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10-14-2013, 01:30 PM
#1 | y'all better put some respeck on my name
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| Canadian border guard bullies CBC Radio host
I thought this was a comedy skit, lol.
Audio link is on this page: Canadian border guard bullies CBC Radio host | This is That with Pat Kelly and Peter Oldring | CBC Radio Quote:
After suggesting that Canadian Border Service Agents have a tendency to be unfriendly, host Peter Oldring found himself on the receiving end of a verbal lashing from Officer Murray Swift.
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10-14-2013, 01:47 PM
#2 | I'm better than you.
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Wow, that was painful to listen to. That guy was such a cunt muscle.
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10-14-2013, 01:49 PM
#3 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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the host does seem pretty sarcastic when he speaks, maybe that's why the officer got so mad lol
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10-14-2013, 02:10 PM
#4 | Banned (ABWS)
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Border guards are worse than mall security
I once had a video of the Lightspeed Girls jumping nude on a trampoline on my video cam on the way back from The Phoenix Forum
Stuck in customs for like 4 hours while they screamed at me and accused me of wanting to rape kids and shit. Some fat old woman was the senior guard on duty and she basically accused me of being Clifford Olson
Fucking losers. Also, Brian Johnson, another fired guard, used to look up people's personal info and flag people he didn't like in the system. Also would confiscate people's booze and shit they brought back from vacation then it would end up in his trunk. His ex gf used to get a ton of "gifts" like purses, fine booze, whatever... all stuff he confiscated on the job and then took home at the end of his shift. He would laugh and tell her ALL the guards did it. Fuck them all.
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10-14-2013, 02:23 PM
#5 | Not a mod
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^ what are your sources? Posted via RS Mobile |
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10-14-2013, 02:35 PM
#6 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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This is obviously satire. At least I hope it is
98 technoviolet M3/2/5 Quote:
Originally Posted by boostfever Westopher is correct. | Quote:
Originally Posted by fsy82 seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked | Quote:
Originally Posted by punkwax Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct. | |
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10-14-2013, 02:39 PM
#7 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by westopher This is obviously satire. At least I hope it is | Agreed,
If you go to the front page of their website, looks like it.
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10-14-2013, 03:25 PM
#8 | :inoutugh:
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| Quote: CBC Radio satirical show 'This Is That' sparks as much outrage as laughs - The Globe and Mail
When word got out a few weeks ago that Quebec was lowering its drinking age to 14 (12 if the youngster is with a parent), there was outrage - and, in some circles, glee. People took to Twitter and other online forums to express their strongly held opinions. If the story seemed unbelievable, the fact that the original interview on the topic linked back to a CBC Radio Web page - and sounded very much like a CBC Radio interview - seemed to lend it some credibility.
The story, of course, wasn't true. It emerged from an upcoming segment on CBC Radio One's satirical current affairs show This Is That. The fake interview show - think of it as The Onion on the radio - is returning for a second season this summer, and no doubt the people in the CBC's audience-relations department are bracing themselves.
In its first season last summer, the parody - which undeniably sounds a lot like other CBC interview shows, mirroring that tone of objective, earnest inquisitiveness and story choice with uncanny accuracy - got the phones ringing at the CBC.
Listeners were upset to learn that Grade 4 was being cancelled in Nova Scotia, that during a planned visit by the Queen, locals would be forced to drive on the other side of the street in her honour, and that the Calgary Aquarium was shutting down and, needing to empty the building, was planning to grill up its fish for families who showed up the following weekend.
"I think this is absolutely outrageous and disgusting," one caller to the This Is That hotline said about the aquarium story. "This is shocking to me," said another, "and I just hope it's a joke."
It was, of course. For starters, Calgary doesn't have an aquarium.
But when listeners - already livid about the subject matter - realize they've been duped, that can spark even more outrage.
"We've got a thicker skin about it now," co-host Pat Kelly says. "You just come to terms with the fact that there's people that listen to the CBC who do not have a sense of humour whatsoever."
Kelly and co-host Peter Oldring, who met years ago doing comedy in Calgary, both grew up listening to CBC Radio. The two actors improvise the segments, one playing host, the other the interviewee. They record the shows in Studio 5 in Vancouver, the old home of Sounds Like Canada, the show that probably more than any other serves as a model for This Is That.
