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Old 09-03-2013, 07:35 PM   #1
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The *Official* Recent Music News Thread

I've noticed that a lot of great music articles are posted in this subforum however they get lost in between all the other posts in certain threads.

Let this be a thread you can post all your RECENT music related articles, and a place your fellow members can come and catch up on the most recent music news.

Just a few rules:

- Try to stay as recent and relevant as possible (not really a rule, but suggestion)

- Try to make sure all articles are from reliable sources

- Be sure to post a link to the original article (unless written by you) or your post will be deleted

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Do my job for me and keep it clean (no flaming, etc.)
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Old 09-03-2013, 07:42 PM   #2
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We Found Molly, Now What? Fixing the Drawbacks of an Unfortunate Reality

By EDMTunes Staff on September 2, 2013


This last week was an incredibly trying time for the entire EDM community. Beginning with the death at Zedd’s show in Boston, the week took another tragic turn this weekend at Electric Zoo, where two more people died and four were hospitalized. As we all now know, this led to the cancellation of the 3rd day of the festival. Labor Day weekend is usually one filled with fun: it is the unofficial end of the summer and one last time to celebrate with friends and family before Fall’s realities set in.

However, given the events of the past week, we here at EDMTunes thought this would be a good time to come together collectively as a staff and reflect on the state of our EDM community; specifically about the popular culture-induced connection between it and drug use, and what the next steps should be with regards to making sure that tragedies such as this never occur again on our watches.

Enhanced Promoter Responsibility
Promoters have the responsibility to put the safety of their attendees ahead of everything else, including profits. We saw Made Events and Electric Zoo took a devastating loss in profits on Sunday as they cancelled the third day of EZoo simply to prevent further catastrophes. While this, alongside with hiring security, crowd control, and making water more readily available are good steps, there is still a lot more that could be done.

We all woke up in mix of confusion, sadness and surprise to the news of last day of Electric Zoo being cancelled. We’d been hearing about people dying at shows for years, but as veterans of the scene, there’s always this hope that we as a community have moved passed that. However, it seems everywhere one goes with regards to festivals, the status quo is “how do we keep this kids from getting drugs into our event”, as opposed to “okay, we know that a select number of people will partake in drug use, how can we make sure everyone stays safe”. Whether it was space, understanding, conversation, water, or simply a change of scenery, a lot of the time, simple and mindful actions allow festival promoters and security to help people turn what could’ve been a very difficult night into something special. However, there is simply not enough of this sort of behavior going on at festivals. Bouncers aren’t trained in how to effectively help people that are specifically suffering from MDMA-related symptoms, and its not like EMTs are always as readily available as one would hope, especially at massive festival grounds such as Electric Zoo.

Attendance to electronic dance music festivals is continuing to grow every year. For example, approximately 25,000 people attended Electric Zoo in NYC in 2009. The next year, the amount doubled. By this year, an estimated 90,000 “zoo animals” were ready to show off their dance moves. This reveals a lot about the growing love for EDM in the states, however, accommodations set up by the event planners are no longer sufficient for these temporary communities. In order to make festivals safer, and more compliant with crowd control, event organizers need to revisit the way they plan these events. Water access points, medical facilities, and restrooms need to be clearly flagged. This first part is incredibly important! A typical and very common scenario at basically every festival known to man is the decision of how to get water. When you are in the middle of a big main stage festival crowd, leaving to get water and then finding your way back to the group is a nearly impossible task. However, there are a lot of festivals that do not allow you to bring camelbacks, or sometimes even water bottles, into the events. You are then left with a choice: get the water you desperately need and lose your friends, or stay with your friends and try to gut it out until the end of the set. For the record, gutting it out is always the wrong answer, however, the correct choice becomes exponentially harder to make when you are not sober, and neither is anyone around you. Why make access to water so hard? It’s a combination of ignorance to the necessity of water, specifically at an EDM festival, and, most likely, a sponsorship demand that does not allow people to bring in their own alcohol, or any other liquid, in order to get them to spend money inside the festival. This is why a water bottle at many festivals costs $4.00. All of these reasonings undoubtedly combine to make for a fairly hazardous environment for those festival goers who are participating in drug use.

