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08-06-2013, 04:12 PM
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| Robelus Propaganda on the Airwaves
just heard some lame awareness ad on the radio talking about some local call center in Moncton have their jobs threatened because of US intervention into our mobile market.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing...for a sec I didn't think I was living in a developed, laissez-faire society.
Just did a quick search: LOL @ Roger's & Bell's Pathetic Radio Ad - Rogers | DSLReports Forums 'Fair For Canada' Campaign By Rogers, Bell, Telus Rolls Out Against Verizon
looks like there's already a discussion in the mobile thread...
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08-06-2013, 04:42 PM
#2 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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lol I like how the huffingting post article says there's a two minute ad featuring "regular people", and I thought "what.. they're all employees of Robelus.." then the next sentence said just kidding
I'm not an expert on running businesses or companies but don't the big 3 outsource jobs themselves? I could be wrong but if it's true, them saying Canadian jobs are being threatened is a little hypocritical is it not?
also when I first heard the ad i already thought it was annoying.. now I hear it too often. It's also in the newspapers now.
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08-06-2013, 05:19 PM
#3 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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They also have multi page ads in the all the papers. What I find funny is Verizon and other telecoms operate in other countries but Robelus only operates in Canada. Our banks complete globally why can't Robelus?
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08-06-2013, 05:31 PM
#4 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by Manic! They also have multi page ads in the all the papers. What I find funny is Verizon and other telecoms operate in other countries but Robelus only operates in Canada. Our banks complete globally why can't Robelus? | ....because even if each canadian...from cradle to grave had a cell phone, our 30 million odd subscribers represents...
about 30% of the total subscribers with Verizon according to the first random, completely unsubstantiated statistic found on the internet.
I'm the first to say fuck Canadian Telcos because really, they kind of deserve it. I'm also in line to say fuck you to the CRTC which is allowing it to happen, and in fact signs off on a lot of this shit.
But at the end of the day, we do kind of need to remember that Verizon(or aothers) can afford to: undercut prices, drive everyone out of business, put up all new towers all over people's neighborhoods and do it at a loss for years and not even blink an eye.
Net income...1.59 billion...per quarter. Telus? 1.2 billion...a year. With everything included.
My favorite moment will be when the US company goes to the WTO and claim that we are protecting our companies from competition.
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08-06-2013, 05:39 PM
#5 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Glad i dont have to hear the ads (woot for streaming and mp3 collection)
The ads are pathetic imo but im glad the big 3 are finally shaking in their boots, while i love WIND it's something they weren't capable of causing
With a group like Verizon potentially coming into Canada, I only see them creating a Big 4 creating no real competition that would be fortuitous to consumers
But hopefully I'm wrong and they offer amazing deals better than my Holiday Miracle Plan from Wind
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08-06-2013, 05:40 PM
#6 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by Gridlock ....because even if each canadian...from cradle to grave had a cell phone, our 30 million odd subscribers represents...
about 30% of the total subscribers with Verizon according to the first random, completely unsubstantiated statistic found on the internet.
| And that's why they need to compete on a world market.
Also verizon will not be builting new towers but will be paying for the use of existing towers.
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08-06-2013, 05:53 PM
#7 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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I like how they are making a play at them using "our existing towers.." when they had help from the government to build the towers in the first place.
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08-06-2013, 05:55 PM
#8 | Not a mod
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I find it funny hearing the ads especially since the big 3 have been raping their customer base for as long as they have. Verizon will destroy them and there is nothing they can do about it Posted via RS Mobile |
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08-06-2013, 06:18 PM
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I have no problem buying out of my contract and switching to Verizon if the plans are better. ROBELUS has been outsourcing for years for a lot of their CSR and TSR services. As well as a lot of their other systems that could be controlled over the cloud. They don't really care about the Canadian economy, or their customers. When the CRTC removed 3 year terms they raised their prices on 2 year terms and bent the rules so that they could recover their "lost" money.
I really hate all our offerings from cell phone companies right now. I would have stuck with mobilicity if I could have however with me travelling constantly for work, it didn't work for me. When they answer their CSR calls they should really be saying "Thank you for calling Robelus, how may we Rob you today."
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08-06-2013, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ziggyx
I'm not an expert on running businesses or companies but don't the big 3 outsource jobs themselves? I could be wrong but if it's true, them saying Canadian jobs are being threatened is a little hypocritical is it not?
| I don't think Rogers outsource...I know Telus outscources tech support Quote:
Originally Posted by nabs "Thank you for calling Robelus, how may we Rob you today." |  Don't you work for Telus...ah i guess their internet dept is pretty solid no complaints |
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08-06-2013, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero I don't think Rogers outsource...I know Telus outscources tech support  Don't you work for Telus...ah i guess their internet dept is pretty solid no complaints  | Didn't work for Telus directly. However I still had to use their shitty tech services lines, even all the port forwarding, switching systems and all that stuff is outsourced to the Philippines. Services work no problem, but none of the real jobs are local.
However IMHO Telus is the lesser of the evils, only due to customer support and service. But back to the discussion they have no right to be hypocritical is where I was getting at.
