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04-01-2014, 03:05 AM
#1 | My homepage has been set to RS
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| Eczema
I currently have eczema for the longest time now and
it's driving me crazy, as it will flare up at the most randomest time and it is insanely itchy.. Have any of you guys every struggle with eczema or have a solution on how to completely get rid of this dry itchy red skin problem??!! I've been having this problem for a decade now... It's very stressing and depressing at the same time, all the doctor did was prescribe me some lotion which I put on most of the time through out the week. It helps for abit but it always comes back. I don't really wanna use cream or lotion for the rest of my life. Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-01-2014, 01:10 PM
#2 | My homepage has been set to RS
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i've been battling Ezcema (i think they give it another name in the field now though) for all of my life. to give you some background:
when i was a child: my elbows, underside of knees, hands...luckily none on my face. dry scaly and broken skin everywhere. it pretty much consumed my life
I made a huge recovery when i was about 16 though:
there are two sides to the battle: taking care of the cause and taking care of the effects:
1. taking care of the effects:
-atopial steroid based creams that can calm inflamation
-moisturizer (always moisturize, especially after u shower. you want to retain all your fluids. doing this was the start of my miraculous recovery)
2. taking care of the wholistic causes of eczema:
-your diet (veggies, fruits)
-water intake
-(chinese way: look at the body ying/ hot / cold )
I basically had no respect for veggies and fruits as a child. and i would overconsume junk food and fast food
At my age now I no longer have consistent eczema. jsut dry skin which i do maintain everyday
i have gotten used to using moisturizer everyday. just some basic prevenantive work
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[23-07, 02:03] shawn79 i find that at vietnamese place they cut ur hair like they cut grass
[23-07, 02:03] shawn79 do u go to vietnamese places for haircuts | |
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04-01-2014, 10:12 PM
#3 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Oh god i used to have hockey (ice hockey) 6-7 days a week, sometimes twice a day, and having sweat trapped at my skin thanks to the equipment for hours at a time meant i used to get the absolute worst eczema you've ever seen...
6"x4" patches on my legs and arms were basically weeping blood/pus constantly and down to the point it was at layers of flesh it got so bad, after battling that for a few years i had to get a prescription cream that was extremely powerful previous twice daily prescription creams were completely useless... Could only use the new stuff in a very light coat every 48 hours. Once that got it under control i maintained fairly clear skin using off the shelf hydrocortisone, at this point i don't use anything and my skin is very good. Good luck OP... I remember the pain... Those patches was so bad that they are completely hairless to this day, years later... That shows you how deep they went...
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04-01-2014, 10:36 PM
#4 | #deephouse
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Are you born with it or it just came , I find that people who are born with it are kind of stuck with it longer.
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04-02-2014, 12:06 AM
#5 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Originally Posted by knight604 Are you born with it or it just came , I find that people who are born with it are kind of stuck with it longer. | Not sure if you're asking the OP or me, if you're asking me, mine came about because of hockey.
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04-02-2014, 12:31 AM
#6 | #deephouse
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Op of course. I have some insight on this but always eager to learn more, with that said everyone's skin is different and not every product will work the same.
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04-02-2014, 04:40 AM
#7 | My homepage has been set to RS
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I don't know if I was born with it or not but I started having eczema when I was in grade 8 that's why I said a decade ago.. Before I wouldn't have much eczema popping up, but now it is starting to come up almost everywhere.. My shoulders my stomach and my back mostly. I can't seem to figure out what is causing it to flare up as I would scratch it and it would be come worst. I still so apply cream on it but I wanna get rid of it for good. Any suggestions?
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04-02-2014, 08:47 AM
#8 | I *Fwap* *Fwap* *Fwap* to RS
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Sad to say but there's no cure for it. I've had it since I was a kid and only this year I've had a really bad flare up after travelling to Philippines because of humidity. I have been applying the corticosteroids prescribed as well as aveeno eczema care lotion after showering. The main thing you want to keep in mind is to keep your skin retaining water and moisturised throughout the day. Also suggest getting an allergy test done to see what might trigger it.
Drinking apple cider vinegar (Braggs) can help as it is an excellent antioxidant. Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-02-2014, 12:44 PM
#9 | #deephouse
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Never scratch your eczema thats like pouring oil onto fire, it makes matters worse and the healing process will be even worse after.
The reason there is no cure for it is that everyone reacts to things differently that's what makes us human, it can be triggered from the smallest change in the environment to a bite of fish.
It's too bad they haven't anything because i know there is a cure for dogs.
Consistency of applying moisturizer and keeping hydrated will help.
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04-02-2014, 01:02 PM
#10 | RS Veteran
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I am a strong believer that diet has a HUGE part in eczema. Of course there are environmental factors that can also contribute, but when I see people with eczema it is saddening that they probably aren't doing anything about it, or just using topicals to mask/minimize the underlying factors.
