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Gunsmokez 10-27-2013 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by jpark (Post 8347936)
what is there more to answer? when we noticed that the machines were down, we asked one of the transit workers there at the station, he said dont worry about it and go on. You really expect me to get off on the next station and buy another ticket when i was told by the guy who WORKS there to not worry about it?

The guy who works there, does not give a crap about you getting a ticket. He is probably thinking get away from me and stop asking me stupid questions!

Cover your own ass, and do not assume it is safe because some one else said its ok.

In all, you are lucky the cops voided the ticket.

dinosaur 10-27-2013 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by jpark (Post 8347936)
what is there more to answer? when we noticed that the machines were down, we asked one of the transit workers there at the station, he said dont worry about it and go on. You really expect me to get off on the next station and buy another ticket when i was told by the guy who WORKS there to not worry about it?

I understand that you were obviously frustrated, but as others have pointed was your fault your night was ruined. This did not need to be a huge issue and I think you are blowing it a little out of proportion. To be honest, I can not really see these officers "shouting in your face" unless you were not listening to them.

As someone else pointed out, you could have explained the situation and if you did not get the answer you wanted, you could have continued about your business and disputed the ticket this week.

Furthermore, you could and SHOULD have exited the train at the next stop to purchase a ticket. I doubt the guy you talked to at the station intended for you to ride the rest of the night for free because one station was down....come on, dude.

Calm down and step back from the situation...put yourself in their shoes. What else could they have done?

jpark 10-27-2013 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by dinosaur (Post 8347944)
I understand that you were obviously frustrated, but as others have pointed was your fault your night was ruined. This did not need to be a huge issue and I think you are blowing it a little out of proportion. To be honest, I can not really see these officers "shouting in your face" unless you were not listening to them.

As someone else pointed out, you could have explained the situation and if you did not get the answer you wanted, you could have continued about your business and disputed the ticket this week.

Furthermore, you could and SHOULD have exited the train at the next stop to purchase a ticket. I doubt the guy you talked to at the station intended for you to ride the rest of the night for free because one station was down....come on, dude.

Calm down and step back from the situation...put yourself in their shoes. What else could they have done?

When i was told by the police that the machines were fine, i was starting to think the out of order stickers were a prank by some kids. Which means.... if i dispute the ticket in court, there will be no records of the machines being down at lougheed station, and therefore we will be called liers and pay for the ticket.

We went back, to take pictures of the out of order stickers for evidence. It was a confusing situational problem

murd0c 10-27-2013 02:25 PM

next time take a picture with your phone for a back up.

dinosaur 10-27-2013 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by murd0c (Post 8347950)
next time take a picture with your phone for a back up.

Out of anything in this thread, I think this is the best advice we can all take.

jpark, this situation would not have happened at all if you had just bought your ticket at the next station...this is where, I think, you have lost the support of fellow RSers. Where the "out of order" was legit, a joke, an old sticker, only on one machine, can not ride the skytrain for free. End of story.

punkwax 10-27-2013 02:32 PM

You also chose to go back to Lougheed rather than hit the club so I wouldn't say they ruined your night. Also, going back saved you the fine. IMO it was time well spent. :thumbsup:

club tickets :fuckthatshit:

bcrdukes 10-27-2013 02:38 PM

The guy shared a story and everyone is ragging on him.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I'm going to ride my bike and post a thread on it and see how much all you egg beaters like it.

Harvey Specter 10-27-2013 02:43 PM

Lol, dude posted his rant and he gets ragged on. Gotta love RS.

Spidey 10-27-2013 03:03 PM

ranting is one thing, but how he pointed fingers is another

punkwax 10-27-2013 03:03 PM

Easy there White Knights.

He posted a rant and people are pointing out that it's kind of his fault. If people didn't point that out, he would continue to tell his story thinking he was in the right. Now imagine he's telling his super cool story to this smoking hot chick who wants to suck his D. Suddenly, she's thinking, "wait a minute, this guy was in the wrong and here he is ranting. I'm gonna go suck on some other dude's D."

IMO, we're doing him a service. :fullofwin:

inv4zn 10-27-2013 03:20 PM

All things being said, major respect for planning ahead to not drink/drive.

Hopefully this incident doesn't make you choose otherwise next time.

winson604 10-27-2013 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by jpark (Post 8347896)
So you would be happy in this situation?
what about the time they wasted for me and my buddy? what about the club tickets that were wasted because we wouldn't go? was i expecting them to bow down? no. All i wanted was a simple apology for wasting my night. which didnt happen.

I think this is more true.

BrRsn 10-27-2013 03:57 PM

Guys I think the real question behind this thread is why did honda stop making a lightweight, high revving, well handling, RWD roadster?

Is this a sign that we all, as drivers, are moving towards cars that are more like appliances than machines that invoke emotion?

A question to ponder on the porcelain throne next time

Gridlock 10-27-2013 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Nodnarb (Post 8347971)
Easy there White Knights.

He posted a rant and people are pointing out that it's kind of his fault. If people didn't point that out, he would continue to tell his story thinking he was in the right. Now imagine he's telling his super cool story to this smoking hot chick who wants to suck his D. Suddenly, she's thinking, "wait a minute, this guy was in the wrong and here he is ranting. I'm gonna go suck on some other dude's D."

IMO, we're doing him a service. :fullofwin:

Wow. Managed to find the only two cops in Vancouver with an attitude.


!SG 10-27-2013 05:41 PM

turn on time stamp or dating on phone cam.

take picture of machine with "out of service" sign w/ time and date stamp

may or may not have helped, but at least you have some evidence for disputing, if you didnt happen to have the luck of running into them again.

