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Old 07-18-2014, 07:22 PM   #1501
Lomac owned my ass at least once
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You can't help but just hate Booth. What a useless player.
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Old 07-18-2014, 09:07 PM   #1502
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depending on the cap hit this could be good signing for NYR, good replacement for Pouliot
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Is Surrey our Florida?
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Old 07-18-2014, 09:11 PM   #1503
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Originally Posted by rsx View Post
You can't help but just hate Booth. What a useless player.
Torts is right. He's just a weird guy. Hunting, god, Etc before hockey.
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Old 07-18-2014, 09:19 PM   #1504
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Old 07-18-2014, 11:33 PM   #1505
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crazy russians

[23-07, 02:03] shawn79 i find that at vietnamese place they cut ur hair like they cut grass
[23-07, 02:03] shawn79 do u go to vietnamese places for haircuts
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Old 07-20-2014, 12:00 PM   #1506
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During an appearance on Vancouver based news radio station CKNW on Saturday night, Trevor Linden - the Vancouver Canucks' first year president of hockey operations - blasted some of the more challenging aspects of the 'human performance plan' implemented by his predecessor Mike Gillis.

"I'm not really into the mind rooms, I'm more fundamental I think," Linden said of the much mocked "mind room" implemented during the Gillis era. "I believe that winning and losing is about the people and the quality of the people and that sort of thing. So I'm really focussed on that.

"I'm pretty sure we'll blow that up," Linden continued, probably joking, but also sighing deeply throughout, "I'll get on that Monday on morning, see if that room still exists."

The mind room was one of many initiatives introduced during the Gillis era as part of what he described as a 'human performance plan.' Little was or is known specifically about the plan and what it entailed, but some of it appears to have been a little bit out there.

"I remember sounds all around me and watching myself scoring goals," Canucks captain Henrik Sedin recently told Jason Botchford of the Province about his first and only visit to the mind room. It should probably be noted, despite Sedin's gentle mockery, that he did put in far and away the best performances of his career while reluctantly subscribing to Gillis' 'performance plan'.

Another one of Gillis' more guffawed at innovations was the club's use of a sleep doctor and their experimentations with sleep science. That department appears to have been rebranded under Linden's guidance and certainly seems unlikely to hold the type of sway and influence that it was believed to carry during the Gillis-era.

"We are working with 'fatigue management'," said Linden of Vancouver's famed sleep doctors. "At this juncture I think we're pretty aware where our pitfalls lie... When I played the coaches knew which games are going to be tough, and you don't need a "sleep doctor" to tell you that, you pretty much figure it out. But we're going to do what we can to improve our chances."

Continued Linden on the subject of best practices, fundamentals and remaining focussed on the big picture:

We certainly want to look at the best practices from other organizations - whether that be in the NHL, or the NBA, or the NFL - we're certainly going to look at what people are doing and why.

But like I said: I'm a big believer of the fundamentals of the game and they haven't changed in 100 years.

Certainly you're always looking for better ways to do things, but I think you can get down a path where your focus isn't on what's important, but is on the extra 2-or-3%. You have to be really careful with that. You don't want to lose your eye on the ball because you're looking for that extra piece, and sometimes those extra pieces, I'm not really convinced that they're effective anyway.

It's interesting to note that Linden's critique is a near echo of comments made by Edmonton Oilers general manager Craig MacTavish - who coached the Canucks' AHL affiliate during Gillis tenure as general manager - about the perhaps too innovative approach of the Canucks under their most recent former management team.

Though many players peaked performance wise during Gillis' tenure with the Canucks, it's not as if sleep science is a silver bullet. Actually some former Canucks are prone to telling pretty good stories about beating the system.

As told by former Canucks defender Willie Mitchell to Bruce Arthur of the Toronto Star:

In Vancouver, they had bracelets. They looked like watches, simple ones, all black except for a blue line along the wristband and the red numbers on the face. They monitored wrist movement, and therefore how much players slept, when they slept — on the bus? On the plane? — and how well. The Canucks all wore them. That helped, right?

"Yeah, I couldn’t go out for a beer after the game," says Willie Mitchell, the Los Angeles Kings defenceman who was in Vancouver when they experimented with sleep science. "They’re actually biofeedback devices on your wrist, so we sent one of the rookies back to the hotel and had his wear 25 of ’em."

Linden's concerns may be based on more than just Luddite impulses, but he sure seemed to enjoy talking about fundamentals and other things that couldn't be measured during his Saturday appearance. On new Canucks coach Willie Desjardins for example:

I'm really excited for Willie, I think he's going to do a great job with our group, he's always found a way to get his group to play hard for him, wherever he's been. That's beyond x's and o's.

Those are things you don't measure with a 2-1-2 forecheck or a 1-3-1, these are the intangible things that coaches bring and I think Willie's going to be able to do that.

On the subject of Vancouver's playoff chances:

You look at rosters, you look at depth charts, and you put them on the wall and you pick your teams. If we were all doing that you wouldn't bother playing the games.

The reason we have the season and play the games is those intangibles, it's how your team comes together, it's how they gel, it's how they play, it's the trust they have in one another, it's the belief in the system they're playing. So that's what we're going to focus on now, my focus is that we're one of the top-16 teams because we want an opportunity at the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Whether Linden's more down home, holistic approach will pay dividends is an open question. Though the Gillis era in Vancouver imploded under the weight of dysfunction and unmet expectations, his team's managed the fifth best record in the NHL during his tenure, won two President's trophies and made the Stanley Cup Final. It's possible that he knew a thing or two.

