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07-15-2013, 02:55 PM
#1 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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| Front License Plate
I received a warning for no front license plate over the weekend. First time I've had a problem in the 4 years I've been in BC.
No front license plate is $109 but the officer verbally told me that if I was caught after the warning it was $598 or something absurd.
Can anyone clarify if it goes up after a first offence/warning or is it the same $109 ding each time?
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07-15-2013, 02:59 PM
#2 | Throw yo paws in da air!
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i say it depends on the discretion of the officer..but then again i'd GUESS 1-2 times would be 109$ , the 3rd time its 50/50 , and more tickets after that for the SAME offence, you SHOULD be getting dinged more as you obviously think you're above the law lol and by you i mean people in general, not YOU op lol
__________________ Proud member of GRAPE Great Revscene Action Photography Enthusiasts 2008 Infiniti M45X - Y50 (Current) 2000 Honda Prelude SH (Sold) 1995 Dodge Spirit (Sold) 1998 Nissan Maxima SE (Sold) 1996 Honda Prelude SR-V (Sold) |
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07-15-2013, 03:03 PM
#3 | RS Veteran
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Breaking the law. Yes, I know. It's absurd to be punished and fined.
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07-15-2013, 03:03 PM
#4 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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I have no problem with the ticket. I'm asking for clarification on the amounts for people with experience. Reading comprehension really isn't strong in the youth of today is it?
Fine amounts are not at the discretion of the officer. We have a judicial system and structured traffic offence violations for a reason. They don't just make up amounts based on your history for these kind of things.
I may or may not run a front plate. I'm undecided. They destroy the lines of my car, but I may end up doing it anyway. That is irrelevant.
I assumed there would be a number of people on here familiar with the front license plate laws and if they in fact increase after a warning/first offence. I'm not disputing the legality or the ticket. I can bold that and add some pretty colours if necessary?
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07-15-2013, 03:08 PM
#5 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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BC requires both front and back...
Go to alberta and register your car there if you dont want the front plates ICBC has a page containing the fines
But these are still not the final... its USUALLY at the officers discretion, I believe
"Motor Vehicle Act section 3.02
Improper display of plate
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07-15-2013, 03:09 PM
#6 | Prince of the Apes
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| Police Forum - Vancouver's Top Classifieds and Automotive Forum - would probably serve you better. Also try visiting the ICBC website they have a list of all the tickets and their fines. I don't think any fine really has a stacking amount for each offence.. repeat offences would probably influence the officer from either giving you a warning or giving you a ticket.
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[23-08, 13:17] nabs i've gripped ice boy's shaft before
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07-15-2013, 03:17 PM
#7 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by bloodmack | That is where I got the $109 amount from. I've also never heard of a fine that increased with consecutive violations, but as I have no familiarity with this particular law I thought I'd ask. I figured there would be a quite a few chaps that just take the ticket, pay it and be on there way. Much like an exhaust or tint ticket.
As it turns out, Revscene are all upstanding scholars and all vehicles owned by its members comply with each and every Motor Vehicle Act Regulation. Eye opening for sure....
Thanks for the link, I don't frequent here often and I should have skimmed the sections better.
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07-15-2013, 03:26 PM
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Attitude and sarcasm aren't going to get you anywhere.
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07-15-2013, 03:28 PM
#9 | RS Veteran
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LOL. you've definitely made a good impression with your first 3 posts. A simple google would have probably answered your question. The only offence I can think of, off the top of my head is Driving without insurance. A normal infraction should not increase in price each time, but ICBC may ding you for points, which are associated with fines.
Was it a verbal warning, or a notice in order? If it is a NO, then you have X amount of days to get whatever it is corrected, or else the fine is a few hundred bucks.
Improper display of plate is 230 which is what people who put their front plate behind the windshield should get.
No number plate could be used to charge under this circumstance since you required to have 2, which is 109
Last edited by Spidey; 07-15-2013 at 03:34 PM.
