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Old 09-15-2014, 06:14 PM   #451
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Originally Posted by Nabatron View Post
Yeah could be true I guess we will know in time!

So if I change my plan to the $95 plan and get my wife on my line for $55 we would pay $84 each per month but if she pays out her subsidized iPhone 5s out which is $270. We get a $10 discount because techically she will be bringing her own phone now. So our final total monthly will be $78.40 taxes in.

Unlimited text
Unlimited Canada wide
Voice/caller ID
Other shit I forgot...
Originally Posted by Nabatron View Post
2year contracts brah! Financially makes more sense for me to change it then to keep our current plans...
Assuming you're getting the iphone 6 plus 16gb, I see this is better financially for your wife, she'll have more GB with less monthly payment.

Her $100.8 will then be $79, a total saving of $261.60 over 1 year (I'm assuming this is what she has left on her contract based on her $270 subsidy).

While all this, you have to pay $69.60 extra for your bill over 2 years, plus $222 and $270 subsidy, AND $419.99 (tax in) for the phone, totaling $981.59. Both of you will share 6gb.

Or your wife can ride out the $261.60 over the remaining year of her contract, you pay $961ish (tax in) for the phone outright and without going into another 2 year. Both of you will get out of contract in a year or so.

Originally Posted by thatgirl13 View Post
I'm currently paying fido $60 monthly for my phone used to be on a tab 24 contract but not anymore. Would i be able to get the iphone 6 on a renewed tab 24 contract at the same monthly price of $60? Or would they force me to get the max plan?
Also, could i buy the unlocked phone from fido and use my fido dollars on it?
Mention the one time exception since you haven't upgraded in the last 2 years and maybe they will allow it. All customers that haven't upgraded in the 2 year prior to announcement, they get a one time exception and the agent is obligated to make sure you know about that. If all else fail, you'll have to go on the $80 max plans.

Last edited by mr_chin; 09-15-2014 at 06:35 PM.
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Old 09-15-2014, 06:52 PM   #452
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So just spent an hour on da phone with Rogers, man they are fucking people hardddd

edit* so here's the jist of it:

1.5 years ago my plan was $67 taxes in for:
1000 weekday minutes
evenings and weekends at 6
caller ID
Voice mail
Unlimited texts, video, picture

Today to my surprise the rep tells me that i'm now paying $96 taxes in since all my credits had expired slowly over the last year and a half

my remaining hardware balance on my 5 is $159, finally get to retentions and tell him look, basically i'm calling to have my balance waived, i know how this works, my last 3 phones have had their balanace waived early bla bla bla

he looks into it and tells me that if i switch to another plan of the "flex tab" they can knock 100% of the value of the monthly contract off the remaining balance. He then tells me as well that my current plan, the one listed above is no longer eligible for a hardware upgrade as they NEED to be on the flex plans.

The cheapest of which, is $82 and has 2 GB of data.. uhh..ok.. definately not gonna work

Both CSR's basically told me that this plan is not available to everyone and it was made for longer term retention plans, which i find hard to beleive but whatever..

For $110 a month:

8GB data
Unlimited Canada wide:
Calling, Texting, Video, Voice, Picture messaging
Caller ID
Voice Mail

so this is not considered a "shared" plan even though it was originally pitched to me like that, i could basically roll with this plan for $110 on my own for the two year term, however my GF wants to leave Telus so you can add the second phone on this plan for $55 a month

total, taxes in it comes to $183 a month + 911 fee's etc.

essentially $90 per person.

the second contract is essentially a new user, therefore they get any device at the regular price but have to pay for the upgrade cost outright in person as opposed to going on the bill for that cycle.

fucking stupid how it's devolved like this. In some ways sure, i'm getting the "best of the bunch" in terms of the plan, but i'm also paying almost $30 more than i did two years ago just so i can get the HUP..
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Old 09-15-2014, 07:55 PM   #453
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Can't seem to make a deal with Bell. I have 18 months left on my cooperate contract, but I am eligible for an upgrade but if i were to upgrade I have to port over to consumer because my employer no longer uses bell. Minimum plan with 6gb data is $125, and they won't offer me a loyalty plan because I need less than 12 months on a contract to get a loyalty plan. So they either want me to pay an extra $55 a month for the same plan, wait 4 months to upgrade to maybe get a half descent loyalty plan, or just cancel for $400, or buy a 6+ outright.

