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I think DMT is on a different level/discussion than this one.
they're talking about UFOs. like physical, visible things in the sky. they might not even be aliens. they could be man made secret projects.... or aliens. who knows.
DMT is totally a different thing. I also wouldn't call a DMT trip an abduction. you aren't being abducted. more like you're visiting. you literally go somewhere, then you come back. You have a high chance of encounter "beings" there, but they are certainly not abducting you.
to be honest, I think DMT has nothing to do with aliens and ufos that most people associate with. by "alien" you mean a being that isnt from this planet, then ok sure. it is aliens. but wherever DMT brings you. I am 100% sure, the UFO aliens would be just as perplexed if they could experience what it was like. It is beyond the physical world. it's literally experiencing the metaphysical. it is the why of everything.
if it were just about that, then everyone would just do DMT and experience it.
but people are interested in technologically advanced beings... aliens. ufos. not the metaphysical lol.
The exact experience HAS been duplicated using DMT though, and it's rattling around in everyone's heads.
Like I said in my last post though, not really sure what the UFO thing is yet. But I don't think people are just crazy.
Originally Posted by MajinHurricane
who would ban me? lol. Look at my post count.
Last edited by Nightwalker; 06-06-2013 at 09:45 PM.
So let's assume that there's an alien species who's made it across the void, and are deciding to occupy the solar system.
They need air: dive into a gas giant, alternatively electrolysis on ice (clean or dirty) to extract the hydrogen and oxygen
They need water: dirty ice asteroid, most likely polluted with hydrogen (standard, deuterium, and tritium): fuel and water
They need hydrogen (fuel, assuming hydrogen fusion): gas giant diving
They need metals: asteroids in the E/M belt, or moons/moonlets/the belts of the gas giants.
They need fabrication: construction in space is more efficient; vacuum welding, not needing structural integrity until the project is completed, easier access to materials
They need gravity: centrifugal spin
They need space: find an asteroid, bore it out, spin it. Repeat ad nauseum.
Seriously. People who are into hard science fiction have so many reasons why the conspiracy theories on alien invasions are so very retardedly idiotic.
So let's assume that there's an alien species who's made it across the void, and are deciding to occupy the solar system.
They need air: dive into a gas giant, alternatively electrolysis on ice (clean or dirty) to extract the hydrogen and oxygen
They need water: dirty ice asteroid, most likely polluted with hydrogen (standard, deuterium, and tritium): fuel and water
They need hydrogen (fuel, assuming hydrogen fusion): gas giant diving
They need metals: asteroids in the E/M belt, or moons/moonlets/the belts of the gas giants.
They need fabrication: construction in space is more efficient; vacuum welding, not needing structural integrity until the project is completed, easier access to materials
They need gravity: centrifugal spin
They need space: find an asteroid, bore it out, spin it. Repeat ad nauseum.
Seriously. People who are into hard science fiction have so many reasons why the conspiracy theories on alien invasions are so very retardedly idiotic.
You didn't take my post seriously, right?
And what you listed is just one version of what may happen. If an alien species is sophisticated enough to master inter-stellar travel. You'd think they'd master the ability to rope in asteroids from our belt, and just hurl it at the earth, or just release some sort of nano-virus. They don't really need to even have 'boots on the ground' they can just rain hellfire from our orbit and we'd be helpless.
And what you listed is just one version of what may happen. If an alien species is sophisticated enough to master inter-stellar travel. You'd think they'd master the ability to rope in asteroids from our belt, and just hurl it at the earth, or just release some sort of nano-virus. They don't really need to even have 'boots on the ground' they can just rain hellfire from our orbit and we'd be helpless.
Of course not, I was just making a point.
You also assume that they would want our planet. As you can see, the resources of our solar system as a whole (especially at our current level of development) are innumerably greater than the value of conquering a lameass little planet populated by monkeys.
If they've set foot on our planet (atmospherically), I highly doubt that they are here for an invasion. They are more likely here to observe, just like how wildlife officer's head up to the North Pole, to observe Polar Bears. They tranquilize then plant medical devices in them, gather biological specimens, then leave them there. The bears wake up and know that they've been messed around with, but don't have a clue of who they are.