__________________ Quote: [03-07, 03:26] Yodamaster - The feeling when you quickly insert without hitting the sides |
Last edited by nabs; 08-06-2013 at 06:39 PM.
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08-06-2013, 07:36 PM
#12 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Lack of competition and government intervention is what I hate about this country - we need to wake up and embrace capitalism, competition, and lose our socialistic views on business.
I'm all for helping a fallen brother, help them get back on their feet, but I refuse to have the government force me to pay over the odds for my mobile phone!
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08-06-2013, 08:37 PM
#13 | MiX iT Up!
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anyone seen the Scotia Bank report that says Canada has lower bills than the US?
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Make the effort and take the risk.. "Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't." - Eleanor Roosevelt |
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08-06-2013, 08:58 PM
#14 | HELP ME PLS!!!
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^ I haven't seen the Scotiabank report, but I've seen the lower bill than the US report from CWTA, which is Robellus propaganda at its finest.
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08-06-2013, 09:03 PM
#15 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Don't they just say they have 'lower service charges' or something to that effect? Not lower rate plans etc.
Scizz's a living legend and I tell you why, everybody wanna be Scizz an Scizz still alive
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08-06-2013, 11:51 PM
#16 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by willystyle ^ I haven't seen the Scotiabank report, but I've seen the lower bill than the US report from CWTA, which is Robellus propaganda at its finest. | I manage mobility at work and we have Verizon in the US and Rogers. Fact, per user our Rogers bill is lower than Verizon.
Where the big 3 rape us is on international data roaming.
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08-07-2013, 12:01 AM
#17 | HELP ME PLS!!!
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Originally Posted by nah I manage mobility at work and we have Verizon in the US and Rogers. Fact, per user our Rogers bill is lower than Verizon.
Where the big 3 rape us is on international data roaming. | Maybe for corporate plans, but for new consumer sign-ups, Rogers and Verizon is about the same in price, except Verizon OFFERS MORE features, so in return it has more value.
Have any of you seen the new mobile plans that are to be rolled out soon by the Big 3?
Roger's National talk + text, CD/VM, 6GB (shared) data = $120/month
Cheaper than the US? Comparing the incumbents? new two-year plans | |
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08-07-2013, 12:48 AM
#18 | Head Moderator
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Personally, I don't think Verizon will be much better than the big 3. Sure, the first year or two might be full of great deals but ultimately I feel they'll see what's currently working for Canada and then follow suit.
I'm debating going on another trip to Europe and one of the things I've been looking into is cellphones over there. I found a plan in the UK from 4GEE which, for 56 Pounds, gives 8gb data, unlimited text/calling as well as unlimited roaming texts/calls. And that's on 4G. You can find even higher data plans for much cheaper if you stick with 3G phones on Orange's network. Even with the exchange rate, $75'ish for that plan is far better than anything we've ever gotten.
Or, hell... check out the UK's T-Mobile Full Monty plans. Unlimited data/talk/text for $28 if you've got your own phone?
Don't get me wrong; I realize the amount of towers needed to cover all of Britain is a fraction of what it would take to cover Canada, along with the population density/mile difference, but even so...
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08-07-2013, 01:13 AM
#19 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Lol as I was driving home I heard the Bell radio ad somewhere along the lines of "Hi my name is 'some womans name' and I work for Bell, Canadian government is allowing US companies to take over our territory that we canadians worked hard for. Canadian kids are taught to be fair and equal but the canadian government is not abiding by this" I didn't quite listen to what it was talking about specifically, I just wanted to hear what they have to say; but in the meantime at the back of my head while I'm listening I'm just thinking "seriously? butthurt butthurt butthurt butthurt..."
I had a customer visiting Canada from Israel and bought a prepaid plan off me at work. He told me $30 gets you unlimited everything already and he felt sorry for Canadians just looking at our plans. He paid $60 without any arguement but I swear to God when I was talking to him he was thinking dafuq are these Canadians paying for.
I'm pretty sure there more cheaper or more expensive places for mobile service in the world but seriously our country is developed just as any other one like the UK from what Lomac said. For debate sake, why are we even paying so much though?
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08-07-2013, 01:35 AM
#20 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by BaoTurbo Lol as I was driving home I heard the Bell radio ad somewhere along the lines of "Hi my name is 'some womans name' and I work for Bell, Canadian government is allowing US companies to take over our territory that we canadians worked hard for. Canadian kids are taught to be fair and equal but the canadian government is not abiding by this" I didn't quite listen to what it was talking about specifically, I just wanted to hear what they have to say; but in the meantime at the back of my head while I'm listening I'm just thinking "seriously? butthurt butthurt butthurt butthurt..."
I had a customer visiting Canada from Israel and bought a prepaid plan off me at work. He told me $30 gets you unlimited everything already and he felt sorry for Canadians just looking at our plans. He paid $60 without any arguement but I swear to God when I was talking to him he was thinking dafuq are these Canadians paying for.
I'm pretty sure there more cheaper or more expensive places for mobile service in the world but seriously our country is developed just as any other one like the UK from what Lomac said. For debate sake, why are we even paying so much though? | Israel size: 20,770 kmē
Canada size: 9,984,670 kmē
Israel and the U.K have a very dense population with a very small land mass. Covering a small area that is packed with people with cell towers is a lot cheaper than trying to cover the second largest country in the world with a small population.
