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10-14-2015, 08:03 AM
#1551 | My name is PJ and I like dogs.
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Originally Posted by jlo mein Yeah...I was hoping I could use flavourful e-cig vaping as a way to stave off hunger and prevent overeating or constant snacking on high calories. Don't think that's likely to happen.
Might just be better off with all those 0-calorie sugar free flavour syrups for your water. | I've heard two sides to the story when people try to use it as an appetite control. It works for some people, but for others, it makes them hungrier.
For me personally, I think it works. When I'm vaping in the car or whatever, I'm not munching on chips or candy. Quote:
Originally Posted by Vansterdam is there any place local or online I can buy the muffin man/ milk man in the 30ml without having to buy the 180 ml kit?
I wanna get all 3 inc rocket man lol | I've asked about this before too... Apparently they don't make anything smaller... This way they can deal with higher margins on less bottles made/shipped.
__________________ Studies show 100% of people die.. Might as well have some fun.
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10-14-2015, 08:10 AM
#1552 | ESKETIT
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Originally Posted by PJ I've heard two sides to the story when people try to use it as an appetite control. It works for some people, but for others, it makes them hungrier.
For me personally, I think it works. When I'm vaping in the car or whatever, I'm not munching on chips or candy.
I've asked about this before too... Apparently they don't make anything smaller... This way they can deal with higher margins on less bottles made/shipped.
WANNA SPLIT AN ORDER?!  | when I first started vaping I noticed it made me not want to smoke weed as often which lead to lesser munchies so I guess it does help with hunger
kinda regret not taking that free milk man another member was offering me awhile back
haha it be worth it if we split 6 ways 30 ml each. cause its a 180ml bottle right?
preety much have to get 6 guys who are down to split all 3 juices. milk, muffin and rocket
im down if I can have mine in the 2 spare 15ml bottles it comes with each flavor lol
edit: theres actually 4 juices from that brand..
Last edited by Vansterdam; 10-14-2015 at 08:19 AM.
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10-14-2015, 08:53 AM
#1553 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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I'm down for group buy, if you guys wanna share a 0 nic and add the nicotine yourselfs, or better yet, cut off nicotine for good |
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10-14-2015, 08:55 AM
#1554 | ESKETIT
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Originally Posted by Galactic_Phantom I'm down for group buy, if you guys wanna share a 0 nic and add the nicotine yourselfs, or better yet, cut off nicotine for good  |  its pointless to vape 0 IMO unless you were a heavy smoker and just wanna quit straight up eventually
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10-14-2015, 10:27 AM
#1555 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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I gradually cut down my nic level until I hit 0. Now I just vape every so often for flavour chasing and so I don't relapse and have something to 'smoke' should I ever crave for a smoke.
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10-14-2015, 11:32 PM
#1556 | Need to Seek Professional Help
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Trying to get into the vape game... I am not a smoker per se, but I do smoke when I drink or when I'm stressed out. I have a history of bad lungs (bronchitis, asthma recurring as a child/teen) and I notice I do cough a lot more after a night of smoking. Especially this weekend, I was at a stag with some buddies and my lungs/throat felt absolutely shot when I got home cuz I was smoking like a chimney the entire trip. So it's definitely time to quit smoking but a substitute for the mean time would help tremendously.
Recommendations for a cheap starter kit (<$60-70) would be great. A buddy of mine has the Kangertech Subox which I tried and enjoy but only because I've not used anything else yet. But I have no idea what the features or anything like that mean, it's all a foreign language to me...
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10-15-2015, 12:55 AM
#1557 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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Whats everyone using for a subohm tank? Been using the subtank mini for quite some time now. Heard good things about Smok and the Arctic tanks.
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10-15-2015, 02:45 AM
#1558 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by FunkyColdMedina Recommendations for a cheap starter kit (<$60-70) would be great. A buddy of mine has the Kangertech Subox which I tried and enjoy but only because I've not used anything else yet. But I have no idea what the features or anything like that mean, it's all a foreign language to me... | honestly for a beginner or even a veteran vaper, the subox is a great vape. its small, very portable and best of all it fits very nicely in the hand. as for finding out more info about vaping, look up videos on youtube and google search for vaping forums. theres lots of info out there, just have to spend the time to take it all in.
