I couldn't even watch all of it, too terrible.. I had some promise at one point, but not anymore. Aside from the forced chemistry and the painful (to the eyes) colour processing, everything that happens is too convenient; they keep passing off everything as coincidence when all the have to do is say that they have to go to location X, not take a impromptu *shortcut* (coincidentally involving some off road racers who attack for comic relief), get *lost* and end up having a challenge in a clearing that they just *happen* to end up at. I then turned it off after that challenge where Rutledge's bus is *fixed*. i don't like shows that insult my intelligence.
Why not just say that they have received a challenge that requires them to proceed to X by taking off road track Y and then proceed to do X (also what happened to a certain someone's van is preposterous it would require far more extraneous circumstances to achieve the result that they *got*)
Yes, I know that the UK Top Gear is scripted, that is obvious. However they do not go around trying to pretend it isn't, in fact, they usually make jokes about this.
I see that this insomnia induced rant has gone on long enough, I apologise. [/rant]
Addendum: I love Top Gear UK, it may or may not contribute bias.