Long day.
I would like to officially thank the
VPD https://vancouver.ca/police/,
Parks Board Parks, Recreation, and Culture | City of Vancouver, and
City of Vancouver Home | City of Vancouver for helping us through another year.
I would like to thank and introduce some new faces.
Performance one Performance Store & Tuning Shop | Performance One | Vancouver, BC, You probably just recently seen there banner up on RS. They are the new faces in luxury performance, coming from long standing heritage from bmw and infiniti roots.
Scion Canada http://www.scion.ca/scion/en for coming out supporting the scene strong since its introduction into canada.
McComb & Witten The Vancouver Lawyers at McComb Witten Have the Experience You Need | McComb Witten my own personal injury lawyer for coming out and supporting the meet.
Street Meet digitalmenubox.com and
Guanaco Guanaco Truck for keeps the crowds filled with food. New to the RS meet, but not new to a lot of the members is
Vancouver Dodge Ball League http://vdldodgeball.ca/
It's a new turn of events. This year marks the first time we have brought
blitzgear Blitzgear Inc. | WE'RE ALL IN. in as our official Advertising/Marketing Managers. They are the reason you see food trucks, New vendors, and non automotive crew's and activities at the meet... With the injection of new blood and new energy, future looks very bright.
What made this years meet different? The sense of responsibility across the whole Western Canada Region. Each on of the crews and clubs had a new sense of responsibility. Your direct actions reflect on everyone in the community. There was a new sense of maturity...
A special thanks goes to the RS Staff. The dedicated crew, now veterans, at running behind the scenes which keep traffic flowing. These are the guys that brave the cold, and take the shit that every dishes at them.
with the said... wait for it...