As some people on this forum know I am currently looking for a third female for a possible poly amourous relationship (triad style, pm if interested to discuss further) so my SO and I have discussed some of the questions.
Originally Posted by MindBomber What's this say about our generations changing outlook on relationships? |
I dont think it says a lot to be honest. I feel it is just too rare for a real poly amourous relationship for society to accept in terms of gaining the benefits that marriage gives you. It is a fun idea, it is awesome, people get jelly, but trust, jealousy, and envy of standard relationships prevails.
Something I didnt think about until it happened to me, the unicorn I found on RS (Unicorn = female that wants to join a MF relationship) over time had to back out (we are on good terms) because she was envious of a standard MF relationships. I suppose I never thought about it cause I am a guy and its flipping awesome for me, but for a female I can now see that it can be saddening that you dont have YOUR man.
Originally Posted by MindBomber Do we, as a society, need to begin recognizing polyamorous relationships as equal to traditional relationships under the law like we have same-sex relationships? |
I feel they should allow it, I mean in a real successful poly amourous relationship this is such a big issue as it currently is. My SO and I have talked about if it ever does get that far how would it work, currently cant think of any solutions LOL, we sort of just gave up and said "eh it will probably never get that far". But honestly I have no idea how that wedding would look
Originally Posted by MindBomber A significant proportion of divorces are caused by cheating spouses, is this approach to relationships the answer? |
If the trust is there then YES!
I like my SO a lot, shes super cool, but I am pretty comfortable in assuming that most guys just imagine being with someone else, or just even see a pretty girl on the street and go "damnn!"
So if my SO trusts this girl and is into her, and I am into this third girl and we establish boundaries
e.g. can I fuck the other one if I get in a fight with the first? Can she or the third go around and play around with other guys? Can we go on dates with people not within our relationship? we think it can work very well. Triple income, if we get in fights there is a third who loves us both that can chime in (although i can see it getting messy if we dont collaborate properly), if youre too tired to fuck, the other can help out. Bunch a good stuff!
What do you guys think?