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09-18-2013, 10:28 PM
#1 | My homepage has been set to RS
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| Girl blows through a red, kills two, is found not guilty of D.D causing death
Accidents happen but maybe she should have got a driving ban for a year. Bieber concert crash driver not guilty - British Columbia - CBC News Quote:
Family members of two young people killed on their way home by a speeding car from a Justin Bieber concert in Vancouver three years ago say they cannot believe the driver was found not guilty of dangerous driving causing death.
Andelina Hecimovic, now 26, was charged with two counts of dangerous driving causing death after Johnny deOliveira, 21, and Beckie Dyer, 19, were killed when the Toyota driven by Hecimovic skidded, flipped over and slammed into their Suzuki Swift in Pitt Meadows, B.C.
"Their lives were worth something. She can walk and breathe and get married and have babies and we don't get that. We will not ever see that," says Audrey deOliveira.
Beiber concert crash victims
Johnny deOliveira, 21, and Beckie Dyer, 19, were killed when the Toyota driven by Andelina Hecimovic skidded, flipped over and slammed into their Suzuki Swift in Pitt Meadows three years ago. (CBC)
At the trial earlier this month, crash investigators alleged Hecimovic was driving aggressively on the night of the crash.
But Hecimovic testified she was distraught because of events at work that night and failed to see the lights at the intersection through her tears after making a lane change.
But speaking outside the courtroom on Wednesday, the victims' families said they didn't buy Hecimovic's defence, saying the verdict sends a dangerous message to drivers.
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09-18-2013, 10:34 PM
#2 | My name is Michael. J. Caboose, and I hate BABIES!
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If you're crying hard enough to not see lights, you should be pulling over until you're finished. Bullshit excuse imo.
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09-18-2013, 10:35 PM
#3 | I *Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap* to RS
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The Canadian justice system is a joke, I'm pretty sure the motorcyclist that hit the 3 girls in Surrey killing one of them will get off with a slap on the wrist even through he may have been speeding.
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09-18-2013, 10:36 PM
#4 | I STILL don't get it
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.. what the fuck, how in the hell are her tears a legit defence, what a fucking joke.
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09-18-2013, 10:38 PM
#5 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by Inaii If you're crying hard enough to not see lights, you should be pulling over until you're finished. Bullshit excuse imo. | Agreed.
I was driving last week and some sweat/sun screen mixed and went in my eye. It stung like a b@#$@, but did I keep driving? No. Sensible thing dictates to pull over asap, compose yourself and drive again.
Long drive? Sleepy? Do you keep driving? No.....that's dumb, pull over at a rest stop.
This excuse is definitely lame. I'd like to know her lawyer's name. I'd like his business card in case....
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09-18-2013, 11:04 PM
#6 | Banned By Establishment
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Bieber is guilty.
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09-18-2013, 11:19 PM
#7 | Head Moderator
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Originally Posted by beanzzz The Canadian justice system is a joke, I'm pretty sure the motorcyclist that hit the 3 girls in Surrey killing one of them will get off with a slap on the wrist even through he may have been speeding. | Whatever happened to people being considered innocent before proven guilty?
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09-18-2013, 11:22 PM
#8 | 14 dolla balla aint got nothing on me!
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can't see through her tears.. how did that even win the case for her
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09-19-2013, 12:43 AM
#9 | I subscribe to the Fight Club ONLY
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Judges handing out slap on the wrist light sentences on guilty verdicts is one thing (and that's already a joke in itself). Getting off scotch free after excessive speeding, blowing through a red light, paying no attention during lane changes, and killing 2 people in the process just takes our Canadian judicial system to a whole new (low) level.
Our current justice and attorney general is the Liberal's Suzanne Anton. I have absolutely no faith in her abilities. It is pointless to complain to her about how ridiculous the ruling turned out.
On a different note, can someone confirm that the verdict was decided on by the judge? And who might that judge be? From the news reports, I seem to get the impression that there wasn't a jury involved with this case.
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09-19-2013, 03:02 AM
#10 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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....way to go justice system... you've now just set a new history of precedent.
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Originally Posted by Raid3n ^
i don't think i ever played a game as a kid where you punch each other in the dick. | |
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09-19-2013, 03:25 AM
#11 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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great... now every DD will use this excuse in court to try and get off any charges..
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09-19-2013, 05:48 AM
#12 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by subordinate Agreed.
I was driving last week and some sweat/sun screen mixed and went in my eye. It stung like a b@#$@, but did I keep driving? No. Sensible thing dictates to pull over asap, compose yourself and drive again.
Long drive? Sleepy? Do you keep driving? No.....that's dumb, pull over at a rest stop.
This excuse is definitely lame. I'd like to know her lawyer's name. I'd like his business card in case.... | Women are not logical.
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09-19-2013, 06:45 AM
#13 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Well look at the bright side, if you ever do something completely fucking stupid here you can walk into court feeling pretty confident that the worst thing that'll happen to you is an article in the paper making everyone angry. Posted via RS Mobile |
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09-19-2013, 08:18 AM
#14 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by Traum scotch free | scot free.
Scot is an old-world term for tax, so the saying is literally saying "getting away with it tax free" meaning without payment, which has been changed slightly to "getting away with something without payment or penalty" |
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09-19-2013, 08:22 AM
#15 | Old School RS
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Originally Posted by beanzzz The Canadian justice system is a joke, I'm pretty sure the motorcyclist that hit the 3 girls in Surrey killing one of them will get off with a slap on the wrist even through he may have been speeding. | You're a fucking retard. The 3 girls JAYWALKED IN FRONT OF HIM. Every single media report I have heard lately has been like "1 girl has died, 2 girls are still in the hospital"... no mention of the fact that the motorcyclist is also in the hospital.