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Old 09-15-2014, 08:42 PM   #454
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The way it's looking for most people is that if you can't get a reasonable contract which it's looking like most people aren't, just buy the phone outright and keep current plan. I know it's shitty for most people who can't justify paying close to $1000 for a phone. But in the end it's one way to fight back against phone companies who are driving to bend over their customers. A small kick to their fat wallets but a kick is a kick...
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Old 09-15-2014, 08:46 PM   #455
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
So just spent an hour on da phone with Rogers, man they are fucking people hardddd

edit* so here's the jist of it:

1.5 years ago my plan was $67 taxes in for:
1000 weekday minutes
evenings and weekends at 6
caller ID
Voice mail
Unlimited texts, video, picture

Today to my surprise the rep tells me that i'm now paying $96 taxes in since all my credits had expired slowly over the last year and a half

my remaining hardware balance on my 5 is $159, finally get to retentions and tell him look, basically i'm calling to have my balance waived, i know how this works, my last 3 phones have had their balanace waived early bla bla bla

he looks into it and tells me that if i switch to another plan of the "flex tab" they can knock 100% of the value of the monthly contract off the remaining balance. He then tells me as well that my current plan, the one listed above is no longer eligible for a hardware upgrade as they NEED to be on the flex plans.

The cheapest of which, is $82 and has 2 GB of data.. uhh..ok.. definately not gonna work

Both CSR's basically told me that this plan is not available to everyone and it was made for longer term retention plans, which i find hard to beleive but whatever..

For $110 a month:

8GB data
Unlimited Canada wide:
Calling, Texting, Video, Voice, Picture messaging
Caller ID
Voice Mail

so this is not considered a "shared" plan even though it was originally pitched to me like that, i could basically roll with this plan for $110 on my own for the two year term, however my GF wants to leave Telus so you can add the second phone on this plan for $55 a month

total, taxes in it comes to $183 a month + 911 fee's etc.

essentially $90 per person.

the second contract is essentially a new user, therefore they get any device at the regular price but have to pay for the upgrade cost outright in person as opposed to going on the bill for that cycle.

fucking stupid how it's devolved like this. In some ways sure, i'm getting the "best of the bunch" in terms of the plan, but i'm also paying almost $30 more than i did two years ago just so i can get the HUP..
Solution is to buy a phone that does pretty much the same thing, and go to wind for $35 a month with no contract.

You're not being raped if you're willing... just dry fucked by apple and rogers
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Old 09-15-2014, 08:48 PM   #456
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Remember to factor in the phone price as the iphone 6 is not "free" on 2 year contract.
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Old 09-15-2014, 08:56 PM   #457
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Same thing happened with my sister's plan. I set it up so she would only be paying around $65 for a 6gb, 250 daytime, unlimited e/w at 6pm, and unlimited texting. The way they had it set up was also that the credits expired at different times and not for the duration of the three years... I should've noticed this but I didn't at the time. Her plan is now a lot more than what it was a couple years ago and she was told the same thing about upgrading and signing up with a flex plan instead.

Feels like Canadian carriers are really screwing people over. It kind of sucks to be paying that much for service. What happened to the whole campaign of lowering the contracts and stuff?

I've had pretty good experience down south though. I've been paying about $70 for basically unlimited everything with T-Mobile. My work just got a corporate plan with Verizon so I'll be switching to that and it ends up being $75 for almost the same and I've got an iPhone locked down for friday.
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Old 09-15-2014, 09:00 PM   #458
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
Solution is to buy a phone that does pretty much the same thing, and go to wind for $35 a month with no contract.

You're not being raped if you're willing... just dry fucked by apple and rogers
Say what? Rogers, Telus and Bell deciding to get together and start switching people to these $80 share plans has NOTHING to do with Apple. It's their own greed, pure and simple.
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Old 09-15-2014, 09:33 PM   #459
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Originally Posted by FerrariEnzo View Post
Are android OS's even optimized for a single device like the iOS are? I mean there are tons android devices (all different hardware) running the same build (stock) of android while iOS.. now being 2 iphones, is more optimized to take full advantage of...
there's android silver to help with that but it'll never come close to apple's optimization because there's literally hundreds of varying android hardware out there
Originally Posted by Ludepower View Post
How is this relevant to this thread?
1gb can be eaten up steaming any type of content.
there was some debate if 6GB plans are worth it or not
most of us work/live in areas with wifi and that's where majority of streaming is done, thus it's not really necessary unless you're driver or work outdoors?
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Old 09-15-2014, 09:36 PM   #460
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Originally Posted by dangonay View Post
Say what? Rogers, Telus and Bell deciding to get together and start switching people to these $80 share plans has NOTHING to do with Apple. It's their own greed, pure and simple.
If you don't like the carriers, buy the phone outright and use an alternative one

Oh you can't? Because Apple is exclusively supporting the expensive carriers they work with, forcing you to be their customers?

