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Vacations and World Travel Visiting our beautiful city? Come stay at the Arbutus Vista - Vancouver's Bed & Breakfast.
How was your trip? Which tour packages would you recommend/avoid? Must do's and must eats? Share tips, photos and experiences with other senior RS members who just want to get away..

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Old 12-27-2013, 04:11 PM   #1
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Backpacks for travel?

this is moreso an opinion thread i guess because i've already read like 30 different pages on backpacks and opinions on sizes etc.

As i posted in the boxing day thread i picked up the Arcteryx Altra 65L. After reading a bunch of different travel forums, and then reviews on many different bags its funny because it's almost split 50/50 people who prefer to pack ultra light, then the people to opt for bigger bags to pack a little more

i know the 65L is quite big, but it straps down to almost whatever size you need, it's also just as light as many 25/30L bags

so what bags do you guys prefer to travel with? this 65L will be for a month in Europe, there wont be many times where it wont be in a hotel or in transit but for the time walking between trains, planes, busses, etc. i think i'd be far better off with a backpack than a suitcase
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Old 12-27-2013, 04:51 PM   #2
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I've got the Osprey Waypoint 65L. It's the perfect size with a detachable day bag, the comfort of packing it around for distances is also amazing. 3 months in Asia and it's was perfect!
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Old 12-27-2013, 05:06 PM   #3
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I used a 25L pack that was enough, but that was in SE Asia where it was warm. Packed about 3 days of clothes.

IMO, just pack what you need depending on the climate and if you got room left over, then that can be used for souvenirs to bring back. What you need will either have multiple purposes or something that you'll use almost everyday.

I found something with hips straps really helpful because it brings the load off the back.

Also flatter packs are nice because it brings the center closer to your body so you're not tilting backwards or have to hunch over.
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Last edited by DragonChi; 12-27-2013 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 12-27-2013, 07:38 PM   #4
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I use a 50L arcteryx axio. Has enough compartment for everything but not too much to a point where you forget where everything is.

For my 1 week + trip, I bring that as a checked baggage and a laptop bag.
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Old 12-27-2013, 07:56 PM   #5
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I don't really go "backpacking," but when I travel I use my condor molle back pack. You can usually find them in army surplus stores. Super heavy duty.

My gf thinks it's hideous, but I love it. I can strap whatever crap I pick up onto it. So practical.

I also have a condor fanny pack thing. Fanny packs are ugly I know, but anything molle looks cool to me.
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Old 12-28-2013, 10:19 AM   #6
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Get the biggest pack you can afford and comfortably carry. You will never complain about having too much room, but will always complain if suddenly you don't find yourself with enough space. Don't forget to allow for space for things you purchase along the way. Also, a detachable daypack is the best thing ever.
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Old 12-29-2013, 11:09 PM   #7
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carried a vaude 70L for australia.

make sure you have something with good hip pads to help take the load off your shoulders.

i recommend getting one of these for day tripping around town while your big packs at the hostel:

Maxpedition Rollypoly Folding Backpack

Maxpedition Rollypoly Extreme Folding Backpack

Maxpedition MERLIN Folding Backpack

definitely a nice addition to have on your travels, especially for carrying the day to day stuff for checkin out towns.

if you wanna stick with arcteryx they make their own version of a foldable day pack:

Cierzo 18 / Packs / Single Day / Under 30L

if you plan on tossing your shit in checked baggage one of these is handy too:

MEC Skyway Airline Tote - Mountain Equipment Co-op. Free Shipping Available

i used one for australia and it was great, doubled as a laundry bag when i needed it.
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Old 12-30-2013, 03:11 AM   #8
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I have an Arcteryx Tango which is 65 L (got it the the North Van Arcteryx Store for ~$200 during one of their outlet sales). For me, it is perfect, I'll be going this time to South East and East Asia this January/Feb for just under a month. Packing in 7 days worth of clothes and i have some room if I want to pick up new items along the way.

I definitely recommend a tote/cover for your backpack as well (just like what @T4RAWR mentioned):

REI Pack Duffel Bag - Free Shipping at
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Old 12-30-2013, 10:13 AM   #9
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I have this bag and it's the bomb:
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There are two different varieties of backpacks - camping/hiking bags and "travel" style bags. Most camping/hiking bags have a single opening in the top (usually drawstring with a flip top) and this style cannot usually be locked. They are also a bit limiting as you have to often pull everything out to get at the items in the bottom. However, on the flip side, they often have more sophisticated suspensions systems so can be more comfortable to wear for long distances, etc.

I prefer a "travel" style bag like the one I bought - it has a zippable cover for the straps and can be padlocked for checking on an airplane, the bag opens entirely on the side so you can get at things more easily, etc. I highly recommend it!

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