PSN Flash sale is currently in progress. Games under $1! I already had a few of them, like Dead Nation and Tokyo Jungle. I picked up Narco Terror, a twin-stick shootem up, and Pacman DX.
Babel Rising PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Back to the Future : The Game – Full Series PS3 $0.80 $19.99
BEJEWELED 3 PS3 $0.95 $4.99
Beta Bloc PSP/PS Vita $0.95 $4.99
BREATH OF FIRE IV PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Cloudberry Kingdom PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Dead Head Fred PSP/PS Vita $0.90 $9.99
Dead Nation PS3 $0.88 $7.99
Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition PS4 $0.90 $14.99
Despicable Me: The Game PSP/PS Vita $0.90 $9.99
Dino Crisis PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Dino Crisis 2 PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazzard PS3 $0.90 $9.99
echochrome PS3 $0.90 $9.99
FEEDING FRENZY 2 PS3 $0.95 $4.99
Ferrari: The Race Experience PS3 $0.90 $14.99
Fighting Force PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Flashback PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Galaga Legions DX PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Game of Thrones PS3 $0.80 $19.99
Gravity Rush PS Vita $0.81 $13.49
Heavy Fire Afghanistan PS3 $0.90 $14.99
Heavy Fire Shattered Spear PS3 $0.90 $9.99
HI-OCTANE PS3 $0.96 $5.99
Home – A Unique Horror Adventure PS4 $0.95 $4.99
ibb & obb PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Jurassic Park : The Game – Full Season PS3 $0.80 $19.99
Katamari Damacy PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Klonoa : Door to Phantomile PS1 $0.96 $5.99
Kurulin Fusion PSP $0.95 $4.99
Mad Riders PS3 $0.90 $9.99
MAGIC CARPET PS3 $0.96 $5.99
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Mega Man X4 (PSOne Classic) PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Mega Man X5 PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Myst PSP/PS Vita $0.84 $11.99
Narco Terror PS3 $0.90 $9.99
NOBY NOBY BOY PS3 $0.95 $4.99
PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ Full Version PS3 $0.90 $9.99
PAYDAY The Heist PS3 $0.90 $14.99
Poker Night 2 PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Puzzle Agent PS3 $0.90 $9.99
RIPD PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Rock of Ages PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Sacred Citadel PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space – Full Season PS3 $0.80 $19.99
Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse PS3 $0.80 $19.99
Shoot Many Robots PS3 $0.90 $9.99
SOVIET STRIKE PS3 $0.96 $5.99
Star Wars : Battlefront II PSP $0.90 $9.99
Streetkix PSP/PS Vita $0.84 $11.99
Super Pocket Tennis PSP/PS Vita $0.95 $4.99
Surgeon Simulator: A&E Anniversary Edition PS4 $0.91 $12.99
Syphon Filter PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Syphon Filter 3 PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
TAC Heroes PSP/PS Vita $0.84 $11.99
Tales from Space PS3/PS Vita $0.96 $7.99
Tales of Monkey Island PS3 $0.80 $19.99
Tekken 2 PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Tennis in the Face PS4 $0.95 $4.99
Texas Cheat’em PS3 $0.90 $9.99
The Expendables 2 PS3 $0.90 $14.99
THEME PARK PS3 $0.96 $5.99
Tokyo Jungle PS3 $0.90 $14.99
Twisted Metal: Black PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Special Editions US PS3 $0.90 $9.99
Who Wants To Be A Movie Millionaire PS3 $0.99 $2.99
Wild Arms PS3/PSP/PS Vita $0.96 $5.99
Zeno Clash 2 PS3 $0.90 $14.99
ZUMA PS3 $0.95 $4.99!/en-...FLASHSALE15ALL