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10-15-2015, 05:50 AM
#1559 | ESKETIT
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+1 on the subox kit
im looking to move up onto a non regulated box mod next
BTW Im gonna be buying muffinman+milkman in 3MG very soon here.(maybe rocketman and my man soon after)
Il have 2-3 extra each flavor for $20 30ML each if anyones interested. considering these only come in 180ML bottles this is a good way to score some without having to buy a big bottle
if interested PM me  already got 2-3 reserved
also, has anyone tried or knows if nuage carrys the Dewwy Boba juice? suppose to be a milk tea with honeydew
Last edited by Vansterdam; 10-15-2015 at 06:40 AM.
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10-15-2015, 07:39 AM
#1560 | My name is PJ and I like dogs.
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Originally Posted by FunkyColdMedina Recommendations for a cheap starter kit (<$60-70) would be great. A buddy of mine has the Kangertech Subox which I tried and enjoy but only because I've not used anything else yet. But I have no idea what the features or anything like that mean, it's all a foreign language to me... | There's a new starter kit called the eleaf ijust 2 which you can find for around $23 usd online and has all you need. This is kind of the new "beginner standard". Great place to start if you don't want to be messing around with different wattages and stuff.
Subox is a great choice too. I'd say it's the next step up, not that it's difficult to use or anything. But this is when you get into removable/replacable batteries, variable wattage, etc. Quote:
Originally Posted by nguyen Whats everyone using for a subohm tank? Been using the subtank mini for quite some time now. Heard good things about Smok and the Arctic tanks. | Depends on what wattage range your unit runs and what you want to achieve.
I have 6 different tanks (lol), and my all-around favourite is the Arctic. The Arctic and most Smok tanks are beasts though-- more flavor, huge clouds, but they do take more power/battery and drink juice faster -- they perform the best at 50-80+ watts, whereas the Subtank is a more casual vape and seems to perform best at around 30 watts.
I'd say your Subtank is probably the best balance of performance and efficiency. I usually bring my subtank out with me when I'm driving, at work, etc. If I brought my Smok or Arctic, I'd be filling the tank every half an hour.
__________________ Studies show 100% of people die.. Might as well have some fun.
Hello my name is PJ. Buy/Sell Feedback 1-0-0 |
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10-15-2015, 09:14 AM
#1561 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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What do you guys think of the eleaf 60W TC? Last time I was looking at getting a vape it was going to be the subbox but came across this: Eleaf iStick TC 60W Full Kit with Melo 2 Tank
Seems like a decent deal especially since it's TC? Not too sure though.
Or the joyetech evic vtc mini?
Last edited by ForbiddenX; 10-15-2015 at 09:55 AM.
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10-15-2015, 10:05 AM
#1562 | ESKETIT
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im eyeing that new kanger nebox kit for a club/on the go vape Kangertech - NEBOX Kit |
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10-15-2015, 10:09 AM
#1563 |, where our google ads make absolutely no sense!
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+1 on the Kangertech subox kit
I work 12 hrs a day for 14 days out in the mac and replacing the coil is a lot easier than any mod out there. 5 pack was roughly $20 + tax , pour some juice in and voila, good to go again.
1989 240sx Quote:
Originally Posted by Presto I went to Saskatchewan once. 30min is all I need to know that I don't want to go back there. | |
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10-15-2015, 11:59 AM
#1564 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by koukimonst3r +1 on the Kangertech subox kit
I work 12 hrs a day for 14 days out in the mac and replacing the coil is a lot easier than any mod out there. 5 pack was roughly $20 + tax , pour some juice in and voila, good to go again. | just order a whole bunch of 5 packs from fasttech. they're $9.40 each and they have bulk pricing so when you order 5 or more packs you get them for $8.61 each.
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10-15-2015, 12:42 PM
#1565 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by ForbiddenX | Eleaf has a bit of a bad Rep with their quality if you read a bit about them. I had 2 out of 3 friends that had them shit the bed.