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07-15-2013, 03:31 PM
#10 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by Spidey LOL. you've definitely made a good impression with your first 3 posts. A simple google would have probably answered your question. The only offence I can think of, off the top of my head is Driving without insurance. A normal infraction should not increase in price each time, but ICBC may ding you for points, which are associated with fines.
Was it a verbal warning, or a notice in order? If it is a NO, then you have X amount of days to get whatever it is corrected, or else the fine is a few hundred bucks.
Improper display of plate is 230 which is what people who put their front plate behind the windshield should get.
No front plate could be used to charge under this circumstance since you required to have 2, which is 109 | Google didn't get me too far unfortunately. I honestly thought this would be a common scenario in the tuner community and those with more time in BC than myself could answer it no worries.
It's a written warning but with no section codes on it, but it's definitely for the lack of the front plate not improper display (odd how having the plate displayed incorrectly is more expensive than not having it at all).
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07-15-2013, 03:32 PM
#11 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by nabs Attitude and sarcasm aren't going to get you anywhere. | It's got me by in my life thus far. Thanks for your concern though.
I asked a simple question, people chose to either not read, or lack the intelligence to read what I wrote correctly. If by setting the record straight that is considered attitude, then so be it.
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07-15-2013, 03:34 PM
#12 | RS Veteran
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Originally Posted by AuZZZie Google didn't get me too far unfortunately. I honestly thought this would be a common scenario in the tuner community and those with more time in BC than myself could answer it no worries.
It's a written warning but with no section codes on it, but it's definitely for the lack of the front plate not improper display (odd how having the plate displayed incorrectly is more expensive than not having it at all). | having a piece of metal behind a windshield or a loose plate outside a car is a SERIOUS hazard that could lead to possibly severed limbs or decapitation. nothing on your vehicle should be loose anyways in case it flies off and strikes anything/one.
The warning is for no front plate, which if you were charged, would be for "no number plate"
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07-15-2013, 03:38 PM
#13 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Originally Posted by nabs Attitude and sarcasm aren't going to get you anywhere. | I agree with this 100%. No need for it Posted via RS Mobile |
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07-15-2013, 03:43 PM
#14 | Wanna have a threesome?
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Originally Posted by Spidey having a piece of metal behind a windshield or a loose plate outside a car is a SERIOUS hazard that could lead to possibly severed limbs or decapitation. nothing on your vehicle should be loose anyways in case it flies off and strikes anything/one.
The warning is for no front plate, which if you were charged, would be for "no number plate" | I consistently see license plates sitting against a windshield, and always laugh.
The choice to place a sharp piece of metal at head/neck level in a moving vehicle is darwinism at its finest.
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07-15-2013, 03:46 PM
#15 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by Spidey having a piece of metal behind a windshield or a loose plate outside a car is a SERIOUS hazard that could lead to possibly severed limbs or decapitation. nothing on your vehicle should be loose anyways in case it flies off and strikes anything/one. | Makes perfect sense now you mention it.
Easy bunch to get a rise out of. While it's been a blast, I've received my answer from a reputable source so figured I would share for any other master mind criminals looking to evade police or run over puppies and small children as insinuated by the glowing response to this thread.
It's a $109 ticket each and every time. There is no sliding scale. So the officer either had a couple too many with lunch or was just trying to put the fear of god in me.
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07-15-2013, 03:48 PM
#16 | nuggets mod
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i smell a troll. or maybe just an idiot..
I searched for truth, and all I found was You
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07-15-2013, 03:55 PM
#17 | I am on the internets
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109 everytime, pay it in 30 days and its 85 or something. no points. its the price for looking nice.
"As Sir Francis Bacon once said, 'There is no beauty which hath not some strangeness about its proportions'.
And he's right, who ever he is. I mean, look at Keira Knightley.