To make the spoof work, they work hard to match the feel of a CBC Radio interview show, from the content to the tone to the music stings. "We're just so dedicated to a certain sound so we don't disrupt the listeners' ears," says producer Chris Kelly (no relation to Pat), whose mother is a long-time CBC Radio host. "We want to sort of camouflage ourselves to be as authentic as possible."
But they say they did not expect to suck people in to the extent that they have. "Our intention was not to be putting out these stories that are going to be having people outraged at all," Oldring says. "And it wasn't until we got it on the radio that we realized, 'Oh, my gosh, some people are really calling in and they're not aware that this is a comedy or they are outraged at some of the content.' "
The radio show - which was recently nominated for a Canadian Comedy Award - carries no disclaimer identifying it as satire, but the website does state: "We make (up) the news." (It used to read: "We don't just talk about the issues. We fabricate them.")
"We talked about it when we put it on the air last year: Does it need a warning? Does it need multiple warnings? And the feeling was we just put it on the air and see what the response was," CBC Radio program director Chris Boyce says. "I think it's fairly clear if you're listening to it that it is a parody of the news."
Boyce says no serious complaints have landed on his desk. But the made-up stories have sparked some real debate among listeners - something the hosts view as an unforeseen plus. "It is really fun when you get a variety of opinions on this story that happens to be fictitious, but that has people really charged on both sides of an argument that actually doesn't exist," Oldring says.
The show's creators try to balance the it-might-be-true kind of stories with out-there segments, to try to tip their hand that it is a spoof, but it doesn't always work. "In some ways, because that tone of the CBC is such a recognizable tone, you can get pretty outrageous with a story and people will still often kind of think: 'Well it's the CBC, so it must be true,' " Oldring says.
This raises the question: Does such a show belong on the public broadcaster, whose flagship programs are based on the news and current affairs?
Boyce says there absolutely is a place for it. "One of the things that I love about Radio One is that it has an incredibly wide range of programming on it. ... In some ways, I actually like the fact that it is a show that satirizes the news, and it's providing that additional perspective on what we cover."
The hosts agree, pointing to shows such as Double Exposure and Royal Canadian Air Farce. And their intentions, they say, are to entertain, not to trick the audience.
"There's a type of listener who has the perception that we're a bunch of kids being pranksters on the radio," Pat Kelly says. "And we're not. We come from a place of being huge fans of the CBC. You just have to sort of give into the fact that for some people, this is just not their cup of tea."
This Is That airs Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 11 a.m. on CBC Radio One, beginning June 30.
| CBC Radio satirical show 'This Is That' sparks as much outrage as laughs - The Globe and Mail |
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10-14-2013, 04:02 PM
#9 | The Brown Reason
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this can't be real
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Originally Posted by bcrdukes fuck this shit, i'm out | |
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10-14-2013, 04:08 PM
#10 | RS Veteran
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Everything on the Internet is real. C'mon now!
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS I literally do not plan on buying another vehicle in my lifetime, assuming it doesn't get written off. | |
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10-14-2013, 04:17 PM
#11 | They let me be a moderator. LOL
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Originally Posted by multicartual I once had a video of the Lightspeed Girls jumping nude on a trampoline on my video cam on the way back from The Phoenix Forum | Googled it.
I would've done the same.
Some of them look like kids.
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10-14-2013, 06:27 PM
#12 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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For the record, never once had a problem with Canadian Border Services. I cross the Canada/US border at Blaine/Peace Arch monthly and have always passed on right by.
My only complaint would be the efficiency and time that the agents spend and perhaps the need for more resources so more employees can be present during peak hours. Often enough, there will only be 4-5 booths open out of the 8 or so they have and lines will be about 2 hours+ long.
As for demeanour, my experiences with agents has almost always been pleasant and polite. U.S. on the other hand, hard to say the same.
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10-14-2013, 06:31 PM
#13 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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I've really only had one negative experience with Canadian border guards but fuck the US border guards. Every time I go down I wonder why I even fucking bother. They waste so much of my time, and are always condescending and rude. Posted via RS Mobile |
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10-14-2013, 07:00 PM
#14 | RS Veteran
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They're just jealous of your M3.