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Old 09-15-2014, 10:03 PM   #461
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I don't get why everyone is complaining. We've already made it known that you need to be on a minimum $80 plan to even qualify for an iPhone 6/6+ HUP, yet you guys still decide to cave into Roger's stupid requirement only to come and complain about it here.

BUY THE PHONE OUTRIGHT and stay on your current plan because you save more money in the long run.
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Old 09-15-2014, 10:45 PM   #462
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How many people actually need and use their data for something useful? Is data a necessity in your life or are you just using it for leisure purposes?

If it's for leisure purposes and you already have wifi at home and whereever else, do you really find the need to pay THAT much? 80+ dollars a month just so u can surf youtube or whatever when you're not on wifi?
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Old 09-15-2014, 10:56 PM   #463
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Originally Posted by DanHibiki View Post
How many people actually need and use their data for something useful? Is data a necessity in your life or are you just using it for leisure purposes?

If it's for leisure purposes and you already have wifi at home and whereever else, do you really find the need to pay THAT much? 80+ dollars a month just so u can surf youtube or whatever when you're not on wifi?
I like how data I'm always logged on where ever I am. No need to keep logging In to free wifi
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Old 09-15-2014, 11:17 PM   #464
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Originally Posted by terkan View Post
sure it does by the time mid october comes you might change your mind and want something else.. and by then when that phone comes out there might be an even better one coming out in a month or so that u want instead hehe
i think you have confuse iOS user with android user. iOS does yearly refreshes unlike android

if your interestd in android you wouldn't be interested in the ip6 or 6+ anyways since "all the feature has been out there since 2012"
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Old 09-15-2014, 11:20 PM   #465
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Originally Posted by DanHibiki View Post
How many people actually need and use their data for something useful? Is data a necessity in your life or are you just using it for leisure purposes?

If it's for leisure purposes and you already have wifi at home and whereever else, do you really find the need to pay THAT much? 80+ dollars a month just so u can surf youtube or whatever when you're not on wifi?
when you have data leisure and work use kind of merge into one. you don't have to search for wifi whenever you go now so whats stopping you from doing a little surfing while your on a job site, oh here comes the boss let me pull up some work email to look like i'm working. Boss gone back to fb

when you have a decent data plan work and leisure use is the same thing
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Old 09-15-2014, 11:51 PM   #466
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Originally Posted by Araaadi View Post
Can't seem to make a deal with Bell. I have 18 months left on my cooperate contract, but I am eligible for an upgrade but if i were to upgrade I have to port over to consumer because my employer no longer uses bell. Minimum plan with 6gb data is $125, and they won't offer me a loyalty plan because I need less than 12 months on a contract to get a loyalty plan. So they either want me to pay an extra $55 a month for the same plan, wait 4 months to upgrade to maybe get a half descent loyalty plan, or just cancel for $400, or buy a 6+ outright.

hmmmm interesting. i'm also eligible for a HUP with bell and i've got less than 12 months left on my contract. currently have the fab10 promo plan with 6gb of data, paying $75/month. i should contact them to see what kind of plan they can offer me with the HUP.

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Old 09-16-2014, 05:04 AM   #467
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
If you don't like the carriers, buy the phone outright and use an alternative one

Oh you can't? Because Apple is exclusively supporting the expensive carriers they work with, forcing you to be their customers?

Forcing you? Nobody is being forced, and Apple has nothing to do with what the carriers charge. The real issue is how can Telus, Rogers and Bell get away with what is basically price fixing/collusion preventing people from switching carriers because they all charge the same.

Yet you claim above customers are getting fucked by Apple which is absolutely 100% false. The carriers are 100% to blame as they have complete control over how they run their business. All Apple did was manufacture a device that's in high demand and the carriers are taking advantage of that.
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:15 AM   #468
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Originally Posted by dangonay View Post
Forcing you? Nobody is being forced, and Apple has nothing to do with what the carriers charge. The real issue is how can Telus, Rogers and Bell get away with what is basically price fixing/collusion preventing people from switching carriers because they all charge the same.

