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10-18-2014, 03:47 PM
#176 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by Limitless Friend bought an Evo IV from this dealership, when we were debadging the car we took off this rectangular bumper sticker that the shop had put on the car to reveal a huge 3 inch gash on the rear bumper lol | Just reiterating my post, because I do find it surprising that this is how the dealership chooses to hide some damages lol. Would also like to suggest that other people be aware of this, not saying that there's always going to be scratches under stupid bumper stickers but maybe take the time to take a look underneath or run your finger by it and see if you feel anything under the sticker.
In my personal opinion, Bruce seems like he's doing a great job at dealing with people in this thread, but Dan really has to stop just spamming about how Velocity is the #1 dealership of JDM cars and all that shit. Most of your posts all you do is just brag about how great your company is and how many JDM cars you guys have, how about actually replying to some of the posts here? I thought that this thread was for communication between members and vendors, but all you're doing is just advertising. Maybe you should actually pay attention to what people are ACTUALLY saying in this thread
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10-18-2014, 05:30 PM
#177 | Oh goodie, 5 posts already!
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| Post #6
Hello REVscene community!
I would like to thank you all for contributing your feedback with regards to the business. Some of you seem to be very upset with certain things that you claim are "wrong" with the dealership. I am here to address these large claims that you make!
BoostedBB6, you have a voice that needs to be heard. You may as well be a commentator for one of my competitors! Unfortunately, the majority of the accusations that you are making have no relation to the manner in which Velocity Cars is operated.
"- Misinformation/lies. eg. A sales person named "Vincent" informing clients that according to ICBC they are not allowed to provide the auction sheets for vehicles."
Why would Vincent say this to a customer? The majority of the cars on my website have auction sheets attached in the photos portion of the ad. Why would he say this to a customer? What motive could he possibly have to say this? I am not saying that he did or didn't, but why would he? We don't hide our auction sheets. They are on my WEBSITE! I ADVERTISE them. Have a peek for yourself Mr. Boosted.
"- Being told a vehicle is a grade 4 yet finding in your own book that it was in fact a 3"
OMG, you found this out and are still alive?! I have hundreds of vehicles that come through the dealership. My professional Sales Consultants, nor I, would have any reason to deceive you or any other customer about the Auction Grade of a vehicle. Mistakes are made sometimes, but not for deceptive purposes. On that point, what does the Auction Sheet truly even mean? The vehicle is in front of your face. Look at it. Drive it. Have it inspected. Auction Sheets are for buying cars long distance to get an idea of what you are buying. We use them as a business to purchase cars from Japan, and even still have them inspected before making any purchase! There is no validity or reason to this statement.
"- Vehicles listed as "professionally detailed" yet having overspray from recent bodywork, when asked about any bodywork saying none was done."
We are not a professional detail shop. We deal with mass volume and do the best work with the time we have. If you are unsatisfied with any of the work we do, then before purchasing a vehicle, TELL US! I will have that vehicle in my shop being detailed, waxed, vacuumed, brushed with a toothbrush if that is what it takes to earn your business. This is again a silly claim to make. Come buy a car from me, and I will have the vehicle sent to a detail shop of your choice if that is what it takes to make a deal happen!
"- Misleading ads claiming 500hp yet having components that would not possibly support that"
I knew it! You snuck into the dealership, you wheeled in and hooked up your dyno to my twin turbo Supra, and found that it wasn't 500 HP? We have never claimed that it had 500 HP. The ad says "somewhere around 400-500HP". We haven't gotten a specific number either, but nor have you.
I feel as though it is silly to question the integrity of a business based on such trivial allegations. My team here works very hard not only to prepare a high quality product for you to buy, but I am also here as a Manager to deal with any troubles that you may have. What other importer would sell a Subaru Impreza STI, have the customer blow the engine, and then as a dealership dish out $3000 to not only source the engine, but replace it for FREE. What other importer would do that? Tell me. I had a customer buy an RX-7 from one of my guys, blew the rotary engine, and acknowledge that it was his own fault. I took the car, put in in my shop for the customer, and am sourcing a new engine for them. In this particular case, I will do this at no cost to the customer. What other used car dealership, not JDM dealership, but used car dealership in general would do that?
I work too hard to have some guy, who I haven't even met in person, sit at home in his pajamas and write goofy posts accusing me of poor business practices. It is pure silliness!
