 01-30-2013 05:33 PM

"make the new tag available right after you tag the previous"

so yeah, i read it as only one at a time. Makes sence tho or everyone would post locations and then it would turn in to a cluster #uck

rk604 01-30-2013 08:11 PM

Tag found, pacific coliseum parking lot near race track

I'll post new tag within the hour limit
Posted via RS Mobile

rk604 01-30-2013 08:18 PM

New Tag! - gotta be in the parking lot!
Posted via RS Mobile

rk604 01-30-2013 08:29 PM

For anyone with a smartphone, photobucket app is great. Lets you upload and provides you with link + the [img] code to just copy n paste

inv4zn 01-30-2013 08:38 PM

^Your passenger doesn't look very impressed with having to sit in the cold with the top down while you play an internet forum game lolol

!Aznboi128 01-30-2013 08:48 PM

LOL jess looks so cold

In front of rp electronics on Rupert

this pic is 1 lot back cause the speed bump is about 2" high and my car only has 1.5 clearance

Will post new location within hour
Posted via RS Mobile

!Aznboi128 01-30-2013 09:01 PM

Here's one for everyone to find


please make your locations lowered car friendly.... I almost ripped my exhaust off going to rk604's place

GabAlmighty 01-30-2013 09:20 PM

No offroad means I don't wanna play... hahaha

nabs 01-30-2013 09:23 PM

i don't know any of these places, lol

AW607 01-30-2013 09:31 PM tag?

Looks more like aznboi128/rk604 photo tag for now haha :fuckthatshit:

rk604 01-30-2013 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by AW607 (Post 8146943) tag?

Looks more like aznboi128/rk604 photo tag for now haha :fuckthatshit:


I'll be working the next few so I'll just be updating the scoreboard
Posted via RS Mobile

!Aznboi128 01-30-2013 09:46 PM

and I'm off :badpokerface:

MeowMeow 01-30-2013 09:50 PM

I wanna play!
But I don't know any of those places :(

Posted via RS Mobile

rk604 01-30-2013 10:39 PM

aznboi is killing the game by posting random neighborhood...

RULE UPDATE: Tags must have some sort of landmark/sign or something unique that can be distinguished. This rule is present so that members don't post random pictures that is to find.

I'll reset the scoreboard closer to summer as we have more participants by then. Let's call this the trial run :)

inv4zn 01-30-2013 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by !Aznboi128 (Post 8146908)
Here's one for everyone to find


please make your locations lowered car friendly.... I almost ripped my exhaust off going to rk604's place

I can go there now but I'll either be robbed or arrested...=/

rk604 01-30-2013 11:17 PM

you'll be fine...depending on what time i wake up tomorrow, i may grab the tag before work

FerrariEnzo 01-31-2013 03:08 AM

so your suppose to guess the location, drive there to take a pic within an hr and go somewhere else and and take a picture??

i-vtecyo 01-31-2013 03:25 AM

^ nope, u got 24 hours to guess and take a pic of the of car with location from the previous tag, then u got 1 hour to take a pic of random place

jtanner_ 01-31-2013 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by !Aznboi128 (Post 8146908)
Here's one for everyone to find


please make your locations lowered car friendly.... I almost ripped my exhaust off going to rk604's place

Street behind The Speed Syndicate..

Will add a tag when I get closer to work.
Posted via RS Mobile

jtanner_ 01-31-2013 07:03 AM

Whoop whoop.
Posted via RS Mobile

rk604 01-31-2013 08:09 AM

I see a university parking lot

TjAlmeida 01-31-2013 08:25 AM

Pictures have to be recent do they not. Can't post a picture from a week before and throw it up here for people to find? Or can you.

Ex. I go to TSS and tag a picture with the location. Then the picture i posted for people to find has to be that same day, as in the picture being taken shortly after I tagged the TSS location, then uploaded and posted here within the hour.
Posted via RS Mobile

rk604 01-31-2013 09:21 AM

Nope, "banked" pictures are welcome. Keeps the game going, and plus, I'm sure once we get creative, you people have to get off your butts and actually cruise out

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