Of course, even if Gillis' mysterious 'human performance plan' did help the Canucks from a readiness perspective, the success or failure of Vancouver's season isn't likely to hinge on the club's rejection of Clockwork Orange-style mental conditioning, or the use of biometric bracelets.
for those that were wondering, "that rookie" who had to wear the bracelets... it was Mason Raymond and a few others.
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Old 07-20-2014, 12:19 PM   #1507
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I find it funny that Somone like Trevor is seemingly mocking a system that was inherently successful.

Before bashing other regimes tactics how about prove somthing.
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Old 07-20-2014, 12:44 PM   #1508 the world.
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The year we were successful, it was because the roster was stacked with players in their prime and a weak division, not sleep doctors. As Willie said, I doubt many of them took that shit seriously enough for it to make a difference.

The last two years when we haven't been good is a combo of injuries, personnel changes and decline. It seems pretty straight forward. All that other stuff seems like fluff that could be better used...oh, I don't know...practicing fucking shootouts or something.
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Old 07-20-2014, 09:10 PM   #1509
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Well I feel its the GM/Pres job to manage the team, find ANY edge possible to give your team the edge, fluffy and flaky as you guys may find it to be. The guys that the GM hires are responsible for the on-ice performance of the players. It's not the GM's job to coach the on-ice product or tell them how to play.

Hopefully Benning and Linden are ready to look for, find, and exploit any possible advantage off the ice. Just saying "Lets play hard and win" isn't good enough nowadays. All the teams in the league practice those same fundamentals that haven't changed in 100 years, so how is our team going to be any better than those others?
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Old 07-20-2014, 09:55 PM   #1510
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creating the mind room and providing sleep doctors seem like pretty innovative ideas, just because the players don't think they're useful doesn't mean they aren't
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Old 07-20-2014, 10:07 PM   #1511
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they were great ideas but by the sounds of things they failed with getting those ideas through to the players which didn't help things in the long run
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Old 07-21-2014, 12:50 AM   #1512
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"I remember sounds all around me and watching myself scoring goals," Canucks captain Henrik Sedin
LOL cheeky bastard.
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Old 07-21-2014, 12:59 AM   #1513
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Originally Posted by UFO View Post
Well I feel its the GM/Pres job to manage the team, find ANY edge possible to give your team the edge, fluffy and flaky as you guys may find it to be. The guys that the GM hires are responsible for the on-ice performance of the players. It's not the GM's job to coach the on-ice product or tell them how to play.

Hopefully Benning and Linden are ready to look for, find, and exploit any possible advantage off the ice. Just saying "Lets play hard and win" isn't good enough nowadays. All the teams in the league practice those same fundamentals that haven't changed in 100 years, so how is our team going to be any better than those others?
All players get a Club 16 membership for free!
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Old 07-21-2014, 10:02 AM   #1514
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Originally Posted by nah View Post
All players get a Club 16 membership for free!
We shouldnt expect any of them to get any stronger then. #nogains #nosquatracknogym
My feedback
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Old 07-21-2014, 01:37 PM   #1515
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Pretty cool.

Imagine we did make that trade with Garth Snow for 35 and another?
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Old 07-21-2014, 01:44 PM   #1516
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I'm happy we didn't, the more I hear about Maccan the more I like him
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Old 07-21-2014, 04:54 PM   #1517
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Oh ya!!!
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Old 07-22-2014, 08:45 AM   #1518
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lol yeah...

the more i look at that Vrbata jersey the more i'm thinking of deciding to keep it Kes at least until someone more worthy of the 17 pops up and they get an 'A'
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Old 07-22-2014, 09:06 AM   #1519
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I'm just bitter with the way Kesler left when times got a bit tough and he's out. He was my favorite player on the Canucks and feel betrayed in a way how he wanted out so quick so that's why I decided to go with Vrbata so quick
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Old 07-22-2014, 09:44 AM   #1520
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Originally Posted by murd0c View Post
I'm just bitter with the way Kesler left when times got a bit tough and he's out. He was my favorite player on the Canucks and feel betrayed in a way how he wanted out so quick so that's why I decided to go with Vrbata so quick
I feel the same but I like Kesler too much as a player and Vrbata???? is nowhere close to his level.

I do think Torts is right and that some of us needs to stop reliving 2011. Kesler is not the same guy who scored 41 goals, single handed deke through Weber and Suter. lol Traded him now when he doesn't want to be on the team is the correct choice.
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Old 07-22-2014, 09:49 AM   #1521
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No question I agree Vrbata doesn't come close but I'm saving my new jersey money for when one of the rookies finally cracks our lineup. It's only $40 to get it done when I was spending more on lap dances at #5 and brandy's last weekend
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Old 07-22-2014, 11:05 AM   #1522
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Vrbata is better than you guys are giving him credit for. He's an excellent player who didn't get much attention because of where he played.
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Old 07-22-2014, 11:10 AM   #1523
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Originally Posted by Jmac View Post
Vrbata is better than you guys are giving him credit for. He's an excellent player who didn't get much attention because of where he played.

He never had any real talent to play alongside in Phoenix, so it should be interesting to see how his numbers improve with the Sedins
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Old 07-22-2014, 11:41 AM   #1524
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give it till Dec and everyone will want his jersey
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Old 07-22-2014, 11:51 AM   #1525
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@patersonjeff: Leafs have Santorelli and Booth. Just need Torts and they'll be good to go #NHL
Lol oh nonis...
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