I love what I do here at the dealership. We are a great team of people. From the guys in the shop, to the administration, the marketing guys, and the Professional Sales staff. We supply a fantastic product to people that are passionate about JDM cars. Velocity cars has strong ethics and strives to make every single one of our customers happy.
If you have a problem with an aspect of my business, tell me personally. This is my personal email address:
Call me: 604-428-4636
Come by and have a coffee on the lot with me! 4349 Dawson St. Burnaby BC
p.s. Check out the website, I've got a ton of hot new inventory coming in next week! Vancouver Velocity Cars | Used Car Dealer in Burnaby |
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10-18-2014, 07:29 PM
#178 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Any ITR'S arriving soon?
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10-18-2014, 07:50 PM
#179 | Banned (ABWS)
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How often do you get Japanese 850i BMWs?
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10-18-2014, 07:51 PM
#180 | Banned (ABWS)
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Originally Posted by Limitless Just reiterating my post, because I do find it surprising that this is how the dealership chooses to hide some damages lol. |
If I bought a used car at a used car dealership and when I peeled back a sticker I found a dent... I would smirk because I know I'd do the same!!! Bwahaha!!!
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10-18-2014, 08:39 PM
#181 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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"- Misinformation/lies. eg. A sales person named "Vincent" informing clients that according to ICBC they are not allowed to provide the auction sheets for vehicles."
Why would Vincent say this to a customer? The majority of the cars on my website have auction sheets attached in the photos portion of the ad. Why would he say this to a customer? What motive could he possibly have to say this? I am not saying that he did or didn't, but why would he? We don't hide our auction sheets. They are on my WEBSITE! I ADVERTISE them. Have a peek for yourself Mr. Boosted. Why dont you ask him. When I was in there 3 times to have a look at 3 different cars this is the reply he gave me. He told me he can not show them to me as it was against ICBC rules. Something to do with privacy. At the time that I was looking for the Supra you did not post any auction sheets and were telling people they were not available. I had other RevScene members there with me the day he told me this. As you continue to read you will see why he lied....said the car was a 4 when infact its a 3. Reason that matters to a buyer is because it gives them an idea what you paid for the car and what kind of value it really is.
"- Being told a vehicle is a grade 4 yet finding in your own book that it was in fact a 3"
OMG, you found this out and are still alive?! I have hundreds of vehicles that come through the dealership. My professional Sales Consultants, nor I, would have any reason to deceive you or any other customer about the Auction Grade of a vehicle. Mistakes are made sometimes, but not for deceptive purposes. On that point, what does the Auction Sheet truly even mean? The vehicle is in front of your face. Look at it. Drive it. Have it inspected. Auction Sheets are for buying cars long distance to get an idea of what you are buying. We use them as a business to purchase cars from Japan, and even still have them inspected before making any purchase! There is no validity or reason to this statement. Its called disclosing information. You claim you are the #1 JDM dealer yet when a buyer walks in to have a look at your cars you are not even willing to have a look and insure that you are providing the proper information to them. Not something that a "Professional Sales Consultant" would do. I'm also not the only one who has experienced this with your staff.
The validity of this statement is proven more valid by the fact that your sales person lied to me regarding auction sheets, and even more valid when you read further.
"- Vehicles listed as "professionally detailed" yet having overspray from recent bodywork, when asked about any bodywork saying none was done."
We are not a professional detail shop. We deal with mass volume and do the best work with the time we have. If you are unsatisfied with any of the work we do, then before purchasing a vehicle, TELL US! I will have that vehicle in my shop being detailed, waxed, vacuumed, brushed with a toothbrush if that is what it takes to earn your business. This is again a silly claim to make. Come buy a car from me, and I will have the vehicle sent to a detail shop of your choice if that is what it takes to make a deal happen! Your not a professional detail shop, thats very why does it say that - A professionally detailed vehicle; front to back, top to bottom, inside and out under every vehicle you have listed if in fact this is not the case? Again, this is not a claim I am making, YOU are making these claims which as evidently false (aka lies) and yet another reason to question everything listed/posted/said by anyone I interacted with when I was there on several different occasions.
