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11-14-2015, 11:27 AM
#1001 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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I finally got my SP101 .22LR out to the range today. The grips are small for my hands and the DA pull is stiff as hell but predictable; the thing is a tack driver.
Here is my first cylinder with 8 rounds of Blazer at 10 metres. I'm impressed. |
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11-14-2015, 01:25 PM
#1002 | ninja edits your posts without your knowledge
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Originally Posted by eclipseman So where are all the good deals this holiday season
I did the 5am reliable lineup last year and am going to skip that one. | With basically every retailer saying prices are going to go up significantly, I don't see why you would skip Reliable.
I was there last year too. I think I made it there at around the same time as you.
The lineup was just around the corner around that coffee shop when I took my place and sat down.
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11-19-2015, 03:47 PM
#1003 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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guys normally do the circuit go to reliable then international I've done it before.
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11-19-2015, 04:39 PM
#1004 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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I keep hearing all the gun shops saying how prices are going way up - makes me wonder why? It just means people buy less, I know I will. Go ahead, keep your expensive stock.
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11-19-2015, 11:15 PM
#1005 | ninja edits your posts without your knowledge
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Originally Posted by Zedbra I keep hearing all the gun shops saying how prices are going way up - makes me wonder why? It just means people buy less, I know I will. Go ahead, keep your expensive stock. | CAD - USD currency exchange is apparently a big driver for this. Either way...
Reliable Sale on Sat Dec 5th.
Who'll be there with me in the lineup?
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11-21-2015, 08:05 PM
#1006 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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yeah unfortunately if our dollar gets stronger I don't see prices going down, cost of everything is going up
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11-21-2015, 08:24 PM
#1007 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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Well, I know I won't be lining up for anything. All I am kind of looking for now is either a BuckMark UFX, preferred with FO sight, or a S&W 22A-1 Deluxe. All my ammo I don't now reload for I get discount at Italian, so I am good. Besides, I kind of blew my budget once again on guns this year.
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11-22-2015, 10:47 AM
#1008 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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i need a little 3X scope for my SCAR .22 there.. any recomendations?
dont think i want a full sized rifle scope, maybe just the half sized stubby ones etc.
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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11-24-2015, 09:07 AM
#1009 | they call me the snowman
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I like the Bushnell AR series. They're not too expensive, and they work and look great. My dad bought a knockoff ACOG for his Beretta, and it seems to be working pretty well. Lots of options out there for the discerning tactician.
On a side note, my buddy is heading to Int'l for the big sale. He asked me if I wanted anything, and of course I'm always down for ammo. But there isn't anything else that I really want. The dollar has completely messed up my budget. Making anything 30% more expensive is going to limit the number of folks who can afford said item.
That said, I got my reloading rig set up. I am still looking for an hour or two where I can begin to press some rounds together. But it's all ready to go.
I also bought a family pass for the new Langley range. I'm really hopeful that it all goes through and I'm shooting there soon. But a little part of me is worried that we're all getting scammed. It's just a little part of me. But it's becoming louder and louder as time goes on.
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11-24-2015, 03:53 PM
#1010 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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^ was wondering where you were lately. Start pressing those rounds! It becomes therapy and very rewarding. My 7mm was damn accurate before, now it is a laser with my reloads I have worked for it.
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11-24-2015, 05:54 PM
#1011 | they call me the snowman
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I will get that going.
Especially with the increased prices for ammo, it would be good to get some reloads on the shelf.
I tell you man, with family, school, sports, and random things that will take up an afternoon it makes it so hard to get out. That's why I'm really hoping the Langley range opens soon.
