changing your meals often and supplements worked great for me. I used to take CLA and i started to cut 5-10 pounds and then they slowly stopped working. If youre looking to lose quite a bit of weight watch your carbs. Going paleo can help you with that. It's the caveman's diet. Meat, nuts, fruits and veggies. I start my day with about a quarter cup of mix nuts (cashews, peanuts, almonds) and a banana. snacks throughout the day would be the same thing with a different fruit. lunch would be a piece of meat of your choice. try staying away from pork as much as you can. my choice of meat is chicken thighs. not too expensive and still have quite some meat on them. i just put oil and pepper on them. feel free to explore with spices. i eat my chicken with what ever veggies i have or just plain broccoli usually. more nuts and a piece of fruit for lunch again. then after the gym i try and eat something other than what i had for lunch. if its fish or beef. starting paleo i lost about 4 pounds? not too bad