"- Misleading ads claiming 500hp yet having components that would not possibly support that"
I knew it! You snuck into the dealership, you wheeled in and hooked up your dyno to my twin turbo Supra, and found that it wasn't 500 HP? We have never claimed that it had 500 HP. The ad says "somewhere around 400-500HP". We haven't gotten a specific number either, but nor have you. What makes this even more interesting is that YOU JUST CHANGED THAT. Now you want to blatantly lie about it.
Cached page for those interested in catching there sales manager lying about something so "silly" Used 1997 Toyota Supra RZ-S, $22,899 - Burnaby | Vancouver Velocity Cars
Trivial as lieing to your prospective customers may seem to you some consumers see that as poor practice. For instance, if you are willing to modify a webpage to hide a false fact, then lie and say it never happened how is one to know when you were not lying about the kms on the car, or the lack of accidents, or what work was performed on the car.
As for my knowledge about Supras....well I have built and owned 3 now and I assure you, due to intake restrictions, the stock twins as seen in the car CAN NOT support 500hp. The stock injectors CAN NOT support 500hp. Its simple fact, but you embellish (lie) about these fact in hopes that you can get a customer who does not know any better.
Screen shot of before:
What they changed it to after I posted about this and then claimed they never listed it as I said.
I feel as though it is silly to question the integrity of a business based on such trivial allegations. My team here works very hard not only to prepare a high quality product for you to buy, but I am also here as a Manager to deal with any troubles that you may have. What other importer would sell a Subaru Impreza STI, have the customer blow the engine, and then as a dealership dish out $3000 to not only source the engine, but replace it for FREE. What other importer would do that? Tell me. I had a customer buy an RX-7 from one of my guys, blew the rotary engine, and acknowledge that it was his own fault. I took the car, put in in my shop for the customer, and am sourcing a new engine for them. In this particular case, I will do this at no cost to the customer. What other used car dealership, not JDM dealership, but used car dealership in general would do that? Every one I have ever worked at.....however they also deal with new but have a used lot as well. No JDM cars....perhaps this is common practice with JDM vehicles but again I'm not the "Professional" that you guys are.
I work too hard to have some guy, who I haven't even met in person, sit at home in his pajamas and write goofy posts accusing me of poor business practices. It is pure silliness! Its not accusations, these are my personal experiences as well as factual and quite frankly, I have you lying in this post alone. Twice. I may have only operated my own business since I was 16, but PERSONALLY I think lying is a poor business practice and I do believe that EVERYONE else on here would agree.
Last edited by BoostedBB6; 10-19-2014 at 01:28 PM.
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10-18-2014, 08:43 PM
#182 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by Limitless . Friend bought an Evo IV from this dealership, when we were debadging the car we took off this rectangular bumper sticker that the shop had put on the car to reveal a huge 3 inch gash on the rear bumper lol | Would this be another example of your "professional" sales tactics that you use to move vehciles that are "- The best selection of low mileage, clean, high demand JDM vehicles and - A professionally detailed vehicle; front to back, top to bottom, inside and out"?
Last edited by BoostedBB6; 10-18-2014 at 08:51 PM.
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10-18-2014, 08:57 PM
#183 | Meow
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I went into Vancouver Velocity Cars on Friday to check out the RSX they had for sale. I forgot the name of my salesmen but he was very friendly and not at all pushy. We talked some numbers but it was out of my girlfriend's price range, he tried to negotiate to make it work for us but the numbers still didn't add up for us. He wasn't pushy or rude at all, and didn't attempt to keep us there longer than we wanted to be. The car looked clean and he offered us a test driver and showed us the car proof right away. All in all, I had a good experience at the dealership. My biggest issue with the dealership is their craigslist adds, it was very inconsistent. 2006 Acura RSX -WILL NOT LAST LONG!!!- 2006 Acura RSX -WILL NOT LAST LONG!!!- 2006 Acura RSX -WILL NOT LAST LONG!!!-
All three are the same car, I didn't see the 8890 price until I got home, it would of made negotiations a little easier.
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10-18-2014, 09:00 PM
#184 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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And yes Dan, you may see my posts more than others and thats because I personally dont like being lied to but not only that, to see someone like yourself mearly glaze over YOUR CUSTOMERS comments to state how great and glorious your dealership is and how awesome your customer service is.
You are a paying supporter of RevScene, you choose to advertise and contribute to these forums yet you have nothing to contribute other than to find an opportunity to advertise. If thats the case, let your "quality" speak for itself.
