Originally Posted by a00755836 spidey, its still gonna be 100% on me. however, look at the learner's book. it seems like at least a 50/50 once you read the paragraph with the highlighted part. the book has a picture of both green lights in either direction, but i was a green light with advance left arrow while the woman had a red light!
bomiheko - the other car should not be moving from a standstill anyways. it had a red light...literally. i believe the woman was not paying attention or hoping for a green light before having to do a complete stop because she was not waiting at the line northbound on no 3 rd |
lol, I'll say it again, ICBC is a joke. Technically we all should be quadruple checking before we proceed in our vehicles, even as a pedestrian. So I guess as a pedestrian, when we have a walk sign, and get hit by a car running a red, the pedestrian is at some fault because they should have looked to ensure no cars are running reds? seriously .. An advanced green is no different than a solid green. Yes you are turning left, but you are GIVEN THE RIGHT OF WAY, and other directions have a red. I C B C I S A J O K E.