About a week and a half ago, on my bottom left teeth(3-6 molar, one of the back ones). It started to get pretty sensitive to hot and cold stuff, which seemed a bit normal since a lot of my other teeth gets pretty sensitive as well sometimes and I thought nothing of it.
I continued to chew on the left side and after a few days, I wasn't able to chew hard or normal foods on my left side as it would send a shock every time I bite down hard on it(that tooth). I thought it would go away by itself or with some sensodyne. Wrong, it stayed and last week I checked with the dentist and he told me that everything "seems" normal but there's a slight inflammation with that tooth(nerve? I think).
Not infection, just inflamed. He didn't prescribe any drugs or antibiotics but his assistant told me to take some Advil, which I did for 3 days and which seemed to get slightly better as I wasn't having any pain when I'm not biting using that tooth.
Has anyone had a similar experience and any remedies or recommendations? How can I get the inflammation down? I've been rinsing my mouth twice a day with salt water as well(dunno if this helps). Although, the pain has gone away when I'm not biting but when I bite, it still aches and it's still very sensitive to hot/cold.
he dentist said with inflammation, two things can happen. One is, wait a bit and the inflammation will go away on it's own and everything will be fine or Two if it doesn't go away than we have to do a procedure known as "Root Canal".