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Anyone who is interested in the existence of aliens would benefit a lot from reading a sci-fi book called it's by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournell. It's a really well-done book, and it illustrates a lot of the reasons why aliens as Hollywood and most conspiracy theorists paint them are pretty damned ridiculous.
Considering how much room there is in the universe, how many planets there are in so many solar systems and seems improbable that we are alone on this one tiny, not particularly interesting blue spec.
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Enough high ranking people have come forward to speak on this stuff that I find it a bit odd. Steven Greer and his disclosure project never really does produce any hard evidence, but I must give him something for getting these people with former military ranks to speak out.
I don't really believe everything they are saying.
But admit it, doesn't it seem like something is very, very wrong if these rather reputable men are coming out to say something so outlandish?
If I had a solid reputation and had a decent pension, why would I come out and just leave behind a soiled reputation?
Just doesn't make sense.
Just because there's no hard evidence doesn't mean that life out there doesn't exist. At its' core, this discussion is basically empiricism vs. rationalism.
Have an open-mind and you will be enlightened. Have a closed-mind and live in ignorance.
Owner of Vansterdam's 420th thanks. OH YEAUHHH.
Originally Posted by 89blkcivic
Did I tell you guys black is my favourite colour? My Ridgeline is black. My Honda Fit is black. Wish my dick was black........ LOL.
You know, here's the thing: assuming it IS true, there's other life in the galaxy, and they're visiting us here and some people may even know about it... that doesn't mean ALL the claims and sightings and "cover-ups" and stories are true. Just because I may believe one person's story isn't bullshit, doesn't mean I can't call out dozens of others for being bullshit.
Originally Posted by Godzira
Does anyone know how many to a signature?
Originally Posted by Brianrietta
Not a sebberry post goes by where I don't frown and think to myself "so..?"
You know, here's the thing: assuming it IS true, there's other life in the galaxy, and they're visiting us here and some people may even know about it... that doesn't mean ALL the claims and sightings and "cover-ups" and stories are true. Just because I may believe one person's story isn't bullshit, doesn't mean I can't call out dozens of others for being bullshit.
That it in itself is fine. Case-by-case it's totally fine, but what I meant was that when we talk about them in general as a whole.
Owner of Vansterdam's 420th thanks. OH YEAUHHH.
Originally Posted by 89blkcivic
Did I tell you guys black is my favourite colour? My Ridgeline is black. My Honda Fit is black. Wish my dick was black........ LOL.
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Originally Posted by saucywoman
Qft, no one wants to see you spew your crap and ruin perfectly good and mature discussions Posted via RS Mobile
some would say its on the same level of maturity and sillyness I mean after all this topic is delving straight into CiCs world and the topics are actually involved
some would say its on the same level of maturity and sillyness I mean after all this topic is delving straight into CiCs world and the topics are actually involved
Yes it is in the same realm of his ranting I guess. At least with this thread I wanted a mature discussion, which I have been getting from everyone , and he's not coming in here spewing "I am right, here's why but I'm going to bash everyone that disagrees without giving any valid reasoning"
For myself I'm sick of seeing his posts where it's a one sided topic that has no validity and he chooses not to engage in a mature debate.. Yes I censored him but it was one of his stupid off topic tangents that gives no depth to this topic
Everyone else in here has made worthwhile comments that haven't derailed this thread into something stupid..
Unless I'm wrong and members think this thread is stupid lol Posted via RS Mobile
^ No, CiC thinks you're stupid and will refuse to debate you about it by either muscling the topic into his tangents or posting a slanted video as an argument. Posted via RS Mobile
I didn't bother watching the video, though that's more due to time constraints and a lack of speakers at the moment. However, my thoughts in general on this topic are as follows: I'm positive life outside of our solar system exists. If you think about the billions upon billions of stars out there, the fact that we could think we were the only planet out there orbiting a star that managed to create living creatures is absolutely inane. It's not even a blip on a statistical error margin if that were the case. I have no doubt there are millions of other worlds out there that support some form of life, be it single celled bacteria or intelligent beings.