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04-02-2014, 01:04 PM
#11 | #deephouse
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That's if you have allergy from your diet.
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04-02-2014, 04:55 PM
#12 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Ok I guess it doesn't hurt to have a allergy test , thank you guys so much to take your time reading my thread. It is a terrible disease as I would say it.. Lol but knowing that it's very common for other to have eczema makes me feel like I'm not alone and will let you guys know what happens after I get my test done this weekend. Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-02-2014, 05:06 PM
#13 | #deephouse
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Just remember not to itch, one of the biggest problem.
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04-03-2014, 12:50 AM
#14 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by knight604 That's if you have allergy from your diet. | i wouldnt say it is soley from allergies
a poor diet (one that is not balanced) is a huge factor i believe
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[23-07, 02:03] shawn79 i find that at vietnamese place they cut ur hair like they cut grass
[23-07, 02:03] shawn79 do u go to vietnamese places for haircuts | |
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04-03-2014, 02:42 AM
#15 | HELP ME PLS!!!
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Get a referral to go see a specialist. Ever since I went to the skin care centre, mine has been under control.
Diet may or may not have any effect. For me, it has zero bearing on my eczema. It's not something that can be cured; it can only be managed.
Since mine was so bad, I had to get UV treatment for 3 months to get it under control. Now I'm using multiple different prescribed creams/ointments (non steroid!) and it hasn't flared up like it did before.
I HIGHLY recommend the skin care centre. previously the other doctors I saw were old school, and prescribed steroids, steroid creams, etc, which were not useful for me.
Good luck in getting it under control!
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04-03-2014, 03:05 AM
#16 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Which skin care centre do you recommend and which one did u go to?? Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-03-2014, 02:32 PM
#17 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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i had a rash about a year ago on my eyelids. it just happened. never scratched it either, yet it would worsen on its on such that skin would flake and there would be blood when i wiped it with a tissue. moisturizers and vaseline or whatever else that keeps moisture in did not work.
so... i had to go to the doctor. he told me it was eczema and prescribed me an ointment called protopic. it comes in 0.03% and 0.05% potency. since it was my eyelids and the skin is thin, i was given the lower potency ointment. within a 3 days, the eczema was gone and no one would have guessed the skin was once a bloody mess. i haven't had it come back since then.
the ointment is a pain to keep on though. a while after application it starts to tingle and then it feels like it burns a little bit. but if you can endure bloody rashes and whatnot, im sure the burning sensation will be worth the pain for the healed skin. i usually put it on an hour before going to bed
obviously, just because the ointment worked for me doesn't mean it will for you, but its definitely worth the try. a few of my friends have tried it as well and it seemed to work for them.
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04-03-2014, 10:36 PM
#18 | Willing to stick a finger in a guys butt for the sake of science
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ive had eczema since birth and have a few friends who have had it as well.
just a side note for all the people using topical cortisone cream, just remember it is a steriod and eventually will thicken the skin that it is applied on with much use. growing a tolerance to the percentage of cortisone is also very possible, mine is a couple percent stronger than what normal people recieve. also when using this cream you guys should be very careful with sun exposure because it fucks your skin up and can cause discoloration.
a lot of people have allergies that may be triggering their eczema but are oblivious. keep in mind, your body changes every 7 years so what can affect your eczema now may not affect it later. my instigators have been milk, eggs, cat dander. this cycle im affected by eating chicken and coming in contact with dog dander. keep a record of your flare ups so you can see if there are any common factors.
one thing i relied on heavily in the past was a non medicated heavy cream called Glaxal base that should be applied right after the shower before you towel off when your skin is still moist because it locks in the moisture. another is when you sleep apply the cortisone cream to the area and wrap it with saran wrap if possible, this especially helps if your rash is severely cracked, dry and painful.
drink lots of water. pure aloe juice (not the sugary shit) also has done wonders. look into something called the Master Cleanse (lemon, water, cayenne pepper) as it has helps some of my friends because it flushes the system of toxins. non scented lotion and aloe lotion whenever you can. you can also pop vitamin e capsules open and use the oil inside to spread on the rash. stay moisturized, especially in cold weather.
if its particularly bad, benadryl or an OTC antihistamine can temporarily relieve the itch and pain. for me, a simple ice pack always does the trick, just never leave it on for more than 15-20 minutes at a time so you dont mess with your nerve endings.
[19-07, 22:39] dinosaur i have felt up ri2 before
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04-04-2014, 04:40 AM
#19 | i like gifs
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Look into buying activated charcoal powder and using it in a bath to soak for 20 minutes. Charcoal is a natural absorber of all sorts of poisons, so it will pull out any toxins you have in your skin. Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-04-2014, 11:55 AM
#20 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by carisear Get a referral to go see a specialist. Ever since I went to the skin care centre, mine has been under control.