I'm not the only one who has mentioned issues, I'm merely the only one who has pressed you for some form of accountability. When you decide to address them you do so in a snarky and belittling manner and CONTINUE the same lies that I experienced over a year ago with your business. AGAIN, these are MY OWN experience with your business. Ones that are factual, that i have lived through not some word of mouth.
Infact it seems that on other forums Vincent has told other people the same thing around the same time that he told me that......strange.
AGAIN, perhaps addressing the comments from ALL your customers who have noted issues rather than just the one that spent the time to badger you enough to get answers would be a good thing to do.....but who am I to tell you how to run your business, I only own 2 businesses (detailing and photography) and work for Toyota Canada....I know nothing of good business practice and how to keep your customers happy and coming back....
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10-18-2014, 09:06 PM
#185 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by Araaadi I went into Vancouver Velocity Cars on Friday to check out the RSX they had for sale. I forgot the name of my salesmen but he was very friendly and not at all pushy. We talked some numbers but it was out of my girlfriend's price range, he tried to negotiate to make it work for us but the numbers still didn't add up for us. He wasn't pushy or rude at all, and didn't attempt to keep us there longer than we wanted to be. The car looked clean and he offered us a test driver and showed us the car proof right away. All in all, I had a good experience at the dealership. My biggest issue with the dealership is their craigslist adds, it was very inconsistent. 2006 Acura RSX -WILL NOT LAST LONG!!!- 2006 Acura RSX -WILL NOT LAST LONG!!!- 2006 Acura RSX -WILL NOT LAST LONG!!!-
All three are the same car, I didn't see the 8890 price until I got home, it would of made negotiations a little easier. | More pro sales tactics at work here!
Post the same car two times in the same day. Post it once for 12k and the second time for 10k... then 22 days later post it for 9k.
Clearly not a mistake because its done with most adds from this company. Just have a look for yourself.
CL ad'ed yourself right out of a sale it seems.....
Last edited by BoostedBB6; 10-18-2014 at 09:11 PM.
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10-18-2014, 09:28 PM
#186 | I *heart* very Muchie
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I still stand by my experience with them. Maybe someone on their team read my post and thought 'hey maybe that was a stupid way to behave!'
Couldn't give me one fucking day to think about the numbers that were presented even after I told them I had to be somewhere and only stopped by to look at a car that I was mostly ignorant in.
They really wanted me to have this car (which is still there btw lol) but only now with a price drop.
It's good that the conversation has evolved to this point though as information on the company was mysterious at first but as people bought, stories came out and here we are.
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10-18-2014, 09:42 PM
#187 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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FYI Yes Dan you have meet me. I'm sure you don't remember as I was there because a friend asked me to check out a car with him. I'm sure you don't remember me because I was not buying anything at that time. And yes, I do post in my pj's thank you very much....this evening is plad blue pants and a black TRD right?
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10-19-2014, 04:26 AM
#188 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Oh man I don't even know what to say about the amount of sarcasm this guy has in his replies, lol Quote:
Originally Posted by multicartual If I bought a used car at a used car dealership and when I peeled back a sticker I found a dent... I would smirk because I know I'd do the same!!! Bwahaha!!! | Please let me know if you do open a used car dealership in the future so that I can avoid it
Last edited by Limitless; 10-19-2014 at 04:34 AM.
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10-20-2014, 12:48 PM
#189 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Dan - i don't know why you keep thinking that people are just telling lies and saying negative things about velocity for no reason? Majority of the negative comments on this thread are comments from people who have been to your dealership and seen and worked on the cars you have sold and is just sharing with the community about their bad experience. Are u saying that all of us are just lying about it because we have nothing better to do?
surely the process of buying a car from anybody is as simple as taking a look at the car, driving it, negotiating the price, then buying the car. However it is a different story when u guys refuse to disclose information about the car or give false info. The importance of the auction grade to a buyer may vary but when u lie about something so small saying that a car's grade was a 4 when really it was a 3 then it makes us question the other bigger things about the car like its kms, damages, etc that you may also be lying about
and also for the record, the 4 different times within the last year that I have visited your dealership to help different friends find a jdm car, there would always be at least 3 or more cars in your lot that "have just arrived from japan and isn't for sale yet until we fix it" - cars that would have no bumper, entire climate control+gauge clusters missing, cracked/smashed windows, car doesn't start, gauges don't work, etc etc - and yet you claim that u don't import R grade cars from auction but only those that are in good running condition in japan before bringing it it over
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10-20-2014, 02:31 PM
#190 | Everyone wants a piece of R S...
