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07-19-2013, 11:52 PM
#1 | the world.
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| The Solution To All Traffic Problems
This might be completely stupid but my friends and I were talking over...well, what ended up as too many beers so this might not make sense but...I can't think of the reasons why it doesn't so here goes.
Too many cars, not enough people taking transit, too many shitty drivers, gas prices too high due to carbon tax, roads congested, no one using bike lanes, etc. How about we make the driving test like 10 times harder?
This removes all the shit drivers from the road. Currently the driving test just tests people's knowledge of procedures that no one uses. Who walks around the car to inspect before they get in? Who actually slows down and looks both ways at a green when they're proceeding through a light? Fuck that shit. Make it so that if you can't maintain 80 in traffic, you can't drive. If you can't make a split second decision, you can't drive. If you can't properly gauge how fast an oncoming car is going when you want to make a left, you can't drive. Shit like that.
Pushes all the c-lais, old people and idiots into the busses and trains where they belong, increasing ridership and transit revenue so those assholes can stop complaining about funds and cars and whatever. It also means there are more busses and trains running so there's less wait. People bike more out of necessity so the bike lanes are being used.
It comes down to...if you're terrible at driving, you don't get to drive. Increases the speed limit for everyone on the road. Everyone gets where they need to go faster, fewer accidents, more efficient use of money all around.
The only people this will piss off is the people that suck at driving...and who gives a shit what they want anyways? They're basically out there killing people (or at least inconveniencing us).
When I come to power, this is what will happen.
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07-20-2013, 12:00 AM
#2 | Ebisu Boss
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Sounds great, too bad it'll never happen, unless you TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
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07-20-2013, 12:00 AM
#3 | I don't get it
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I agree. The testing should be more about skill than stupid shit like pointing out potential hazards, which can be anything.
Also, I think once you pass the age of 67 or whatever the retirement age is at the time, you should be skill tested every 5 years. Posted via RS Mobile |
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07-20-2013, 12:13 AM
#4 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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10 times harder or not
C-lais will just bribe their way to a license
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07-20-2013, 12:21 AM
#5 | My homepage has been set to RS
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You're right. It is stupid.
And with Europe's tougher licensing programs, they have solved traffic problems right? No.
The solution is to move out to the boonies.
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07-20-2013, 12:33 AM
#6 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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I don't know if it will solve all our traffic problems, but having a road test every time we renew our drivers licenses is a good way to screen out some of the bad drivers and to familiarize everyone with new traffic controls (like those roundabouts)
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07-20-2013, 12:42 AM
#7 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by tonyzoomzoom I don't know if it will solve all our traffic problems, but having a road test every time we renew our drivers licenses is a good way to screen out some of the bad drivers and to familiarize everyone with new traffic controls (like those roundabouts) | But then people will be screaming "money grab"
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07-20-2013, 12:44 AM
#8 | I *Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap* to RS
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Vancouver isn't a city meant for bicyling imo..
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07-20-2013, 12:47 AM
#9 | 2x Variable Nockenwellen Steuerung
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or we use Hyperloop Tesla's Elon Musk Working on a Mach 1-Capable Hyperloop Plane-Train Hybrid - Carscoops
It’s hard not to be impressed by Elon Musk’s achievements so far, and he seems to have the magic business touch which makes things just work, even against reasonable odds. Who would have thought that sending money from any place in the world could be made easy and only require the use of a bank for the withdrawal process, the rest being surprisingly fuss-free, or the almost justifiable all-electric sedan with genuine mass appeal – it too works, and apparently very well indeed. He even put the idea of private space exploration into practice, with SpaceX.
If it had been anybody else saying they want to unveil plans for a “cross between a Concorde, a railgun and an air hockey table” that can take its passengers from L.A. to San Francisco in 30 minutes, at an average (transonic) speed of 800 miles per hour (1280 km/h, or around Mach 1), and which would actually be cheaper to set up than building an old-fashioned train to serve the same route, we would have laughed. However, since this is Musk, who has thus far had a knack for making everything work, we can say our eyebrows are raised.
The Tesla boss recently announced that plans for such an alternative means of transport would be made public by August 12, and be open source, because patents are to be avoided unless they are critical for the company’s survival. Last year, he explained how he envisions the Hyperloop: “What you want is something that never crashes, that’s at least twice as fast as a plane, that’s solar-powered and that leaves right when you arrive, so there is no waiting for a specific departure time,” according to the NY Times which quote a 2012 article published by Bloomberg.
If you hadn't previously heard of the Hyperloop, there are videos linked below with the man himself (vaguely) explaining what the idea is.
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07-20-2013, 12:56 AM
#10 | the world.
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Originally Posted by Obsideon 
Sounds great, too bad it'll never happen, unless you TAKE OVER THE WORLD! | That's what I do every night, Pinky. Quote:
Originally Posted by subordinate You're right. It is stupid.
And with Europe's tougher licensing programs, they have solved traffic problems right? No.
The solution is to move out to the boonies. | Of course, it's stupid. It's a drunken bar discussion. If those aren't stupid, you're not drunk enough.
I don't mean tougher like Europe. I mean tougher like Soviet gulag tough and give the police free reign to ticket everyone going a hair below the speed limit or breaking any of my new driving laws. For example, if you take longer than 2 seconds to get your ass after the left turn signal turns green or if you brake on the highway for no goddamn reason....WOOOOOOO...ticket city.