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Originally Posted by BIC_BAWS I literally do not plan on buying another vehicle in my lifetime, assuming it doesn't get written off. | |
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10-14-2013, 07:10 PM
#15 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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Wow, what a dick...
oOoOooOOo what does this space do
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10-14-2013, 07:19 PM
#16 | Fathered more RS members than anybody else. Who's your daddy?
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They're only human. I'm sure there are some really bad ones out there, but of the hundreds of times I've crossed the border, I've always had good experiences. They probably have bad experiences too, with rude, and worse, extremely dumb, people. Let's put it this way, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
While we're on the subject, the CBSA agent at the Huntington border crossing last night was very nice.....  She could be screaming at me at the top of her lungs and I would be like
I didn't want to stare at her name tag, but should have. hee hee
Hitting on a CBSA agent would probably be two years in a Siberian labour camp.
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10-14-2013, 07:24 PM
#17 | Ready to be Man handled by RS!
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lol, the show is satire. What's funny is that during the following week's show, they play back the outraged callers who have been fooled into thinking their stories are real.
They have a podcast and all that. Funny stuff.
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10-14-2013, 07:24 PM
#18 | Fathered more RS members than anybody else. Who's your daddy?
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Guys, This and That is CBC's version of the onion.
It's not real.
How many times do people have to say it? IT'S FAKE!!!
thanks, stump........... beat me to it. Sort of. Hey, I gave you your first "thanks"......... you no longer virgin.
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"there but for the grace of god go I"
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Youth is, indeed, wasted on the young.
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Dirty look from MG1 can melt steel beams.
"There must be dissonance before resolution - MG1" a musical reference.
Last edited by MG1; 10-14-2013 at 07:26 PM.
Reason: stump beat me to it
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10-14-2013, 07:27 PM
#19 | :inoutugh:
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Originally Posted by TOS'd | ^
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10-14-2013, 07:30 PM
#20 | Fathered more RS members than anybody else. Who's your daddy?
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yup, but people still don't get it, apparently.............
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"there but for the grace of god go I"
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Youth is, indeed, wasted on the young.
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Dirty look from MG1 can melt steel beams.
"There must be dissonance before resolution - MG1" a musical reference.
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10-14-2013, 08:21 PM
#21 | 【=◈︿◈=】
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i don't get any problems when i cross the borders, either going into the states or returning. i must say i get a better vibe from the us border guards going into the states than coming back. never really any problems but just how friendly and approachable they seem. couple border guards going into the states have chatted with me about my car, never once canadian ones. never had an experience i would call negative though
shame most people won't know this is just a parody. people gobble up anything they're fed
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10-14-2013, 08:43 PM
#22 | My homepage has been set to RS
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From personal experience, I've dealt with friendly border agents on both sides, not to say I haven't dealt with the straight-to-the-point kind of border agents which for me were on both sides of the border.
I will say that my only bad experience at the crossing was with a Canadian border agent.
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10-14-2013, 08:57 PM
#23 | Hypa owned my ass at least once
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Originally Posted by westopher I've really only had one negative experience with Canadian border guards but fuck the US border guards. Every time I go down I wonder why I even fucking bother. They waste so much of my time, and are always condescending and rude. Posted via RS Mobile | Why only you?
My friends and I never get such a treatment?
Last edited by Noir; 10-14-2013 at 09:05 PM.
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10-14-2013, 09:10 PM
#24 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Me and a buddy went down about once a week in the summer to grab gas, lunch, and browse a couple stores, we got searched going down, and i'm not exaggerating FOUR times in a row. They just loved to play this game of walking up to you, handing you your keys, then 5 minutes later come back and say "got your passports, right? Just waiting for keys?" to which we say "We have our keys, just waiting on passports" they go and "look" for them... Literally rinse and repeat 5-10 times. Apparently a couple of POLITE and RESPECTFUL white kids killing some time in the summer is suspicious now. Oh well, anyone read their slogan on the wall in the search building? "FIRST AND LAST LINE OF DEFENCE"
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10-14-2013, 09:20 PM
#25 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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I've never had a problem. I admit, I always pull up expecting attitude, but I'm always surprised when I hear "how are you today"?.
The only time I got searched was after a 14 hour flight from the Philippines. I answered everything truthfully, but for some reason my answers and my demeanor seemed sketchy. Could have just been drained. Posted via RS Mobile |
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