As a side note, with so many people in a small space, wouldn’t temporary cell phone towers make a lot of sense? Not having access to cell service is hazardous in case of emergency, not to mention situations that could involve losing track of a friend who was not taking care of themselves and might not be safe on their own. It is key to note that promoter responsibility has most definitely increased over the past few years. At Electric Zoo in 2011, water cost $4 for a small bottle; now it’s free to access from a tap. With persistence, hearing from fans and learning from mistakes can encourage these companies we know and love to make safer changes in the festival-going experience. However, tragedy is still occurring all over the country. Clearly, promoter responsibility can only go so far.

Better Safety Education
In times like these where festivals and shows are becoming a huge entertainment commodity, attendees must take responsibility for not only their own well being, but others around them as well. As outlined above, festival promoters can only do so much. They will not have success in limiting deaths at their events if the people they are herding are irresponsible goers who don’t care for anyone around them, and are completely uneducated about how to approach drug use. Unfortunately, the festival culture in the U.S is so far definitely includes a subset of festival goers that are A. very young, B. unaware of more or less any and all important information regarding drug intake, and C. not necessarily at a festival for the music. It is very sad indeed to have to be reminded twice this week that people simply are not aware of the dangers of drug intake. While we obviously do not know exactly what happened at Electric Zoo this weekend yet, isn’t it fair to assume that too large a dose of MDMA and whatever else it was cut with, potentially combined with alcohol, of which was exasperated by a lack of water, probably had something to do with at least some of the hospitalizations or deaths?

Far too often, we have all run into a friend or a group of people whose attitude about drugs is as flimsy as Will.I.Am’s musical ability. Where did you get these pills? I don’t know. What’s in them? I don’t know. How big is the dose? I don’t know. Have you tested it for purity or other substances? Of course not. How many did you just take? Oh, like five.

While this level of ignorance certainly falls onto the individual to some extent, one can’t possibly pour all the blame there. In fact, most of the blame lies elsewhere, it lies within the constructs of our society. The general U.S drug attitude is “Say No to Drugs”. Everything is illegal, and the threat of massive fines, felony charges and jail time suppress the people’s ability to become educated on proper use. Drugs don’t have to be dangerous; however, their illegality forces people to find them from sketchy dealers who have laced it with God knows what, and are convincing young kids that this is the best shit they’ll ever have and its super safe, regardless of whether or not those statement are actually true or not.

This, combined with the excessively popular cultural wave of EDM is incredibly dangerous! How many young people does one see at festivals wearing shirts that say something like “My Name is Molly”, “Help Me Find My Friend Molly”, or some other equally colloquial drug reference? The answer is a lot! And of those people, how many would you say are actually educated on substances such as MDMA? Probably less than half, at most. In a country known for being a melting pot, the U.S is now home to a melting pot of EDM fans who are forced to hide their drug usage- and therefore never get answers regarding what exactly they are taking or what is a safe amount to take- as they are herded into large festival grounds in 95 degree heat for three days.

The Festival Mindset
The EDM craze has undoubtedly contributed to the growing number of festival goers who just use these events as an excuse to partake in illicit activities. No longer is it about musical discovery and finding new friends within the blossoming community. It seems like the true meaning of PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) has been lost from the concert landscape. Concert goers have a responsibility to themselves and to others to make sure that everyone can have a good time. We must steer away from the media perspective of our little scene, and force people to realize that it is like any other musical genre in terms of why people even give a damn about it. To assume that an entire genre of music exists solely because of its ties to drug usage is one of the most closed minded, uneducated and ignorant opinions one can put forth.

People who believe this are the ones who are causing problems in the first place. There will always be that one troll that propagates the opinion that the only reason EDM is popular in the states is because of the implication of drug use. Or the every popular, “why am I being punished via a cancelled event because a handful of people don’t know how to handle their shit” quip. Be quiet. People are dead, families destroyed, and the ripples affect far more than just the nuclear family and friends of the deceased, but also the community at large, and the only thing you can muster is a temper tantrum on why you can no longer attend one day of a festival? We can’t help the existence of those sorts of people, and we shouldn’t assist them in their bigoted mindset. The electronic music community as a whole is one of the nicest, most caring groups of people out there. If all of us, from the artists, to the promoters, to the media, to the fans, can begin a dialogue about how to fix the above-mentioned problem areas, we can begin the process of limiting the disasters of this week. We must never forget the double dose of reality the past seven days have brought upon our community. Three people are dead, and six have been hospitalized because of our own deficiencies as a community. Let this number be the only reason we need to force drug education and festival safety into the forefront.