Diet may or may not have any effect. For me, it has zero bearing on my eczema. It's not something that can be cured; it can only be managed.
Since mine was so bad, I had to get UV treatment for 3 months to get it under control. Now I'm using multiple different prescribed creams/ointments (non steroid!) and it hasn't flared up like it did before.
I HIGHLY recommend the skin care centre. previously the other doctors I saw were old school, and prescribed steroids, steroid creams, etc, which were not useful for me.
Good luck in getting it under control! | I would love to know where u had why for the allergy test!!!  I don't have a family doctor, maybe I should just go into the walkin clinic at superstore?? Posted via RS Mobile |
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04-04-2014, 01:21 PM
#21 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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try organic virgin coconut oil see if it works
2-4 table spoon and apply on effected area daily Coconut Oil for Eczema - Treatment |
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04-04-2014, 02:43 PM
#22 | Willing to stick a finger in a guys butt for the sake of science
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Originally Posted by aalex | i've done this, i would say to avoid this method during the summer months as even just a little sun exposure can cook your skin and can make it worse because it will heat it right up. right now as it's still cold it's alright to use just be careful on sunny days.
[19-07, 22:39] dinosaur i have felt up ri2 before
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06-16-2014, 11:01 PM
#23 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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Originally Posted by ilovebacon I currently have eczema for the longest time now and
it's driving me crazy, as it will flare up at the most randomest time and it is insanely itchy.. Have any of you guys every struggle with eczema or have a solution on how to completely get rid of this dry itchy red skin problem??!! I've been having this problem for a decade now... It's very stressing and depressing at the same time, all the doctor did was prescribe me some lotion which I put on most of the time through out the week. It helps for abit but it always comes back. I don't really wanna use cream or lotion for the rest of my life. Posted via RS Mobile | I'm a bit late to the party but....
My brother has had severe eczema since birth. He's 19 now and we have spent sooo much money trying to find different ways to help him. He's drank every possible Holistic Asian tea under the sun, from here in Vancouver and Hk and beyond. He's taken all the possible pills, tried all the DIY washes/baths. He's had a thorough allergen test done by a doctor (western practice) and a Chinese doctor (Holistic/Naturopath). He's used all the creams, solutions, and serums you can imagine.
The closest he has come is having less-severe eczema, and struggling to manage it. He has a strict diet (stays away from seafood, dairy etc.) though even he doesn't always think that's the issue. SO ATTENTION!!! frankbody || coffee scrub
I came across this body scrub a while back, and my brother uses it now. Don't be alarmed by it's marketing. Their target market is quite particular: women with stretch marks, rosacea, eczema etc. But if you look closely at their ingredients, it's gentle, all natural, and most of all, it really works. And an important factor when finding a product that works, especially if you have ongoing issues you want to deal with, like eczema, is to find one that suits your condition as well as your wallet! The Original Frank scrub (which is the one my brother is using) comes to about $17 CDN including shipping (to a States PO box).
I sound like an infomercial nut, but I swear to you, it actually moisturizes and smooths out your skin. My brother has used it twice now, and he said its helping calm the itchiness and redness. (He's more bothered about the redness and patchiness as well as itchiness than he is about the look of the dry skin itself). We've seen the long term effects from others that have used it, so he's really dedicated to trying it out indefinitely. I'll see if I can come back here in a week or two to show you the results.
if you don't believe me, have a look at their Frank Feedback Instagram.
[ I realize how difficult it is for me to not sound like a paid advertisement, but I've bought the bag, and personally used it twice now and those around me have begun using it as well. My bf has a dry skin condition on his face. My mom has a skin pigmentation on her face. My brother has hereditary eczema to the extreme. I speak from experience and say, this product is really worth a shot.
Here is there instagram link: Instagram
* it doesn't hurt that they have really scantily clad pretty girls featured on there...*
Here is there feedback instagram link: Instagram
* my brother hates looking at skin condition pictures. It's one of his biggest pet peeves. I think it irks him too much cause it grosses him out. He's told me himself that looking at his own skin grosses him out. And as sad as that is, he's been hopeful after looking at the Frankfeedback Instagram. Personal testimonials to give him practical hope and not medical farce from doctor after doctor, year after year.
best of luck with tackling the eczema, I hope this works for you as well as it has for those around me. side note: *I am not liable for any potential mishaps or misuse and/or lack of change from this product* |
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06-16-2014, 11:05 PM
#24 | NOOB, Not Quite a Regular!
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I reread my post and realize it sounds ridiculously like junk product farce. And I don't know how else to sound persuasive without sounding like a commercial. But I do hope you explore beyond my post and find out if the research can help you or not. |
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06-17-2014, 01:00 AM
#25 | Banned By Establishment
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The only thing I got from your post that was that you're female
But after that I clicked the instagram link for scantily clad girls
Not gonna lie, all I did was look at pictures wondering if one of them was you |
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