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Old 04-29-2013, 10:58 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by GabAlmighty View Post
And what did mommy and daddy teach us about assuming...
It makes an ass of 'u' and 'ming'.
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Old 04-29-2013, 04:45 PM   #27
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Most gas station offer air and water for free. If not, you can reach the cashier to request air service. 99% gas station will offer for free.
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Old 04-29-2013, 09:32 PM   #28
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For people who really care about their cars, get a home compressor + a moisture filter. Gas station compressors often sits in the open, you will be pumping a lot of more moisture into the tires. Not to mention you will never get a good consistent baseline to see if your tire pressure is consistent.
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Old 04-29-2013, 09:39 PM   #29
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One day I got a low-pressure warning while on the way out to West Van. Decided to drive back to Burnaby along Hastings to try and get air. Neither the Chevron at Clarke nor the one at Willingdon had any air, free or otherwise. Came all the way back to the Petro Can at Kensington. Where the air is free, thankfully.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a tire pressure gauge, which they kindly lent me. And so I got them a $20 starbucks card as thanks. It was a good day.
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Old 04-29-2013, 11:25 PM   #30 has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
Charging for air is a scam. There is a company in B.C. that goes to all the gas station telling them that running air costs a lot of money and that they will install a air system for free and will split the money they make. Once the system is installed they get the store to donate there profits to charity. The company takes all the money but who knows if they give any to charity. Our gas station has been open for 22 years and have never charged for air and never will. Our cost has been around $1500 that includes 3 air compressors. Customers should not have to pay for air.
It's all about cost and profit, nothing at all personal. Just dollars and cents.

And, this is dependent on location, traffic levels, wages, and land value.

The idea is to NOT charge for air, and then generate loyal customers who come back for gas and small groceries/drinks purchased at the station.

As long as customers go to specific brands/stations for free air, and fill-up, and buy drinks, then the air will be free.

But, if after undergoing tests and long-runs of free air, and the gas station owners/corporations/etc. find that giving free air does not convert into higher sales/profits, then the gas stations will charge for air.
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Old 04-29-2013, 11:32 PM   #31
I STILL don't get it
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i used to be a petro-can customer and every single one i've been to has had a machine that says "insert $1" or whatever, every location has turned it on for me for free by just asking them. i switched to chev because they have 94 and i've always been able to just use it without asking anyone.
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Old 04-30-2013, 05:54 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Marshall Placid View Post
It's all about cost and profit, nothing at all personal. Just dollars and cents.

And, this is dependent on location, traffic levels, wages, and land value.

The idea is to NOT charge for air, and then generate loyal customers who come back for gas and small groceries/drinks purchased at the station.

As long as customers go to specific brands/stations for free air, and fill-up, and buy drinks, then the air will be free.

But, if after undergoing tests and long-runs of free air, and the gas station owners/corporations/etc. find that giving free air does not convert into higher sales/profits, then the gas stations will charge for air.
Meh.. that's how it USED to be.. and should be. But now it's all about how we can nickel-and-dime the consumer to death.
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Old 04-30-2013, 10:23 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Marshall Placid View Post
It's all about cost and profit, nothing at all personal. Just dollars and cents.

And, this is dependent on location, traffic levels, wages, and land value.

The idea is to NOT charge for air, and then generate loyal customers who come back for gas and small groceries/drinks purchased at the station.

As long as customers go to specific brands/stations for free air, and fill-up, and buy drinks, then the air will be free.

But, if after undergoing tests and long-runs of free air, and the gas station owners/corporations/etc. find that giving free air does not convert into higher sales/profits, then the gas stations will charge for air.
But the gas station makes no money by charging for air. the company that installed the system makes all the money.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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