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Originally Posted by you! Dan - i don't know why you keep thinking that people are just telling lies and saying negative things about velocity for no reason? Majority of the negative comments on this thread are comments from people who have been to your dealership and seen and worked on the cars you have sold and is just sharing with the community about their bad experience. Are u saying that all of us are just lying about it because we have nothing better to do?
surely the process of buying a car from anybody is as simple as taking a look at the car, driving it, negotiating the price, then buying the car. However it is a different story when u guys refuse to disclose information about the car or give false info. The importance of the auction grade to a buyer may vary but when u lie about something so small saying that a car's grade was a 4 when really it was a 3 then it makes us question the other bigger things about the car like its kms, damages, etc that you may also be lying about
and also for the record, the 4 different times within the last year that I have visited your dealership to help different friends find a jdm car, there would always be at least 3 or more cars in your lot that "have just arrived from japan and isn't for sale yet until we fix it" - cars that would have no bumper, entire climate control+gauge clusters missing, cracked/smashed windows, car doesn't start, gauges don't work, etc etc - and yet you claim that u don't import R grade cars from auction but only those that are in good running condition in japan before bringing it it over | I'm sure there is a good explanation for this, but if a customer sees that... |
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10-20-2014, 02:49 PM
#191 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Missing gauge don't say.....are those the things that also happen to show the mileage of the vehicles?.......another strange coincidence it seems.
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10-20-2014, 03:34 PM
#192 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Curious, stock#:222 has a listed milage certificate of 90347kms, the add says it has 90,344 before you click on the car and then says it has 111,610kms.
Stock#240 says its certified at 53172kms when it was in Japan. On the boat ride over it some how went back to 53,168kms.....The car was never driven from the time it was tested to the time it go your you lot...apparently went back in time....same with #229...number 242 only put on 1km since certified back on July 22nd. #262 time traveled and gained back 2 kms....along with 272, 219.....seems to be an inability to keep accurate information around the vehicles I'm seeing on the site.
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10-20-2014, 03:40 PM
#193 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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"Seeking: Young and professional hustler for a full time sales position. Private message me if you are interested or know someone who is!" - Dan Kogan
There hiring guys! woooo
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10-21-2014, 04:14 AM
#194 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by Dan@Velocity "- Misinformation/lies. eg. A sales person named "Vincent" informing clients that according to ICBC they are not allowed to provide the auction sheets for vehicles."
Why would Vincent say this to a customer? The majority of the cars on my website have auction sheets attached in the photos portion of the ad. Why would he say this to a customer? What motive could he possibly have to say this? I am not saying that he did or didn't, but why would he? We don't hide our auction sheets. They are on my WEBSITE! I ADVERTISE them. Have a peek for yourself Mr. Boosted.
"- Being told a vehicle is a grade 4 yet finding in your own book that it was in fact a 3"
OMG, you found this out and are still alive?! I have hundreds of vehicles that come through the dealership. My professional Sales Consultants, nor I, would have any reason to deceive you or any other customer about the Auction Grade of a vehicle. Mistakes are made sometimes, but not for deceptive purposes. On that point, what does the Auction Sheet truly even mean? The vehicle is in front of your face. Look at it. Drive it. Have it inspected. Auction Sheets are for buying cars long distance to get an idea of what you are buying. We use them as a business to purchase cars from Japan, and even still have them inspected before making any purchase! There is no validity or reason to this statement.
actually most of the cars on your site do not show the auction sheet. in my opinion its the one thing that really gives you an idea of the condition of the car as it was in japan. you can paint and hide away a lot of cosmetic issues. also the price one would expect to pay for a car changes depending on the grade. for example a grade R fd rx7's come up all the time for around a grand at auction but a grade 3.5 (grade 4's are so rare) I would expect to pay a minimum of 7 grand at auction. yes you do show a few cars with auction sheets posted but I assume most of the cars without them posted are of a much lower quality.
and for your information people like to see inspection reports because the inspectors in japan actually know a little bit about these cars. say I was thinking of buying a s15 and took it to crappy tire to get an inspection. the likelihood that the inspector has even seen one before is slim to none. would the inspector know to check the vct, not a chance. would they know the exhaust mani is prone to cracking, nope. Its not easy to get a good inspection on a jdm car, especially one with no north american equivalent.