There was literally a mother of somebody else in the school on the radio this morning quoted as saying "kids are going to jaywalk, the speed limits should be lowered to reflect this." The whole reason that elementary schools have 30km/h school zones and high schools do not is because by the time you are in high school you should be able to figure out how to look both ways FFS.
__________________ I'm old now - boring street cars and sweet race cars. |
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09-19-2013, 08:26 AM
#16 | My AFC gave me an ABS CEL code of LOL while at WOT!
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Justin Bieber spat on her. Charge Bieber for assault.
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09-19-2013, 09:02 AM
#17 | I STILL don't get it
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Originally Posted by lowside67 You're a fucking retard. The 3 girls JAYWALKED IN FRONT OF HIM. Every single media report I have heard lately has been like "1 girl has died, 2 girls are still in the hospital"... no mention of the fact that the motorcyclist is also in the hospital.
There was literally a mother of somebody else in the school on the radio this morning quoted as saying "kids are going to jaywalk, the speed limits should be lowered to reflect this." The whole reason that elementary schools have 30km/h school zones and high schools do not is because by the time you are in high school you should be able to figure out how to look both ways FFS.
Mark | jesus christ. some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids... "kids are going to jaywalk, the speed limits should be lowered to reflect this" 
how bout you teach your grown ass kids not to jaywalk, and if they still do stupid shit, then tough luck, darwin
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09-19-2013, 09:02 AM
#18 | Banned By Establishment
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Originally Posted by lowside67 You're a fucking retard. The 3 girls JAYWALKED IN FRONT OF HIM. Every single media report I have heard lately has been like "1 girl has died, 2 girls are still in the hospital"... no mention of the fact that the motorcyclist is also in the hospital.
There was literally a mother of somebody else in the school on the radio this morning quoted as saying "kids are going to jaywalk, the speed limits should be lowered to reflect this." The whole reason that elementary schools have 30km/h school zones and high schools do not is because by the time you are in high school you should be able to figure out how to look both ways FFS.
Mark | The goal we seem to have is to put enough padding in front of everyone and anyone, kids especially and protect them from this dark evil world.
Shit fucking happens.
It's sad, we cry...we move on.
We can't prevent every accident, and we can't always be 100% on 100% of the time.
I'm so tired of the war on handheld devices, and the need to have a speed limit of 20 kph...with handy dandy fat ass fines to teach you a lesson and a bunch of fucking robots parroting out the same words every chance they get to admonish you for the the things they do themselves.
I can't drive a single day without noticing a pedestrian just walking, right of way or not to make sure that they have been seen and noticed and its safe to go. I'm not saying you should have to...I'm saying you should want to. That's an ounce of personal protection you should take upon yourself. My mom taught me that when I was 5.
"Look both ways before you cross the street"
That to me doesn't say, "sub-paragraph 2, not needed when you are in a crosswalk because fuck cars man, its your world right now. They have to stop, because someone painted lines on the road...what the hell man! I'm walking here! Didn't you see me, I jumped off the sidewalk wearing all black at night"
Checking who called while you are at a red light isn't going to kill kittens.
Doing 65 in a 50 when there is no traffic isn't going to kill kittens.
Drinking a beer in a park when you aren't a raging alcoholic or douche isn't going to kill kittens.
And a dose of personal responsibility can save your life...Stop always putting it in other people's hands.
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09-19-2013, 09:07 AM
#19 | What hasn't Killed me, has made me more tolerant of RS!
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Originally Posted by Lomac Whatever happened to people being considered innocent before proven guilty? | Once you get on a motorcycle, in the public eye you're guilty of everything you've done, are doing, or might do in the future.
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09-19-2013, 09:08 AM
#20 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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She was doing 130 KM/H in a 80, that right there would be enough for any of us to have the book thrown at us. Cars were stopped at the RED light so she moved into the right turn only lane and blasted through the intersection hitting a median and smoking the other car, killing 2. NOT GUILTY???  
One of the judges excuses/comments was (paraphrasing) "It's known that cars usually speed through this stretch of road." So that makes it legit now?
Also, he commented that the car did not further accelerate when going through the intersection. No shit you dumb fuck, her car was probably already at max speed, it's a Toyota.
So if you maintain your excessive speed, blow through a red light, in a lane that doesn't even go through the intersection, say "just having a bad day", unfamiliar with the intersection (even though you regularly travel through it) and you never saw the lights. All will be well. |
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09-19-2013, 09:14 AM
#21 | I subscribe to the Fight Club ONLY
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^^ The judge in this case is a she -- Madam Justice J. Miriam Gropper.
As I read through that name, I can't help but feel disgusted by her title. "Justice Gropper". Where the fxxk is the justice in the ruling that she handed out?!
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09-19-2013, 09:52 AM
#22 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Bullshit ...
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09-19-2013, 10:46 AM
#23 | I *heart* very Muchie
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if justin bieber wasn't alive, these 2 folks would still be!!
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Hey guys,
Can someone tell good or unusual dating spots? Or what was your the most unusual date? THanks for sharing!
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp my bedroom =D | Quote:
Originally Posted by dhillon09 that's a great secret date spot,
i bet no girl in vancouver has seen it. | |
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09-19-2013, 10:55 AM
#24 | I don't get it
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fucking joke.
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09-19-2013, 11:58 AM
#25 | I told him no, what y'all do?
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i thought DD meant drunk driving until i read the article
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[22-12, 08:51]mellomandidnt think and went in straight..scrapped like a bitch
[17-09, 12:07]FastAnna glowjob
[17-09, 12:08]FastAnna I like dat
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