Hey guys,
I have an 02 automatic civic sedan that I recently got as a dd.
Noticed that there's a bit of a rough shift going on when I coast at low speeds then get back on the gas.
Not sure if its 2nd gear going into 3rd cus I have no tach

but it somewhat feels like letting go of the clutch too soon. It goes when I accelerate but then I'd experience that slight jolt like its struggling a bit to get to that gear. Doesn't always happen.
Is this an issue I should be concerned about?
Cars got 133k's so its still relatively low, checked the tranny fluid and its still looks good, no burnt smell, no fragments. Previous owner did say he let it sit for about 5 months prior to me getting it.
Should I consider a drain and fill of the atf?
Some insight would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
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