Originally Posted by BEEB What about this... ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1048851_332466983553662_1294185267_o.jpg) |
Who the fuck puts $100 tires on a Lambo....
I've had Hankook v12s on a Mazda Miata and a Chevy Corvette. On the Miata I liked these tires, they gave up grip in a very predictable manner allowing me to drift my ass through pretty much every turn. J turns down Sunset Blvd are fun.
When I got the Corvette it had some horrible firestone tires. I replaced those with some Hankook V12s. What was fun in the Miata was annoying in the Vette. After some power upgrades these tires didn't hook at all.
I now run Nitto Invos. They're great. It's what I'd recommend doing. I have to work at it to make it kick out, unlike the hankooks ;P The Nittos seem to have very predictable behavior when you break loose, but they usually don't squeal like other tires, which can be a little weird.