There's a reason there's no traffic in the boonies. Those places suck and no one wants to be there. I'm too much of a city person to enjoy living in the middle of nowhere. I barely even venture into Surrey.
And personally, I don't mind. I make it a point to terrorize the awful drivers in Richmond.
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07-20-2013, 01:04 AM
#11 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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07-20-2013, 03:11 AM
#12 | Ready to be Man handled by RS!
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the fact that anyone can fail the test until they pass makes it laughable already.
and just because one passes a harder test doesnt mean they will always obey the rules of the road.
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07-20-2013, 03:31 AM
#13 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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It won't be too long before the average person doesn't drive a car in the city at all, and if they do use a car it will be driven for them most of the time. Until then I think we can manage.
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07-20-2013, 04:29 AM
#14 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Clicked expecting:
Revoke all licences for female drivers /thread.
__________________ LEAFS! |
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07-20-2013, 05:51 AM
#15 | Performance Moderator
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp It won't be too long before the average person doesn't drive a car in the city at all, and if they do use a car it will be driven for them most of the time. Until then I think we can manage. | I've been thinking it's the opposite... it won't be too long before everyone in China and India is making enough money to actually buy a car/demand infrastructure for that car in the same vein as the USA was doing in the 1930's......... and we will be in quite the clusterfuck when that number of people is demanding to be mobilized and starts using the energy resources required to go through that 100 year long phase.
Thankfully we'll all be dead though |
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07-20-2013, 06:15 AM
#16 | My homepage has been set to RS
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my bad ronin, wasnt drunk enough 
Even with bad drivers off the road, you then account for those over confident & more.
Maybe if we were robots, with no emotions & a prime directive to drive according to rules. Posted via RS Mobile |
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07-20-2013, 06:24 AM
#17 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Bring the driving exams up to par with Finland and everyone can be as skillful as a rally driver.
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07-20-2013, 06:39 AM
#18 | I told him no, what y'all do?
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clai rarry driver
__________________ Feedback Quote: Greenstoner 1 rat shit ruins the whole congee originalhypa You cannot live the life of a whore and expect a monument to your chastity | Quote:
[22-12, 08:51]mellomandidnt think and went in straight..scrapped like a bitch
[17-09, 12:07]FastAnna glowjob
[17-09, 12:08]FastAnna I like dat
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07-20-2013, 09:39 AM
#19 | resident Oil Guru
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No, the solution to all traffic problems.. $4.99/L. |
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07-20-2013, 09:56 AM
#20 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by LiquidTurbo No, the solution to all traffic problems.. $4.99/L.  | Yes, the eco-liberal wetdream.
"I live 20 minutes away from work, and bike everyday which means we all can." Posted via RS Mobile |
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07-20-2013, 10:25 AM
#21 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Better driver education, better infrastructure. Will help the traffic problem here.
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07-20-2013, 12:41 PM
#22 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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one of the problems of congestion in Vancouver is that we don't have a highway system that goes past downtown/Vancouver east/south.
Consider that in Vancouver it takes me 1hour to go 33km in non-rush hour traffic. In comparison I can go 60km in 30 minutes in Los Angeles during non-rush hour traffic thanks to the interstates freeways. Granted they also have an amazing speed limit.
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07-20-2013, 12:53 PM
#23 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by noclue one of the problems of congestion in Vancouver is that we don't have a highway system that goes past downtown/Vancouver east/south.
Consider that in Vancouver it takes me 1hour to go 33km in non-rush hour traffic. In comparison I can go 60km in 30 minutes in Los Angeles during non-rush hour traffic thanks to the interstates freeways. Granted they also have an amazing speed limit. | bingo - we built viaducts to connect downtown to motorways, then never built them. 30 years on, we're going to tear them down, make gardens, bike lanes, and places for hipsters to sit around, drink coffee, and not work
fuck you mayor moonbeam! and all vancouver city council people - all useless left wings fucks
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07-20-2013, 02:21 PM
#24 | the world.
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Originally Posted by subordinate my bad ronin, wasnt drunk enough 
Even with bad drivers off the road, you then account for those over confident & more.
Maybe if we were robots, with no emotions & a prime directive to drive according to rules. Posted via RS Mobile | Sure, but removing people that aren't even capable of driving properly would reduce traffic, accidents and congestion. Most congestion is caused by assholes braking for no reason and causing a butterfly effect.
Don't get me wrong...there will still be accidents and such but they will happen less often because the people driving on the road will have the reactionary and decision making ability to avoid.
Removing those people and forcing them to take transit channels funds naturally rather than charging drivers for busses and bikers. Those programs will be funded by the increased number of people that now HAVE to take public transit because they do not have driver's licenses. Quote:
Originally Posted by Blaupunkt69 Clicked expecting:
Revoke all licences for female drivers /thread. | It's tough to hear but true. No one can deny that on average, men are better at driving.
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07-20-2013, 02:26 PM
#25 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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I work with a few people who live in the guildford area and are adamant that they'd rather take the patullo and avoid the fine then save X time and take port Mann
With the new port man I can get from the bridge to BCIT parking lot in under 25 minutes basically any day any time unless there is an accident. The new bridge/highway system is a great improvement on the old alternative
However I think it was kind if a mistake to remove at grade public transport such as trams etc, although they are typically fairly ugly with wires etc cities in Europe etc have such excellent public transport using these means. Although Vancouver and the surrounding areas are fairly unique so it may be hard to implement a similar system here than Europe Posted via RS Mobile |
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