My evic should be here any day now. I chose that over eleaf and ipv d2/mini
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10-15-2015, 01:08 PM
#1566 | "Entertainment" mod.
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Originally Posted by Vansterdam im eyeing that new kanger nebox kit for a club/on the go vape | I've only had my Subox a couple months, and now this...I've been getting killed on juice anxiety because of the small tank, and the Nebox is HUGE.
Green OJ Special
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10-15-2015, 03:30 PM
#1567 | has a homepage?!
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Finally tried Pineapple Express and LOVE it!
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10-15-2015, 04:46 PM
#1568 | Even when im right, is still right!
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I have subtank mini.. love it usually i vape between 30-35watts. Tends to leak a bit but i just give the air flow base a good cleaning and blow on the holes everytime i refill my juice.
So i found an ego one vape in las vegas when i was there last week. Found it at one of the slot machines. I already bought a new tip. Pretty good mod for being small and its running 0.5ohm atomizer. Down size its only holds 1.8ml. Where can i buy the bigger 2.5ml tank? Or do you guys have any suggestion on any other sub ohm tank?
Anyone tried ordering from mt baker vapor and have had their juice shipped over?
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10-15-2015, 04:47 PM
#1569 | Even when im right, is still right!
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Originally Posted by Vansterdam when I first started vaping I noticed it made me not want to smoke weed as often which lead to lesser munchies so I guess it does help with hunger
kinda regret not taking that free milk man another member was offering me awhile back
haha it be worth it if we split 6 ways 30 ml each. cause its a 180ml bottle right?
preety much have to get 6 guys who are down to split all 3 juices. milk, muffin and rocket
im down if I can have mine in the 2 spare 15ml bottles it comes with each flavor lol
edit: theres actually 4 juices from that brand..  |
I want to order strawberries and cream? Where are you ordering yours?
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10-15-2015, 05:04 PM
#1570 | My name is PJ and I like dogs.
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Originally Posted by ForbiddenX | They'll probably do the same thing more or less. I have the evic vt mini and I love it
__________________ Studies show 100% of people die.. Might as well have some fun.
Hello my name is PJ. Buy/Sell Feedback 1-0-0 |
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10-15-2015, 06:13 PM
#1572 | I subscribe to Revscene
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Originally Posted by ForbiddenX | Can't go wrong with the popular brands like Bombies, Kilo, One Hit Wonder and Wonderlust. Use code NEWVAPOR for 10% off eligible items.
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10-15-2015, 06:35 PM
#1573 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Originally Posted by FunkyColdMedina Trying to get into the vape game... I am not a smoker per se, but I do smoke when I drink or when I'm stressed out. I have a history of bad lungs (bronchitis, asthma recurring as a child/teen) and I notice I do cough a lot more after a night of smoking. Especially this weekend, I was at a stag with some buddies and my lungs/throat felt absolutely shot when I got home cuz I was smoking like a chimney the entire trip. So it's definitely time to quit smoking but a substitute for the mean time would help tremendously.
Recommendations for a cheap starter kit (<$60-70) would be great. A buddy of mine has the Kangertech Subox which I tried and enjoy but only because I've not used anything else yet. But I have no idea what the features or anything like that mean, it's all a foreign language to me... | The fuck? When did you start smoking.
__________________ Van Tech Students JOIN!!! Quote:
Originally Posted by secret1 MY PENIS IS THE SIZE OF A CIGARETTE LIGHTER! jizzing on my keyboard is hard for me! imma be fucked for life, but fuck it I'm a BITCH! | |
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10-15-2015, 07:52 PM
#1574 | Mod.
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i'm down to split
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10-16-2015, 02:48 AM
#1575 | ESKETIT
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Originally Posted by Mr.JDM I want to order strawberries and cream? Where are you ordering yours? | Order as in your own 180ml bottle or do you want split the juice with me?
Had a few people Pm me regarding the group buy. Got 2"spots left for both milkman and muffin man. $20 each for 30ml.
PM to reserve your spot. IL prob order them online next Friday. Waiting for my velocity RDA to arrive =D
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