Editors’ Note.:We here at EDMTunes in no way commend or encourage drug use. Drugs are illegal and detrimental to your health. We believe that you can have 100% of the fun staying sober or partaking in legal substances. However, it is in the best interest of everybody if those who do partake in illicit substance do so safely, thus making it so that everyone else can have a good time as well.

Read more: We Found Molly, Now What? Fixing the Drawbacks of an Unfortunate Reality - EDMTunes
[03-07, 03:26] Yodamaster - The feeling when you quickly insert without hitting the sides
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Old 09-03-2013, 08:25 PM   #3
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Woman Who Died At Electric Zoo Festival Took Six Hits Of “Molly”

Woman Who Died At Electric Zoo Festival Took Six Hits Of "Molly"

Olivia Rotondo, 20, and Jeffrey Russ, 23, a Syracuse University graduate from Rochester, died at the high-profile EDM music festival. Rotondo reportedly took six hits of Molly, a concentrated version of the drug MDMA. Four more were hospitalized, a 16-year-old was allegedly sexually assaulted, and 31 were arrested before the final day of the festival was canceled on Sunday.

The fallout continues from the Electric Zoo music festival, where Olivia Rotondo, 20, and Jeffrey Russ, 23, died over the weekend. The last day of the festival was canceled and details have surfaced on the lethal dose of drugs Rotondo reportedly took.

“I just took six hits of Molly,’’ she told an EMS worker on Saturday — referring to MDMA’s street name — before collapsing in a seizure and dying, the New York Post reports.

The alleged sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl is also being investigated.

The teen reportedly woke up underneath a van in a parking lot at the festival with bruises and scratches on her legs, sources told the group. Doctors at Cornell Medical Hospital reportedly determined she was sexually assaulted. Police said the incident is being investigated by the Special Victims Unit and would not release any additional information.

Additionally, four others were hospitalized, and 31 were arrested for crimes ranging from drug sales, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and possession of controlled substances. At least two of the arrests were for felonies.

Concerning refunds, Electric Zoo will offer 33% off three-day passes, 50% off two-day passes, and a full refund of Sunday’s canceled schedule.

The New York Daily News reports that Electric Zoo creator Mike Bindra was the general manager of a now-defunct Chelsea nightclub that was hit with lawsuits alleging it hid sick patrons rather than call for help. City officials said the club used its own private ambulances for overdoses to avoid NYPD detection.

IMO if you're going to do drugs, don't be a fucking idiot. Know your limits and use/buy from people you know not some fucking stranger. Or better yet? Don't FUCKING DO IT AT ALL. It makes me laugh when people think they're hot shit by popping or say "I need drugs to feel the music/to have a good time". They aren't music fans at all, they are in it strictly for the drugs.

But hey, if you use that's cool. Stay safe, do whatever the FUCK you wanna do lol

jimmies have been rustled
brb peaking to music
music is my drug
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Last edited by jeedee; 09-03-2013 at 08:33 PM.
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Old 09-08-2013, 01:36 PM   #4
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Man, 58, dies after collapsing at Vancouver nightclub

Vancouver Police are investigating after a man collapsed and died on the dance floor of an afterhours nightclub early Sunday.

The 58-year-old man died at 6 am the Gorgomish Night Club at 695 Smithe St.

Police attended and are investigating. The cause of death hasn’t been determined and the e BC Coroner’s Service is also investigating.

The name of the man wasn’t released.

More to come.

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Saw this go down outside as I was getting into my cab. Initially, I thought it was a homeless guy OD'ing.

