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03-01-2014, 06:30 PM
#11276 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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Originally Posted by F3 | NOPE
right from the article Quote: According to TSN, rookie backup Eddie Lack will make a third straight start ahead of Luongo when the Canucks play the Ottawa Senators on Sunday (4 p.m. ET, CBC, RDS, NBCSN). Though neither goalie nor coach John Tortorella would confirm it, another start for Lack puts the Canucks right back where they were before surprising everyone by keeping Luongo and trading Cory Schneider at the 2014 NHL Draft.
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03-01-2014, 06:34 PM
#11277 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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Originally Posted by Ch28 "I don't want to start going through this again," Luongo said. "When I am on the ice I give myself 100 percent, I try to be the best I can be, and the rest is out of my control, so I am not going to start putting myself in a spot like that again. Whatever happens from here on in, I am just going to battle, and if it's me, it's me. If it's not, it's not." Posted via RS Mobile | Year after year, Luongo earns the respect of MANY around the league.
I don't know whats gotten into management's head...but its fucking painful to watch
We sit here thinking that Aquaman has had Luongo's back from day 1
Now, i'm not so sure
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03-01-2014, 07:25 PM
#11278 | I bringith the lowerballerith
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03-01-2014, 07:28 PM
#11279 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by darthchilli NOPE
right from the article | Luongo disappointed with not starting Heritage Classic
Lu should STFU IMO. He signed a ridiculous contract with a goofball organization. He's getting paid $100 million to play a sport. Shut up and do your job, even if that means sitting on the bench while younger, hungrier, better goalies get the start.
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03-01-2014, 07:34 PM
#11280 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Vancouver as a whole is fucked up. The players, management, fans, media. Turns every little thing into a big thing. If we ever drafted Crosby we probably would of ran him out of the city.
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03-01-2014, 07:59 PM
#11281 | Lomac owned my ass at least once
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Points are points i guess and Lack is playing amazing.
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03-01-2014, 08:18 PM
#11282 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by RiceIntegraRS Vancouver as a whole is fucked up. The players, management, fans, media. Turns every little thing into a big thing. If we ever drafted Crosby we probably would of ran him out of the city. | Can't wait until Seattle gets a NHL team!
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03-01-2014, 08:50 PM
#11283 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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Originally Posted by RiceIntegraRS Vancouver as a whole is fucked up. The players, management, fans, media. Turns every little thing into a big thing. If we ever drafted Crosby we probably would of ran him out of the city. |
Uhh no.
Vancouver is not fucked up. The franchise is lucky that Vancouver (as fair weather as it's accused to be) is what it is... one of the most profitable franchises in the league because of who we are.
If the players don't want to be on the headlines, if the players don't want to matter, if players never want to have that spot light:
a) Then aspire to be in a franchise who can't even give away their tickets with a free hot dog.
b) Don't be in a profession where media and "exposure" is a big part of your job description, especially when a sport you're in wants to market itself commercially.
Stop blaming the fucking media. Stop blaming the fucking fans. This franchise is struggling (hockey-wise) not because of what the media writes, not because of what we say as fans, but rather it's because the players themselves aren't really delivering.
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03-01-2014, 08:55 PM
#11284 | My homepage has been set to RS
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To me there's no loyalty at the club, Lu has been the essential team mate and gets put through the wringer for the last couple of years.
If we're not going to be a contender in the playoffs and get swept, I rather we not make it so the Aquilinis don't make the extra few millions for the 2 games. It's ridiculous the ticket prices for a sub par product.
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03-01-2014, 09:04 PM
#11285 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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Originally Posted by nah To me there's no loyalty at the club, Lu has been the essential team mate and gets put through the wringer for the last couple of years. | Lu is the only reason why Lu is not starting.
Yes you can say this year it's not Lu's fault we're losing all those games but other than last year, every year he's been given the starting job for him to lose.
And he's been losing it every year, a year after the SCF fail.
Luongo aside, I do agree that management is fucked. We've been losing talent steadily for a while now.
1. we jaded Grabner
2. we lost Hodgson (management accusing him of being a problem player)
3. trading Schneider (because management can't find a buyer for Luongo - they miscalculated his value)
4. now Kesler wants out (asked for a trade)
Whatever the REAL reasons are behind those departures, it still an unsettling fact that we have a steady string of skill player departures.
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03-01-2014, 09:12 PM
#11286 | I *heart* very Muchie
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There are so many whiners and complainers, and I'm not talking about Lu. He's the type of guy that would be disappointed to not start EVERY game.
Those who are buying in to the 'specialness' of the HC have bought in hard to the NHL marketing machine. It's just another regular season game against an also struggling Ottawa team with whom we have NO rivalry and aside from the 2 pts we need this game doesn't really have any significance. Posted via RS Mobile |
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03-01-2014, 11:35 PM
#11287 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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Originally Posted by nah To me there's no loyalty at the club, Lu has been the essential team mate and gets put through the wringer for the last couple of years. | as disappointed as many people are. From Day 1 of Torts, i didn't expect him to show any loyalty to anyone as he doesn't need to because he owes this team NOTHING
You can't expect management to come in and say, LU has to start. its not gonna happen
Its great to be a Canucks fan isn't it. haha
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03-01-2014, 11:50 PM
#11288 | y'all better put some respeck on my name
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Watched the CBC panel after the Oilers/Flames game and they mentioned Lu was pretty upset and vocal about not starting today.