My big problem with Robelus is they have confusing plans and you have to argue with them and go threw retentions to get a good deal.
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08-07-2013, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Manic! Israel size: 20,770 kmē
Canada size: 9,984,670 kmē
Israel and the U.K have a very dense population with a very small land mass. Covering a small area that is packed with people with cell towers is a lot cheaper than trying to cover the second largest country in the world with a small population.
My big problem with Robelus is they have confusing plans and you have to argue with them and go threw retentions to get a good deal. | I used to believe this, until I got to Australia.
for 60 dollars a month you get unlimited EVERYTHING, including data
for 20 dollars a month you get 1000 local minutes, 1.5gb data, and some other shit like text messages
And by "local" they mean anywhere in Australia, not just within your specific state or metro area
Where the hell am I
Last edited by CP.AR; 08-07-2013 at 02:58 AM.
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08-07-2013, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Amuro Ray for 60 dollars a month you get unlimited EVERYTHING, including data | Yeah, the US carriers have nice cheap "unlimited" plans too... but here's what happens with "unlimited" data: as you approach a certain level of usage, they start cutting back your speed, more and more, until it's slower than the proverbial molasses in January. So they don't actually CAP your data... they just severely throttle it. But hey, you can use it constantly!
I was listening to some Telus dude on with Mike Smyth yesterday, and he made some good points... like Verizon is being allowed to buy up the smaller carriers while the Canadian carriers aren't even allowed to bid... Verizon is being handed all kinds of "concessions" to help them "break into" the Canadian market, while they're some four times the size of the Canadian Big Three *combined*... I can see their frustration with some of how this is playing out.
On the other hand, there were things like the woman phoning in literally BLEATING about how this American company would be taking all these Canadians' jobs... and I'm thinking... no they're not; they're buying existing Canadian companies. The Canadians in those jobs NOW will largely keep them; aside from maybe a few executives, they're not going to be moving a bunch of frontline staff here from the US (immigration laws, remember?)
Funniest thing was, the Telus dude kept saying how one of the BAD things about Verizon coming in was that they'd have higher prices than the Canadian carriers... which Mike immediately called him on ("Wait, if their prices are higher, nobody's going to go with them!"), and he didn't really have an answer for that.
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Originally Posted by Godzira Does anyone know how many to a signature? | .. Quote:
Originally Posted by Brianrietta Not a sebberry post goes by where I don't frown and think to myself "so..?" | |
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08-07-2013, 07:08 AM
#23 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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Originally Posted by willystyle Maybe for corporate plans, but for new consumer sign-ups, Rogers and Verizon is about the same in price, except Verizon OFFERS MORE features, so in return it has more value.
Have any of you seen the new mobile plans that are to be rolled out soon by the Big 3?
Roger's National talk + text, CD/VM, 6GB (shared) data = $120/month
Cheaper than the US? Comparing the incumbents? new two-year plans | | Sorry, but I went to Verizon, loaded a up a 2-year plan for a Samsung Galaxy S4, 6GB shared plan with unlimited talk and text and basic voicemail. Total = $120.
If you think having the shittiest US mobile company coming into Canada will all of a sudden give you cheaper rates, you might want to check the facts.
I don't like the Big3 either, but they do have a point with how they aren't allowed to bid on the spectrum but a US company can. CRTC messed up.
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08-07-2013, 07:21 AM
#24 | I told him no, what y'all do?
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Originally Posted by Manic! My big problem with Robelus is they have confusing plans and you have to argue with them and go threw retentions to get a good deal. | this was the reason i told my wife to leave robbers. 1st time was such an ordeal, when it came time to renew again i told her call once, if you get any BS just switch to telus...
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[22-12, 08:51]mellomandidnt think and went in straight..scrapped like a bitch
[17-09, 12:07]FastAnna glowjob
[17-09, 12:08]FastAnna I like dat
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08-07-2013, 08:50 AM
#25 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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I for one am welcoming Verizon into the Canadian market. Tired of dealing with the shittyass customer service and the outrageous prices (highest, if not one of the highests in the world) that we have to pay for the cellular services here. Hopefully more competition between the major cellphone corporations here will mean that they will have to step it up in terms of it's service and rates in order to keep itself in the market.
Plus it's not like our major cellular corporations are not already out sourcing it's work to other parts of the world... fyi for those of you who do not know, they have been out-sourcing it's customer service jobs to India.
And correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the reason why the big3 are not allowed to bid and purchase the smaller Canadian cellphone companies is because they do not want to make the the cellular market into a monopoly here (such as how ICBC operates, I'm sure all of you are aware of). Sure we have three different major cellular corporations but I believe they share a contract amongst themselves which dictates that the prices of all of their goods and services must be within a certain margin of each others. In other words all 3 of them could gang up and decide to slowly raise their prices and us, the consumers will have no option but to pay whatever the costs may be if we wish to own a cellphone.
Last edited by mqin; 08-07-2013 at 08:59 AM.
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