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Old 09-16-2013, 10:04 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by dinosaur View Post
Awesome. Another reason for the media to sensationalize a tragedy.

Some times I find it hard to care about these situations because of how the media presents them.
I don't really understand what you're trying to say.

What is the reason you are referring to? What aspects of this situation make it prone to sensationalism that are not justified? Just because it happened?

Are you suggesting mass murders should be displayed on the ticker in one sentence or less? Accompanied by no interviews, pictures, or accounts of the event? Is that going to stop them from happening?

Sorry, I fail to grasp the intention of your post. I would however be interested in hearing your definition of a sensational event, if 12 people being shot to death at a stateside military facility does not meet that criteria.
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Old 09-17-2013, 06:49 AM   #27
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Sorry, I don't want to talk for her, but there is a difference between a sensational event,and an event that is sensationalized.

She's not the first one to say this.

Round the clock coverage one with Wolf Blitzer with teams of people on the streets watching every little thing, but to fill the time they have people on that just speculate. What's the fucking point? Have you ever watched this coverage?

They put people on tv that just sit there and speculate and guess about what people ACTUALLY in the know might be doing.

Then there is a press conference, and it would be awesome if someone is in tears that we can zoom in on.

Then with a sliver of information, we can spin off and speculate on something new for another couple of hours.

And you know where it leaves me? It leaves me at the idea that 12 people are dead as being tragic, but I can't care about the individual cases anymore. I can't. I have to look at a system where we have this happen so often. It's time to make it so people don't go off and take out a dozen innocents with them. Take a course of action. At this point, talk ain't gonna cut it, and if we've seen anything from the Canada bomb plot, we aren't immune. It's coming.

So is Wolf Blitzer helping? I don't think so. They sit around and wait for something like this to happen so they can roll their machine in and make it news!
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Old 09-17-2013, 10:51 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Hurricane View Post
I don't really understand what you're trying to say.

What is the reason you are referring to? What aspects of this situation make it prone to sensationalism that are not justified? Just because it happened?

Are you suggesting mass murders should be displayed on the ticker in one sentence or less? Accompanied by no interviews, pictures, or accounts of the event? Is that going to stop them from happening?

Sorry, I fail to grasp the intention of your post. I would however be interested in hearing your definition of a sensational event, if 12 people being shot to death at a stateside military facility does not meet that criteria.
I am not sure what you want me to define for you as I thought my post was fairly clear. Also, I am fairly certain that those who are exposed to American news outlets are aware of what these events can be portrayed as.

Nowhere did I say this was a "whatever" story that was only worthy of a blip on a ticker. I agree that this a horrible event that needs to be broadcast, but is is necessary to spend 15 hours speculating and releasing "hearsay" to fill in the gaps?

It becomes a circus. Who can get the best graphics? Who can interview the most pseudo-eye witnesses? How many suspects can we name? Can we interview the suspect's neighbours? Aunts? 4th cousins? Did he hate America? Does he have mental issues? Is he Muslim?! Is he American?? Is he black? brown? IS HE MUSLIM!?!? Lets show pictures...lets get a map....let speculate that he was angry at something....what guns did he have...where did he buy them....lets have pictures of the guns...blah blah blah.

Its sad. Its all sad. Meanwhile we have 12 people who have just been murdered. 12 people whose families will never be the same. 12 people who were doing nothing wrong but working. This is what should be the focus. However, all we see is "12 dead" briefly then it is back to a fancy graphic, back to a stuttering Wolf Blitzer...then to a Lefter winger talking about gun control...quick, lets talk to the right about needing more guns...back to another wanna be eye witness...oh, and how can we tie this to 9/11? Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Its a circus. Everyone can rush out an buy a NAVY t-shirt, fly the "WE ARE ALL D.C" flag, and everyone forgets. Next week at this time nobody will remember a damn thing because nobody cares what happens after the guy is caught or shot....its all about the excitement of the day.

This happens all the times. I don't know what will make it better, but I can tell you the way these events are brought to us, does not help.

I said it before, and I'll say it again....RIP to all the souls that were lost and I am terribly sad for all the families left behind.

Last edited by dinosaur; 09-17-2013 at 11:01 AM.
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Old 09-17-2013, 11:19 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Hurricane View Post
I don't really understand what you're trying to say.

What is the reason you are referring to? What aspects of this situation make it prone to sensationalism that are not justified? Just because it happened?

Are you suggesting mass murders should be displayed on the ticker in one sentence or less? Accompanied by no interviews, pictures, or accounts of the event? Is that going to stop them from happening?

Sorry, I fail to grasp the intention of your post. I would however be interested in hearing your definition of a sensational event, if 12 people being shot to death at a stateside military facility does not meet that criteria.
I don't think that these events shouldn't be aired, but the way the media portrays them definitely needs to change. Think back to all the various shootings and what not over the past few years; how many times were the names and faces of the offenders posted and publicized? The way these people are portrayed make them infamous and often martyrs for others who feel like they want to have their name go down in history as well. Instead of plastering their names and faces all over the TV screen and newspapers, simply say "A man from South Oak, SomewhereUSA," and then focus on the victims and the police reports and the inevitable gun control debate.

I'll admit that some of these offenders-to-be wont be put off by the lack of airtime, but it may have them think twice if they realize that they'll simply be notched into history as a nameless idiot instead of "Joe Schmoe (and here's his picture!)"
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Old 09-17-2013, 12:33 PM   #30
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Do I need to explain myself further?
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Old 09-17-2013, 10:20 PM   #31
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The shooter had called 911 weeks ago saying that he was hearing voices sounds like he may have psychological issues

also the news tried to blame violent video games because supposedly he was "addicted to them"
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Old 09-18-2013, 11:14 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by TatsuyaKataoka View Post
Boy, I wonder how long it'll take the media to blame violent video games!
Navy Yard Shooter Played Military Style Videogames -- Is it Relevant? - ABC News
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Old 09-18-2013, 11:25 AM   #33
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Dunno why you guys keep blaming the media.

WE are the media
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Old 09-18-2013, 01:23 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by dinamix View Post
WE are the media
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wow man...that shit is deep, yo.
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