It seems like there's never ending drama with the Canucks. First the Kesler rumors, the entire ordeal with Lu last night now Lu been pissed off when really he should have got a chance to play despite how Lack is playing and the way this team has played throughout this season you really begin to wonder when the owners are going to wake up and realize that the buzz for the Canucks is slowly and painfully dying off in this city.
If this team misses the playoffs which it's starting to look like they will and no big trade is made, the claim to fame about having sell outs is going to mean shit when half the fans don't show up to the games. I've been a hardcore Canucks fan for two decades but even I can't physically sit and watch a entire Canucks game anymore. This team is beyond awful and what pisses me off even more is the compete level amongst the so called "leaders" of this team. It's disgraceful and it's even more disgraceful when the owners expect us to pay ticket prices which should be reserved for cup winners, not bottom feeders.
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03-02-2014, 12:13 AM
#11289 | i like gifs
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Originally Posted by OGCStrike | The look on Seabrook's face right after HAHAHAHA
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03-02-2014, 12:20 AM
#11290 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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03-02-2014, 12:37 AM
#11291 | the world.
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Lu not starting the last two games is fine. Lack played great but Lu should start this game. It just creates more drama where there wasn't any. Let's not fuck around...I still trust Luongo more than I trust Lack in net when it's on the line. Lack is still an unproven rookie.
Unless a Luongo trade is happening, Lu should start this game. He seems to have forgiven management for fucking around with him for a whole season and went right back to playing well. Why be a dick to the guy that you have for another million years? Unless he's being traded.
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03-02-2014, 12:51 AM
#11292 | JDMEK9Mod | DogWhisperer
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exactly. lu should start this game, end of story. otherwise they're just going to start more shit and it's already been a terrible season.
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03-02-2014, 01:06 AM
#11293 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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Canucks will announce starter tomorrow.
Shits over. Management stepping in is going to have torts rip into everyone.
Let it be. Until 9ish am Posted via RS Mobile |
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03-02-2014, 03:51 AM
#11294 | what manner of phaggotry is this
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Now they are in a terrible spot. If they see the backlash and decide to play Lu over Lack, Lu is probably so frazzled hes going to have a bad game and lose 1-0 and the loss will be blamed on him and the whole "Shoulda played Lack/Schneider" starts again.
I dont care how well Lack has been. Lu is your starting goalie and has played fairly well too. The canucks told him this is his team this year when they boggled the trade at the draft. And now your starting goalie has played like 1 game in the last month. You gotta treat your key players with some respect. Notice how Vancouver was always 'in the running' but could never land a big FA over the last few seasons? How many did we miss out on? Maybe there is a reason for that. Maybe the shiney new locker room isnt enough to make up for the terrible management.
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Last edited by RRxtar; 03-02-2014 at 03:57 AM.
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03-02-2014, 07:22 AM
#11295 | Performance Moderator
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Originally Posted by darthchilli as disappointed as many people are. From Day 1 of Torts, i didn't expect him to show any loyalty to anyone as he doesn't need to because he owes this team NOTHING
You can't expect management to come in and say, LU has to start. its not gonna happen
Its great to be a Canucks fan isn't it. haha |
It's about respect man. Schneider was the hottest goalie in the NHL when their outdoor game came up, but Brodeur still started because the organization respects him and treats him appropriately... I can't say the same for the Canucks. I realize it didn't work out so well in that game for Brodeur, but that's beside the point and it's not like starting Lu gives us less a chance of winning.
Canucks done fugged up for realz if Lack is starting.
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03-02-2014, 07:49 AM
#11296 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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Originally Posted by 68style It's about respect man. Schneider was the hottest goalie in the NHL when their outdoor game came up, but Brodeur still started because the organization respects him and treats him appropriately... I can't say the same for the Canucks. I realize it didn't work out so well in that game for Brodeur, but that's beside the point and it's not like starting Lu gives us less a chance of winning.
Canucks done fugged up for realz if Lack is starting. | Totally agree. Sadly.the torts we know isn't gonna take crap from anyone.
One has to wonder what the hell drives Luongo after being crapped on year after year.
The employee/employer relationship is so fucked up between luongo, management, and ownership Posted via RS Mobile |
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03-02-2014, 08:04 AM
#11297 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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So 3 scenarios can happen today.
1) Luongo is the starter and was from the start and the media screwed up
2) lack was gonna start but because of the media they do a last minute switch to luongo starting
3) lack was the starter and will be starting Posted via RS Mobile |
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03-02-2014, 08:23 AM
#11298 | (╯°□°)╯聽不到 ╮(°□°╮)
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No2 will never happen. Posted via RS Mobile |
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03-02-2014, 08:29 AM
#11299 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by Grandmaster TSE So 3 scenarios can happen today.
1) Luongo is the starter and was from the start and the media screwed up
2) lack was gonna start but because of the media they do a last minute switch to luongo starting
3) lack was the starter and will be starting Posted via RS Mobile | |
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03-02-2014, 09:48 AM
#11300 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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What kinda events are they having outside BC place?
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