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10-21-2014, 01:15 PM
#195 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by Araaadi | I think this just goes to prove my point about your ridiculous CL ads.
I'm seriously tempted to fire up my autoflagging software, establish some proxies and cycle rape your ads right out of CL.
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10-21-2014, 01:52 PM
#196 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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Originally Posted by meme405 I think this just goes to prove my point about your ridiculous CL ads.
I'm seriously tempted to fire up my autoflagging software, establish some proxies and cycle rape your ads right out of CL. | DO IT!! |
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10-21-2014, 05:13 PM
#197 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by steveo1115
actually most of the cars on your site do not show the auction sheet. in my opinion its the one thing that really gives you an idea of the condition of the car as it was in japan. you can paint and hide away a lot of cosmetic issues. also the price one would expect to pay for a car changes depending on the grade. for example a grade R fd rx7's come up all the time for around a grand at auction but a grade 3.5 (grade 4's are so rare) I would expect to pay a minimum of 7 grand at auction. yes you do show a few cars with auction sheets posted but I assume most of the cars without them posted are of a much lower quality.
and for your information people like to see inspection reports because the inspectors in japan actually know a little bit about these cars. say I was thinking of buying a s15 and took it to crappy tire to get an inspection. the likelihood that the inspector has even seen one before is slim to none. would the inspector know to check the vct, not a chance. would they know the exhaust mani is prone to cracking, nope. Its not easy to get a good inspection on a jdm car, especially one with no north american equivalent. | how thorough is the inspection they do though? i cant imagine they spend an hour per car doing a 100+ point inspection. seems like it just covers the exterior
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10-21-2014, 05:33 PM
#198 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by BoostedBB6 As for my knowledge about Supras....well I have built and owned 3 now and I assure you, due to intake restrictions, the stock twins as seen in the car CAN NOT support 500hp. The stock injectors CAN NOT support 500hp. Its simple fact, but you embellish (lie) about these fact in hopes that you can get a customer who does not know any better. | I'm assuming the 500HP claim comes from the auction, not from Velocity. That said, the internals of both the turbos and injectors could have been upgraded so they may support more power than you would expect just looking at pictures.
__________________ 1991 Toyota Celica GTFour RC // 2007 Toyota Rav4 V6 // 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1992 Toyota Celica GT-S ["sold"] \\ 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD [sold] \\ 2000 Jeep Cherokee [sold] \\ 1997 Honda Prelude [sold] \\ 1992 Jeep YJ [sold/crashed] \\ 1987 Mazda RX-7 [sold] \\ 1987 Toyota Celica GT-S [crushed] Quote:
Originally Posted by maksimizer half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF. | Quote:
Originally Posted by RevYouUp reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z | Quote:
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry: | |
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10-21-2014, 05:58 PM
#199 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by underscore I'm assuming the 500HP claim comes from the auction, not from Velocity. That said, the internals of both the turbos and injectors could have been upgraded so they may support more power than you would expect just looking at pictures. | I have visually seen this car. The turbos are stock JDM twins, the injectors are the small OE injectors, still single fuel pump. The original auction info also did not list any power rating for the car. This was all done by them BUT the part that really gets me is Dan LIED about it saying that. Denying that it ever said that and that it said something else when infact they simply edited the you can see from the screen shots and cached page.
The issue is not this one discrepancy, it's the fact that there are so many of them. With that many it becomes less of a mistake and becomes lies. That's my problem, they lie to the consumer to try and get them into one of there cars. I've experienced it first hand and even proved that there GM (Dan) is bold faced lying on the forums here.
Lies= poor business practice
Being caught lying to your customers after being asked about all these other issues is just stupidity.
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10-21-2014, 07:37 PM
#200 | has a homepage?!
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LOL this thread is epic.
In summary - Btw velocity motors has the largest and best jdm cars in the world. It doesn't matter what lies we tell you. We the best of all time. the greatest car dealership of all time ok? Yah fair enough we make shit up and lie but we are the best, so why are you asking me? We just got two Supras in 700 hp ok?
That's what I'm getting from this thread......
it confuses me why anyone would buy a RHD vehicle anyways. What a pain to take left turns. But that's a whole new thread
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