However... do I think that they're secretly visiting this world and attempting to control the populations by infiltrating governments and important companies? No. Do I think that all these "UFO's" that are spotted are aliens from another planet? No. Militaries love to fly prototypes that don't conform to the conventional definition of an airplane, and of course they wont say that said protytpe exists, especially if it's something new and radical (think of the B2 bomber and F117 fighter).
I'm not sure about UFOs, I have thoughts that it may be an inter-dimensional thing if real. Not interstellar. Crop circles are a pretty mind boggling phenomena closely linked in there too.
I'm pretty convinced abductions and other close encounter experiences are via DMT though. No idea on what's really happening, just that DMT in the persons brain is likely the gateway to the experience. Not some dudes in a UFO from space. There's not a lot of studies on this, but there's at least one that has replicated abduction experiences in 20% of subjects given DMT.
Anything seems crazy if you have no experience of it. I wouldn't rush to dismiss someone as crazy if they said something I don't understand.
Originally Posted by MajinHurricane
who would ban me? lol. Look at my post count.
Last edited by Nightwalker; 06-06-2013 at 11:39 AM.
I'm not sure about UFOs, I have thoughts that it may be an inter-dimensional thing if real. Not interstellar. Crop circles are a pretty mind boggling phenomena closely linked in there too.
"The one interesting bit that I found recently in one of my briefs on the poppy industry was that we have a problem with wallabies entering poppy fields, getting as high as a kite and going around in circles," Lara Giddings told the hearing.
I'm not sure about UFOs, I have thoughts that it may be an inter-dimensional thing if real. Not interstellar. Crop circles are a pretty mind boggling phenomena closely linked in there too.
I'm pretty convinced abductions and other close encounter experiences are via DMT though. No idea on what's really happening, just that DMT in the persons brain is likely the gateway to the experience. Not some dudes in a UFO from space. There's not a lot of studies on this, but there's at least one that has replicated abduction experiences in 20% of subjects given DMT.
Anything seems crazy if you have no experience of it. I wouldn't rush to dismiss someone as crazy if they said something I don't understand.
I think DMT is on a different level/discussion than this one.
they're talking about UFOs. like physical, visible things in the sky. they might not even be aliens. they could be man made secret projects.... or aliens. who knows.
DMT is totally a different thing. I also wouldn't call a DMT trip an abduction. you aren't being abducted. more like you're visiting. you literally go somewhere, then you come back. You have a high chance of encounter "beings" there, but they are certainly not abducting you.
to be honest, I think DMT has nothing to do with aliens and ufos that most people associate with. by "alien" you mean a being that isnt from this planet, then ok sure. it is aliens. but wherever DMT brings you. I am 100% sure, the UFO aliens would be just as perplexed if they could experience what it was like. It is beyond the physical world. it's literally experiencing the metaphysical. it is the why of everything.
if it were just about that, then everyone would just do DMT and experience it.
but people are interested in technologically advanced beings... aliens. ufos. not the metaphysical lol.
Last edited by Ulic Qel-Droma; 06-06-2013 at 04:53 PM.
I personally believe in UFO's and I really wouldnt be surprised if the goverments are actually working with them especially with the progression of technology over the past 50-60 years. That being said I don't think the world is actually ready to find out the existence of Aliens. I could see mass panic all over especially with the mass of wako religious people.
The math certainly points to other intellegent life existibg somewhere out there in our massive universe. Making an attempt to grasp the size, distances, and hazards of what encompasses the known universe let alone beyond it, suggests that the likelyhood of an encounter is very very improbable.
We are the most advanced species we know and we are barely able to detect planents in other near by solar systems within our own galaxy. looking inversely, our own clues of our existence, in the form of radio broadcast waves, have only been travelling out for the last 100 years or so. That makes us detectable only to the closest solar systems in our own galaxy.