She's just an ironing board with a face. And she works." - JC on the Alfa 8C
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07-15-2013, 03:56 PM
#18 | I don't get it
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Why is he a troll? Even if its his 1st. Post, u all jumped the ship to rag in him ABOUT a fucking license plate haha... Love how revscene turns into your parent as soon as u ask something, about something you shouldn't be doing lol. Posted via RS Mobile |
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07-15-2013, 03:58 PM
#19 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Lol some cops are just dickbags, especially the ones in Richmond.
Had a license plate in the front bumper mounted securely, was slightly recessed into a vent. The cop said the license plate can't be seen by a red light camera clearly so he gave me a $196 ticket. I laughed and disputed.
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07-15-2013, 04:01 PM
#20 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by maxx 109 everytime, pay it in 30 days and its 85 or something. no points. its the price for looking nice. | This man gets it.
I did not know about the discount within 30 days though. Good to know.
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07-15-2013, 04:05 PM
#21 | I am on the internets
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for those who didnt know, the fine is higher and you get points of the plate is modified (bent, sticker, whatever) or is in your windshield. so just keep it in the trunk or home or whatever
"As Sir Francis Bacon once said, 'There is no beauty which hath not some strangeness about its proportions'.
And he's right, who ever he is. I mean, look at Keira Knightley.
She's just an ironing board with a face. And she works." - JC on the Alfa 8C
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07-15-2013, 04:06 PM
#22 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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Originally Posted by mikey2781 Lol some cops are just dickbags, especially the ones in Richmond.
Had a license plate in the front bumper mounted securely, was slightly recessed into a vent. The cop said the license plate can't be seen by a red light camera clearly so he gave me a $196 ticket. I laughed and disputed. | He was a decent bloke. No complaints there. Even gave me the green light to take a leak on the side of the road during the traffic stop.
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07-15-2013, 04:06 PM
#23 | Zionism gets my shell hard and slimy
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Originally Posted by bloodline129 Why is he a troll? Even if its his 1st. Post, u all jumped the ship to rag in him ABOUT a fucking license plate haha... Love how revscene turns into your parent as soon as u ask something, about something you shouldn't be doing lol. Posted via RS Mobile | until they realize heir exhaust is illegal,, their coil overs are, hell even their wheels arnt deemed safe by icbc for road use either
dont believe me? check the box on the parts you buy. "off road use only"
i personally would run a front plate.. but mine is bent up anyways. as already posted above an officer cant just make up a number for the ticket he/she wants to give.. if he/she was in a really bad mood he/she could find other things wrong with the car and give a VI for it..
ps im not saying not running a front plate is good.. but most the cars on this forum wouldnt pass a VI in their current state.. lets not be so quick to judge
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07-15-2013, 04:40 PM
#24 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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if we want to get technical, any modification to your vehicle is illegal. Since cars are safety tested with oem parts...
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07-15-2013, 05:48 PM
#25 | RS Veteran
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Originally Posted by maxx for those who didnt know, the fine is higher and you get points of the plate is modified (bent, sticker, whatever) or is in your windshield. so just keep it in the trunk or home or whatever | Did you read the previous replies I made? BTW, there aren't any points associated with "improper display of plate" $230 Quote:
Originally Posted by mikey2781 Lol some cops are just dickbags, especially the ones in Richmond.
Had a license plate in the front bumper mounted securely, was slightly recessed into a vent. The cop said the license plate can't be seen by a red light camera clearly so he gave me a $196 ticket. I laughed and disputed. | so Richmond cops are especially dickbags because of the one encounter, or was that just one example of many experiences?
btw, Plates to be unobstructed 3.03 A number plate must be kept entirely unobstructed and free from dirt or foreign material, so that the numbers and letters on it may be plainly seen and read at all times and so that the numbers and letters may be accurately photographed using a speed monitoring device or traffic light safety device prescribed under section 83.1 of the Act.
If you live in Richmond, or drive in Richmond often, you would understand why RCMP there have little tolerance for bad drivers/driving infractions in the city... Not to mention a good percentage are driving while prohibited/no DL/ or milking off an international licence they should have transferred to e BC licence years ago.
Last edited by Spidey; 07-15-2013 at 06:01 PM.
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