Pls, stay safe brahs
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Old 09-08-2013, 01:45 PM   #5
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Yeah I saw that earlier today too, was going to post it after they released more information. Really Sad.
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Old 09-11-2013, 06:02 AM   #6
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who wants to get BEAMZ by florida
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Old 09-11-2013, 10:57 AM   #7
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Deadmau5 Trolls Flo Rida for His New DJ "Technology" Beamz - EDMTunes

Deadmau5....You got to hate him but love him at the same time.
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Old 09-13-2013, 09:53 PM   #8
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Old 09-15-2013, 08:28 PM   #9
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[08-12, 00:25] Iceman-19 the owner was someone i knew. trusted him. that blew up in my face like i was a 19 year old jap girl at a bukkake party.
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Old 09-16-2013, 06:04 PM   #10
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Kaskade Personally Reaches Out to A Fan in Need of Comfort - EDMTunes

Kaskade Personally Reaches Out to A Fan in Need of Comfort
This Saturday, Kaskade was playing Miami as part of his U.S. Atmosphere Tour. One fan, who chooses to remain nameless, wasn’t able to attend due to personal reasons and had to sell her ticket. The fan in question loves Kaskade more than anything and this was going to be her first time ever seeing him. Unfortunately, life rears its ugly head at times, and unfortunate circumstances bring us all back down to Earth. However, that doesn’t mean a certain someone can’t attempt to pick his fans back up via a reassuring message:

It’s always refreshing to know that artists reach out to their fans, especially in times when they need it the most. Kaskade promotes love through his music and his audience embraces every word and every chord. Even though she won’t be able to attend his show anymore, just knowing that she will be missed and that her favorite DJ cares, is enough to get her through this bump in the road. After just being named the number #1 DJ in America, this solidifies that he remembers who brought him here. Our best wishes go out to this particular fan, and we’d like to give a huge thumbs up to Kaskade. You are an amazing individual, and our community is so much better with you in it. Have a good everyone, and take care of each other.
[08-12, 00:25] Iceman-19 the owner was someone i knew. trusted him. that blew up in my face like i was a 19 year old jap girl at a bukkake party.
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Old 09-19-2013, 03:30 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Vansterdam View Post

Official Beamz By Flo Commercial - YouTube

who wants to get BEAMZ by florida
armin's answer:
Armin van Buuren Releases Portable DJ System, Destroys Flo Rida's Beamz - EDMTunes

and trollmau5's answer :
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Old 09-19-2013, 06:29 PM   #12
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would like to see Armin use this at his next live ASOT show
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Old 09-20-2013, 06:17 PM   #13
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From arty's fb page, nice to see djs do some nice things

Have received this sad story couple of days ago and I thought I should give it a shout to show my support of this poor fan:

"Hello! My name is Miho Nakamura. I'm reaching out to you through this email because I am hoping you'll read this.

I have a good friend that I met this year at EDC Chicago. His name is Zach Paluch. We met on the Saturday of that weekend and instantly connected. Due to my phone being stolen we didn't get to see each other the next day, but after the fact we found that we were both at Arty's set.

Since EDC Chicago, Zach and I have become very good friends. We attended Spring Awakening Music Festival in Chicago together with other friends, and traveled to Toronto for Veld Music Festival in August with the same group. Throughout the past few months, Zach and I have talked at length about our favorite DJs, artists, and other passions and interests, and I have to say, Zach is extremely passionate about Arty and his music.

It was extremely shocking and horrifying to hear that on early Monday morning Zach was found injured and unconscious on the Knox College campus, where he is a baccalaureate fellow. He has been in a coma since then.

It would mean so much to Zach, to Zach's friends and family, and to me and the friends Zach and I have made together at these festivals, if you could give a personal well-wishing to Zach for a quick recovery. He loves your music so much and was too excited to see you throw down at EDC Chicago, and I know if Zach's able to hear his friends telling him that you are rooting for him too, it will give him just that much more strength to wake up."

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Zachary! I really hope you will recover soon to live the full life again... And big respect to Miho for being such a great friend.
[08-12, 00:25] Iceman-19 the owner was someone i knew. trusted him. that blew up in my face like i was a 19 year old jap girl at a bukkake party.
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Old 09-20-2013, 06:21 PM   #14
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Great article dlo

Since EDC Chicago, Zach and I have become very good friends. We attended Spring Awakening Music Festival in Chicago together with other friends, and traveled to Toronto for Veld Music Festival in August with the same group. Throughout the past few months, Zach and I have talked at length about our favorite DJs, artists, and other passions and interests, and I have to say, Zach is extremely passionate about Arty and his music.
That part really got to me. It's a fucking amazing feeling where you become best friends with a stranger who has the same music interest as you.