Yet you claim above customers are getting fucked by Apple which is absolutely 100% false. The carriers are 100% to blame as they have complete control over how they run their business. All Apple did was manufacture a device that's in high demand and the carriers are taking advantage of that.
So it does work with AWS 1700/2100? I'm confused then... If so, I apologize

I tried to look it up, and I didn't see support for it.. Apple's own site doesn't list Wind as a compatible carrier. Note that the modem used by the phone most likely supports all frequencies, and this would have to be disabled manually by them.

Again I may be wrong

If so, then yeah it's the carriers 100%. If Apple is blocking certain frequencies though, they take part of the blame.
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:27 AM   #469
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Originally Posted by FerrariEnzo View Post
Are android OS's even optimized for a single device like the iOS are? I mean there are tons android devices (all different hardware) running the same build (stock) of android while iOS.. now being 2 iphones, is more optimized to take full advantage of...
Short answer, no.

Apple controls all three aspects of their OS/software. They design the processor, the compiler and the code that runs on it. Android OEMs can control the code (within limits) and they have some flexibility with the compiler (like developer tools from the companies that make processors). But that's about it.

And although they can modify the code, if you're a part of the OHA (virtually all the top Android companies) you have restrictions. The main one being you're not allowed to make any changes that would affect or break compatibility with apps in Google Play. So they have to play things safe, which is why their modifications are almost exclusively things like Touchwiz or Sense or add-on features and not low-level tweaking that could improve performance.

Now with Google Play Services being able to do security and low-level updates to your Android device regardless what version you're on, there's no incentive to optimize your code. If you optimize your code, then if there's a flaw found in the OS then you (the OEM) will have to patch it and issue an update. This goes against the idea of Google Play Services which is to reduce fragmentation and allow Google to control patches and updates instead of having to wait for the OEMs.

And then we have Java.....
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Old 09-16-2014, 09:20 AM   #470
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
Solution is to buy a phone that does pretty much the same thing, and go to wind for $35 a month with no contract.

You're not being raped if you're willing... just dry fucked by apple and rogers

Or just buy a phone and I believe you'll get a discounted monthly plan. Fido told me they will take off 10% of your plan if so?

Hondaracer needs the data, that's why Rogers is fucking him over so badly.

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His plan is pretty similar to the Fido $70 smart plan. Unlimited mins Plus 2 GB.

Apparently there was a Fido plan that was emailed to old Fido users to bring them back. It was 5GB data plus unlimited mins for $60. I was reading it on RFD
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Old 09-16-2014, 09:35 AM   #471
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
So it does work with AWS 1700/2100? I'm confused then... If so, I apologize

I tried to look it up, and I didn't see support for it.. Apple's own site doesn't list Wind as a compatible carrier. Note that the modem used by the phone most likely supports all frequencies, and this would have to be disabled manually by them.

Again I may be wrong

If so, then yeah it's the carriers 100%. If Apple is blocking certain frequencies though, they take part of the blame.
Apple devices will work with Wind. They don't support the carrier because they don't have the 2 year HUP option.
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Old 09-16-2014, 10:10 AM   #472
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Everyone who is reselling their phones, like usual I have friends lining up and buying them all in bulk.

If you would like a quick unload of your phones (only day of) my buddy will purchase them all.
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Old 09-16-2014, 02:52 PM   #473
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So will Rogers get the phones on Friday for HUP's or what?

I remember with the 5 you could check shipping details etc but don't see anything like that on te site this time?
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Old 09-16-2014, 02:55 PM   #474
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talked to retentions again today and they are really standing firm on the "no waiving" of previous device balance and the min $80 plan to get HUP.

so right now, im paying $68 tax in for
unl canada wide, 6GB data, iphone value pack

and my gf is paying
$88 tax in for
200 daytime
unl eve/wknds
my 10 canada wide
6gb data
iphone value pack

they offered us the following shareable plan
$95 for
unlimted canada wide calling
iphone value pack
8 gb shareable data
+$55 for adding my gf's line.

still debating on whether or not to go with this plan.
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Old 09-16-2014, 02:57 PM   #475
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Originally Posted by Cassijon View Post
talked to retentions again today and they are really standing firm on the "no waiving" of previous device balance and the min $80 plan to get HUP....still debating on whether or not to go with this plan.
Looks to me like you guys would be saving 10 bucks a month. Think you'd both go over the 8gb?
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