FARMER 10-27-2013 06:29 PM

From reading the OP's testimony, the cops were going by the book and the OP and his friend really should have used their head and got off the next station and purchased a ticket. I have no idea why you think you deserve to ride for free just because the machines were down.

With that said, I do think transit cops really do have an attitude problem. It's almost as if the transit authority gives preferential treatment to "cops" (reall glorified security guards) that are the biggest assholes.

meme405 10-27-2013 07:03 PM

I bet most of you guys wouldn't have remembered to take a picture either...

Also, he could have just requested that they go back and look at the CCTV footage and look at when they come into the station. There are camera's pointed directly at the machines...

Also I bet most people who are saying get off at the next station wouldn't have gotten off and purchased tickets either. If transit can't keep their shit together and have atleast one fuctioning machine at each station when I go to pay, I do not believe it is my responsibility to help them out. JPark had a valid reason and story, and he was obviously in the right otherwise the tickets would not have been cancelled and the officers would have said the same thing "why didnt you get off at the next station and buy your ticket?". Or maybe that idiot transit employee should have been a bit more useful than a sack of potatoes and told Jpark and his friend the same thing.

If this hadnt been the skytrain and it was a bus what would have happened, well I can tell you right away, when the machine doesnt work on a bus the bus is free. I have seen that scenario countless times...


Originally Posted by Selanne_200 (Post 8347928)
They did the right thing once you were able to proof your innocence

You do realize that our justice system works on the basis of "Innocent until proven guilty" , not the other way around. You must be french....

twitchyzero 10-27-2013 07:19 PM

i came in this thread expecting OP to whine about getting ticketed for fare evasion and didn't cut him some slack because the canucks won last night :troll:

rsx 10-27-2013 07:29 PM

One thing to learn in life, in work, and in play...CYA. cover your ass. Tough break. And kudos for taking the train instead of driving for a planned night of drinking.

Vulture 10-27-2013 07:30 PM

He took the train cuz they were going drinking and obviously nobody wanted to be a DD. And I've also been told by transit police to just hop on when the machine was broken. Its not about the cops 'doing their job', its about their attitude and giving out misinformation. why is it always the same losers on this forum who rag on people.

For the retards who say it wouldnt have happened if he stopped off at the next station to buy the ticket: what if there were transit cops at the next station? he STILL would have been ticketed.

Gridlock 10-27-2013 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Vulture (Post 8348145)
He took the train cuz they were going drinking and obviously nobody wanted to be a DD. And I've also been told by transit police to just hop on when the machine was broken. Its not about the cops 'doing their job', its about their attitude and giving out misinformation. why is it always the same losers on this forum who rag on people.

For the retards who say it wouldnt have happened if he stopped off at the next station to buy the ticket: what if there were transit cops at the next station? he STILL would have been ticketed.

Most likely you are an old member under a new name, but what a bold move calling people retards on your 19th post.

bcrdukes 10-27-2013 07:38 PM

lol retards

RecklessNS 10-27-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by meme405 (Post 8348122)
I bet most of you guys wouldn't have remembered to take a picture either...

Also, he could have just requested that they go back and look at the CCTV footage and look at when they come into the station. There are camera's pointed directly at the machines...

Also I bet most people who are saying get off at the next station wouldn't have gotten off and purchased tickets either. If transit can't keep their shit together and have atleast one fuctioning machine at each station when I go to pay, I do not believe it is my responsibility to help them out. JPark had a valid reason and story, and he was obviously in the right otherwise the tickets would not have been cancelled and the officers would have said the same thing "why didnt you get off at the next station and buy your ticket?". Or maybe that idiot transit employee should have been a bit more useful than a sack of potatoes and told Jpark and his friend the same thing.

If this hadnt been the skytrain and it was a bus what would have happened, well I can tell you right away, when the machine doesnt work on a bus the bus is free. I have seen that scenario countless times...

You do realize that our justice system works on the basis of "Innocent until proven guilty" , not the other way around. You must be french....

Or instead of looking back at the footage and wasting everybody's time, they could've asked the Dispatcher if there were any maintenance calls/repairs earlier that day.

Out of the few times I've taken public transit to head to dt, I have not once experienced a ticket check. With that being said, I've experienced attitude when asking for directions. I just let that kind of shit go by me when that happens and realize they deal with all kinds of shit everyday, and my dislike towards translink will always remain the same.

In situation's like this, just work with them in order to help yourself out even if they don't give you a swell time.

GS8 10-27-2013 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Vulture (Post 8348145)
He took the train cuz they were going drinking and obviously nobody wanted to be a DD. And I've also been told by transit police to just hop on when the machine was broken. Its not about the cops 'doing their job', its about their attitude and giving out misinformation. why is it always the same losers on this forum who rag on people.

For the retards who say it wouldnt have happened if he stopped off at the next station to buy the ticket: what if there were transit cops at the next station? he STILL would have been ticketed.

Your post : failed post ratio broke my screen.

meme405 10-27-2013 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by RecklessNS (Post 8348155)
Or instead of looking back at the footage and wasting everybody's time, they could've asked the Dispatcher if there were any maintenance calls/repairs earlier that day.

Well my idea was more in the case that some stupid little punk ran up to all the machines and threw up a out of service sign just to fuck with people.

But yes, maintenance logs would also work...

Just seems to me like JPark is not totally out of line here, I mean the officers should have done a little better job investigating, or else maybe the lazy fuck on the end of the phone who they called should probably be staying on top of that shit... Either way, had this gone to a dispute in no scenario is there a way JPark doesnt get that ticket revoked. The only problem here is the wasted time and effort.

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