As far as I know, Canada does not have any secret military aircraft projects, otherwise we wouldn't be spending BILLIONS buying out-dated and poorly constructed crafts from the US.
I'll just leave here...
Originally Posted by Godzira
Does anyone know how many to a signature?
Originally Posted by Brianrietta
Not a sebberry post goes by where I don't frown and think to myself "so..?"
That was 60 years ago. Any rumors of on-going secret aircraft projects?
Canada actually has a lot of secret projects and we are doing and have a lot more then anyone even realizes. I have a buddy with very high Clearance and travels all around NA to work on military planes and I was joking with him and he made a comment about I would be beyond amazed with the things we have. He couldn't say much since he has to take lie detector tests on a regular basis but I know we are highly advanced with drones which he didnt elaborate on and trust me I tried to get info from him. All he really said was I would be shocked and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Posted via RS Mobile
Canada actually has a lot of secret projects and we are doing and have a lot more then anyone even realizes. I have a buddy with very high Clearance and travels all around NA to work on military planes and I was joking with him and he made a comment about I would be beyond amazed with the things we have. He couldn't say much since he has to take lie detector tests on a regular basis but I know we are highly advanced with drones which he didnt elaborate on and trust me I tried to get info from him. All he really said was I would be shocked and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Posted via RS Mobile
I have a friend who works high up in CSIS and she basically said the same sort of thing. I've tried drilling her for information in the past ( ) but she couldn't say anything more than super vague stuff.
Just because Canada is seen as USA's poor cousin (and the peacekeeping nation), it doesn't mean we don't have our own projects or joint projects hidden behind the scenes.
Canada mainly specializes in surveillance it seems and we don't even have a clue about it thats the funny part. We just don't have to flex our muscles but when something goes down like a natural disaster look whos first 90% of the time..
Just because there's no hard evidence doesn't mean that life out there doesn't exist. At its' core, this discussion is basically empiricism vs. rationalism.
Have an open-mind and you will be enlightened. Have a closed-mind and live in ignorance.
I actually really enjoy reading posts about ufos, clean energy, the few elite controlling the world, or whatever. I think it's good to have an open mind. I think there is so much in this world that is unexplained. Most of the time the crazy are just that crazy and sometimes they're so brilliant they're perceived as crazy. The world needs your typical rational person as much as those people who are little bit off beat.
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the same people who dont believe in a god because its "impossible" in their minds and there's no evidence of a god who laugh and diss those that do; totally find it believable that there are aliens even though there's no evidence its simply "possible" in their heads and get mad that they're doubted or made fun of
Found this interview last night, with the dude that put together the disclosure project (remember that old vid with all the military guys and people testifying?). I think they've got it right.
^ I posted that up in the other UFO thread in the NSFW forum. It's good material.
Here's my response to crafts being possibly secret aircraft projects, I've never doubted for one second that some of the objects are military. They could very well be highly technologically advanced crafts that can fly really fast (10,000 mph+), and be hidden from radar detection. To me, that's progressive advancement from current aerospace technology. This is a step or two above on what we have now.
The aspect where I am skeptical are the 10% of the objects that don't meet "progressive advancement". Objects that defy the laws of physics, like how we understand physics currently on this planet.
1. An object that can materialize and de-materialize, at will.
2. An object that can travel in a single direction, performs a sudden 45 degree angle turn, and shoots towards the direction that it was travelling from at incredible speeds (speed doesn't gradually pick up). It's so fast that you can only see part of the tail.
3. An object that is travelling linear at a regulated speed, then all of a sudden within a blink of an eye, it goes hyper-speed (speed doesn't gradually pick up). It's out of your line of sight in a matter of a second.
If this is what the military have then it's clear to me that they are not using a conventional propulsion system. If they are not using a conventional propulsion system then they are probably not burning fuel. If they are not burning fuel, then why are we?
Last edited by willystyle; 06-10-2013 at 02:23 PM.