Think about the plot of Star Trek Voyager for a moment: An Earth ship thrust over 70,000 light years from to the other side of our galaxy. They felt like they might never reach home because for many of them the journey would take longer than the rest of their lives travelling non stop at speeds faster than light takes to travel. Call me when we've developed faster than light travel. It would still leave us really only able to travel within our own galaxy.
When looking at other galaxies, the distances get even less comprehensible. Our closest neighbour, Andromeda, is on a collision course with our galaxy. It will hit us in 4Billion years. That's as long as the Earth has been around and about 1/3 of the total time the Universe has existed.
The more you sit and actually think about this stuff and what is required for beings to travel around the stars, the more you realise we're on our own even if there are aliens out their searching and hoping just like us.
An even scarier thought: we could be the pinnacle of intellegent life in the universe as we tune in to watch Honey Boo Boo. I mean one species out there has to be the most advanced and we could be it.
UFO's in its literal meaning is an Unidentified Flying Object. As long as it's unidentifiable, It could be an extraterresterial aircraft or secret military craft (manned or unmanned). However, when we speak of secret military crafts, the three leading countries in this field, as we know, are the US, Russian, and the Chinese. Now let's say if these countries had crafts to test, how will they go about testing their crafts without leaking sensitive information to foreign governments? Take the US, for example, for proximity reasons, if there are secret military aircrafts for testing, it would make sense that they would test these crafts on domestic airspace, or if they need extended range, they would fly these over international water to the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean. I think most would agree with that. It will not make any sense at all for them to perform testing in a foreign country over a populated area. As far as I know, Canada does not have any secret military aircraft projects, otherwise we wouldn't be spending BILLIONS buying out-dated and poorly constructed crafts from the US. I also believe that most would agree with this point as well.
Now, instead of discussing UFO on a global scale, let's sit-back and look at this from a more local perspective. if we can all agree that Canada does not have any secret military aircraft projects and you think that the US is bright enough not to conduct any secret aircraft testing on our airspace.. then.. What are these objects that are flying over our domestic airspace in Vancouver on a nightly basis? They are unconventional, they don't follow a path, they pulsate, and in some instances, they materialize and de-materialize at will, they can also stop at an instant, make a 45 degree angle turn, and go hyper-speed at a flash of a second?
Here are some videos that local skywatcher Charles Lamour captured with his own Nightvision camera in Downtown Vancouver on the 21st floor of a yaletown condo (you draw your own conclusions):
Now, some will argue that these videos are fake and or computer edited, particularly the first video, where you see an object just flashes several times in mid-air without ever making out what that object is. However, I've seen this flashing object on June 2nd when this video was captured, so I can attest that it is real. I was at Cypress Bowl when that event took place. Along with the rest of the objects in the other 2 videos.. I see them on a nightly basis on a clear night sky. They occur so often that it doesnt even surprise me anymore. These things zig-zags, and flies in different altitutes, like it's got a mind of its own. I can tell you that they are not satellites, flares, lanterns, or airplanes. if you're gonna tell me now that our government has it's own secret aerial craft project, and that these objects are ours, yet we are spending billions buying crafts from the US then we've got ourselves the biggest government coverup of all-time.
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Originally Posted by willystyle
Here are some videos that local skywatcher Charles Lamour captured with his own Nightvision camera in Downtown Vancouver on the 21st floor of a yaletown condo (you draw your own conclusions):
a guy on a gaming forum i go on posts this guys videos he's the guy that thinks airplanes are dropping chemicals on top of vancouver
I believe you're referring to this video. He was suggesting that the sky was clear before the jets flew over downtown. The aftermath was that it became all cloudy afterwards which made it difficult for nighttime observation.
I didnt hear him spew anything about population or weather control which is often associated with chemtrail conspiracy.