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11-24-2015, 06:07 PM
#1012 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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Yeah, these early dark nights have stopped my shooting. No more getting home at 4, heading to the range to shoot for hours before dark. Though I did manage to take a morning off, hit the range with my neighbour a few weeks ago. Told the boss I was taking out a client. |
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11-24-2015, 07:22 PM
#1013 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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langley range would be pretty handy, im just scared its going to be filled with clowns right off the bat though
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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11-27-2015, 08:09 PM
#1014 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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I needed to do a little tune-up on my old Dan Wesson, so I tore it down, soaked it in Wipeout for an hour, then cleaned and polished all the good bits. She's back together and smoother than ever. |
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11-27-2015, 08:52 PM
#1015 | Diagonally parked in a parallel universe
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that wipeout stuff is great.
not really big on beretta but I could really use one of these. http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/forum...diers-Incoming!
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11-28-2015, 02:41 PM
#1016 | The Brown Reason
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hey guys .. not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm leaving the country in a month --
I'll be selling my SKS at a heavily discounted price if anyone is interested feel free to PM me. It comes with a Tapco kit installed as well as the wooden stock it came with, a carrying case, a lock, ammo, etc. I've only taken it to the range ~4 times
__________________ Quote:
Originally Posted by bcrdukes fuck this shit, i'm out | |
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11-28-2015, 09:03 PM
#1017 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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Italian's sale today took more of my money. I even dragged the kids down there with me, then took them to Toys R Us,, Baskin Robbins, then we went 4x4ing when we got back to Squamish....I thought I was in the good books. Not even 10 minutes after my wife gets home my oldest is telling her I bought a new gun today. |
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11-29-2015, 06:31 PM
#1018 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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Statistics Canada Published 2014 Homicide Data today. Some takeaways:
Firearm-Related Homicides
"Police reported 156 firearm-related homicides in 2014, 21 more than in 2013, representing a 14% increase in the rate of firearm-related homicides," Statistics Canada said today. "Despite this increase, the rate of firearm-related homicide was the second lowest recorded since data became available in 1974."
"Handguns remain the most frequently used type of firearm and were involved in approximately two-thirds of firearm-related homicides in 2014."
2014 Homicide by Method
- Shooting: 156
- Stabbing: 189
- Beating: 95
- Strangulation: 31
Data Table on Method of Homicide: CANSIM - 253-0002 - Homicide survey, primary methods used to commit homicide, Canada
Full PDF report here: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-.../14244-eng.pdf |
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11-29-2015, 08:15 PM
#1019 | they call me the snowman
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Gaddamn, you have to be pretty serious to strangle someone.
I took the t97 and 10/22 to the range today and made sure both were sighted in. It was cold, but so worth it.
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11-29-2015, 08:47 PM
#1020 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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How's that scope working for you?
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11-30-2015, 01:53 PM
#1021 | they call me the snowman
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It's working well now that I've had a chance to tune it up at the range. I need a spotting scope though, as it's tough to see where the last shot was. With the smaller calibre like .22 and 5.56, the holes look the same. I set it up perfectly at 50 yards. But didn't have the time or scope to go any further. I'm happy with the scope, for sure. Back in August I took out out and spent 2 hours sighting it in. Got home and realized the rail was loose. So it was back to square one yesterday.
I'm looking for optics and sights for sale these days. I like having lots of little bits and pieces depending on what gun I'm working on. My gun safe looks like COD, haha!
I took the t97 out along with the ruger and it was shooting well. I need to do some maintenance on both rifles though. The conditions are a lot different than they were in August.