Hell i've even become friends with some of you guys for having listening to the same tracks as me LOL

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Old 09-20-2013, 08:23 PM   #15
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[08-12, 00:25] Iceman-19 the owner was someone i knew. trusted him. that blew up in my face like i was a 19 year old jap girl at a bukkake party.
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Old 09-20-2013, 10:03 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by jeedee View Post
Great article dlo

That part really got to me. It's a fucking amazing feeling where you become best friends with a stranger who has the same music interest as you.

Hell i've even become friends with some of you guys for having listening to the same tracks as me LOL

Music brings us all together, the universal language
Originally Posted by dlo View Post
jeedee is a trolling ****** who will give you false directions that will lead you out the venue srs

Last edited by nabs; 10-07-2013 at 10:34 PM. Reason: Language guys please...
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Old 09-21-2013, 12:07 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by jayare604 View Post
jeedee is a trolling ****** who will give you false directions that will lead you out the venue srs
meet at the water stand bro

Posted via RS Mobile

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Old 09-21-2013, 01:22 PM   #18
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another feel good story
Above & Beyond Brings a Fangirl to Tears with a Heart-touching Moment - EDMTunes
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Old 10-06-2013, 05:05 PM   #19
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Video: Dash Berlin Gets in Trouble with Police in Pune, India

Read more: Video: Dash Berlin Gets in Trouble with Police in Pune, India - EDMTunes

Just earlier tonight, a video has surfaced showing a not-so-happy Jeffrey Sutorius of Dash Berlin being escorted out of the Penthauz Night Life club in Pune, India. Although there has not been any official words on what had happened that triggered the issue, the video shows obvious signs of Jeffrey being detained by a mob of security. We don’t know the nitty-gritty details and o confirmation has come out of Dash Berlin’s party as of yet, but we hope for nothing but the best for Jeff.

Read more: Video: Dash Berlin Gets in Trouble with Police in Pune, India - EDMTunes

Apparently he was being detained because they wanted to see his "work visa".... in India talk that means the cops were looking for bribe money from him to let him go. Obviously a DJ of that notability will have all his paperwork in check, and they would have seen it at the airport at customs and wouldn't need to pull him away from his gig. Geeze.
[03-07, 03:26] Yodamaster - The feeling when you quickly insert without hitting the sides
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Old 10-07-2013, 01:24 PM   #20
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LOL this guy...

Deadmau5 Slams MTV and Rejects 'Best Canadian Act' Nomination - EDMTunes

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Old 10-11-2013, 05:02 AM   #21
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Robert F.X Sillerman On SFX's IPO, Stock Prices, Future Acquisitions, Afrojack


Yesterday afternoon, the scene at NASDAQ's MarketSite in Times Square was something out of a Fellini film, but in place of clowns or strongmen: Buttoned-up bankers, traders, financial analysts, a tight security detail, an exceedingly tall Dutch DJ and the men most responsible for the national proliferation of booming bass, confetti canons and dance-happy youth. They fill the studio space of the world’s second-largest stock exchange because they have quite literally capitalized on the electronic dance music craze of the last couple of years more than anyone has ever thought to. Plus, Afrojack is here.

When asked how the surreal scene here at NASDAQ compares to the circus-like atmosphere of his EDM festivals, like the recent TomorrowWorld, Robert F.X. Sillerman, founder and CEO of SFX, says, “Those are more fun." His company has just completed its “initial” portion of his company’s initial public offering plan, which he explains is "an important element in helping us spread the word about what electronic music means -- I’m happy obviously.”

SFX Shares Fall Below IPO Price on First Day of Trading

While the closing price of his SFXE stock yesterday -- $11.89, down 8.54% from its $13 dollar initial offering -- might have made him less happy, Sillerman, a 65-year old who has been through no less than “nine or ten IPOs” in his business career, is unfazed. “My job is to do the best possible job to bring this music and cultural phenomenon to as broad [an audience] as effectively as possible -- the stock price will take care of itself.”

Saved by the Bell: SFX's Sheldon Finkel (center) with Afrojack, Sillerman and Mitch Slater (right) ringing the digital bell of the NASDAQ bell marking SFX's opening day on the stock exchange. (Photo: Zef Nikolla/NASDAQ OMX)

Accompanying Sillerman was some of his rapid EDM acquisition team of SFX vice chairman Sheldon Finkel and Mitch Slater, SFX's vice chairman. The trio has spent a good portion of the last two years assembling the largest "electronic music culture" -- as they call it -- company on the planet. The roll-up has included acquisitions of or major stakes in Disco Donnie Presents, Life in Color, ID&T (whose brands include Sensation, TomorrowWorld and Mysteryland), MMG Nightlife (a management company operating Miami's LIV at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach and Story) and an estimated $50 million play for Denver-based electronic music media platform Beatport.

With some $260 million raised during the IPO, Sillerman will presumably continue the buying spree right where he left off. Asked if he plans to acquire more festivals, ticket verticals and/or media, he says only and rather cryptically, “yes.” Prodded further about his past head-spinning acquisitions he says, “If you think your head spun before, you need to go to the gym. We have a lot more to do.”

EDM's Dead, Long Live... EMC? SFX's IPO Looms Large While the Industry Sells Out (From the Magazine)

There are the non-believers who dispute the ectronic music scene long-term market viability and cite the two tragic deaths at this past summer’s Electric Zoo festival as proof while ignoring electronic's music continued presence in the U.S. decades before this latest boom. Made Event, Electric Zoo's promoter, was among SFX's acquisitions listed as "planned" in its IPO prospectus for $35 million in cash and stock for 70% of the business.

But Sillerman takes the safety of his events quite seriously, explaining that he put Dr. Andy Bezos, a specialist in crowd medicine who is the medical practitioner for Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium and the U.S. Open, on his board when he started his company. “Kids will do foolish things -- tragically so,” he said. “Our responsibility is to deal with that and make them safer then they could possibly be at any other environment -- including their home.” Sillerman also said his company is in conversation with “one of the major sponsors” of Electric Zoo for a global sponsorship that is "a hundred times larger" than what they did this year.

Sillerman similarly invokes the business community's validation when discussing today's IPO. “We went on the road to sell 16.6 million and had orders for 300 million shares,” he says. “The proof is in the pudding. I guess we did a good job.”

Which brings us to the question of Afrojack, and why the 26-year old DJ is standing here. The tall, Grammy-winning producer and DJ, born Nick van de Wall, is something of the perfect NASDAQ poster child for EDM’s success and the scene’s international reach. He’s charted three songs on the Billboard Hot 100, including the No. 1 "Give Me Everything" (with Pitbull featuring Ne-Yo, Afrojack and Nayer); had six entries on the On Dance/Play Club Songs, including a No. 1 this year ("As Your Friend," featuring Chris Brown); and hit No. 1 on the Dance/Mix Show Airplay chart with "Take Over Control," featuring Eva Simons -- his biggest selling song as a lead artist, with 1.2 million downloads sold in the U.S., according to Nielsen SoundScan. His first album comes out on Island Def Jam either later this year or early next year complete with a Sting collaboration.

“Ive never seen anything like this,” Afrojack says from a waiting room outside the NASDAQ studio. He firmly believes in the benefits capitalism will bring to dance music. "With SFX on NASDAQ and going public, you will see dance music entering the commercial, mainstream world," he says. "EDM will become even better and through this we’ll have way bigger opportunities to do way bigger festivals, way bigger production and have even more creativity.”

Back on the stage of the NASDAQ MarketSite, Afrojack towers above Sillerman Finkel and Slater as they practiced the ceremonial ringing of the bell (even though there’s no bell in sight -- it's more like a digital button). At one point during the proceedings, the men posed proudly with their middle-fingers raised, and the room full of financiers exploded with laughter. It may be the most rock and roll moment the NASDAQ has seen. Then again, SFX is like no other exchange listing the NASDAQ has seen.
Robert F.X Sillerman On SFX's IPO, Stock Prices, Future Acquisitions, Afrojack | Billboard

Does this anger anyone else? I'm pretty choked about this... Fucking Sellouts.
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Old 10-11-2013, 07:56 AM   #22
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Too early to say I guess. I agree with the bigger festivals and production but in my opinion I think it'll limit creativity in reference to what Afrojack is saying.

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Old 10-12-2013, 12:33 PM   #23
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Justin Bieber Punches Michael Wood's Manager For Not Complying with Hip-Hop Request - EDMTunes

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Old 10-12-2013, 02:10 PM   #24
das not it mane
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RIP in peace
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Old 10-14-2013, 10:44 PM   #25
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FKKKKKKK. Can't wait for their new collab.

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