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11-30-2015, 04:08 PM
#1022 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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lol, sighting in without a spotting scope is pretty tough
Was at wholesale for their "black friday" sale, maybe 10 people in the store? lol
i thought at first their 40% off all camo outerwear was a great deal, but then a guy i work with told me they frequently have 30% off it all, so in reality its not that great.. lol
Buddy bought a 7mm as first hunting rifle a few weeks ago and had a GC there so he's looking at some higher end optics, the $1000+ Models in the Leuopold and Swaroski, ended up with the Swaroski 3 to 9 variable, definately very nice glass looking through it but hard to really get a feel when youre not out in the bush
Man, i cant wait till Cabela's and Bass pro open up so i dont have to go into fucking wholesale anymore :/
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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11-30-2015, 09:21 PM
#1023 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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Originally Posted by originalhypa It's working well now that I've had a chance to tune it up at the range. I need a spotting scope though, as it's tough to see where the last shot was. With the smaller calibre like .22 and 5.56, the holes look the same. I set it up perfectly at 50 yards. But didn't have the time or scope to go any further. I'm happy with the scope, for sure. Back in August I took out out and spent 2 hours sighting it in. Got home and realized the rail was loose. So it was back to square one yesterday.
I'm looking for optics and sights for sale these days. I like having lots of little bits and pieces depending on what gun I'm working on. My gun safe looks like COD, haha!
I took the t97 out along with the ruger and it was shooting well. I need to do some maintenance on both rifles though. The conditions are a lot different than they were in August. | I have a few spotting scopes - one I bought, the other given to me. For up to 150 yards (which is probably a stretch for the 10/22), both work great. I bought a cheap Firefield from Amazon - it's compact, has it's own case, tripod, and can also be used on a bench. Great deal for $125. http://www.amazon.ca/Firefield-FF110...spotting+scope
I'm also searching for a good deal on a micro dot, but the pricing and reviews/features vary so vastly - not sure which ones to seriously consider. But, the shopping around is half the fun. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hondaracer lol, sighting in without a spotting scope is pretty tough
Was at wholesale for their "black friday" sale, maybe 10 people in the store? lol
i thought at first their 40% off all camo outerwear was a great deal, but then a guy i work with told me they frequently have 30% off it all, so in reality its not that great.. lol
Buddy bought a 7mm as first hunting rifle a few weeks ago and had a GC there so he's looking at some higher end optics, the $1000+ Models in the Leuopold and Swaroski, ended up with the Swaroski 3 to 9 variable, definately very nice glass looking through it but hard to really get a feel when youre not out in the bush
Man, i cant wait till Cabela's and Bass pro open up so i dont have to go into fucking wholesale anymore :/ | Wholesale isn't my favourite place, but they do have a nice selection of accessories that most LGS don't even come close to carrying in stock.
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12-01-2015, 09:30 AM
#1024 | they call me the snowman
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer lol, sighting in without a spotting scope is pretty tough
Was at wholesale for their "black friday" sale, maybe 10 people in the store? lol
i thought at first their 40% off all camo outerwear was a great deal, but then a guy i work with told me they frequently have 30% off it all, so in reality its not that great.. lol
Buddy bought a 7mm as first hunting rifle a few weeks ago and had a GC there so he's looking at some higher end optics, the $1000+ Models in the Leuopold and Swaroski, ended up with the Swaroski 3 to 9 variable, definately very nice glass looking through it but hard to really get a feel when youre not out in the bush
Man, i cant wait till Cabela's and Bass pro open up so i dont have to go into fucking wholesale anymore :/ | hahaha, you bet it's tough. My eyes suck at the best of time. Let alone spotting a tiny hole in paper at 50 yards.
Nice choice on the Swaroski. They make good glass, and unlike a plinking rifle, you want to set it and forget it with your hunting rifle. Quote:
Originally Posted by Zedbra I have a few spotting scopes - one I bought, the other given to me. For up to 150 yards (which is probably a stretch for the 10/22), both work great. I bought a cheap Firefield from Amazon - it's compact, has it's own case, tripod, and can also be used on a bench. Great deal for $125. http://www.amazon.ca/Firefield-FF110...spotting+scope | I may order that for Xmas, and give Santa credit. |
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12-01-2015, 04:52 PM
#1025 | Meet on the Level and Part on the Square
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Originally Posted by originalhypa
I may order that for Xmas, and give Santa credit.  | I can lend you mine first, then you'll know if you like it. Lemme know, I can bring it out that way.
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