Hi guys,
I have come here for some advice on skincare, don't know if this is the right section to ask in though. I am 19 y/o and have been having some skin issues lately, I have mild acne as well. The problem with my skin is that it is not smooth as every other 19 y/o, plus it has these weird "holes" in it that no one else seems to have, and they're quite visible at a normal conversation distance.
About my routine:
- I eat completely clean, get enough calories usually (unless I'm extremely busy then I may undereat)
- Drink 8 cups of water/day
- Exercise, weightlifting but not a lot of cardio 5x a week
- I wash my face twice daily (once in the shower) w/ cetaphil gentle skin wash which works great btw
- I do not exfoliate as that has made my skin dry, nor do I use lotion b/c it clogs my pores (I have sensitive skin)
- Clean environment as well, if that matters (clean clothes, pillowcase, etc.)
My derm prescribed me 3 different types of medications (one oral and two creams) for the mild acne, but I thought it was too extreme so I did not get it. He also said that I inherited this skin from genetics, but my parents seem to have normal smooth skin even though they are middle-aged now. Not to mention these holes weren't even present before, and just appeared in the last month or so. Does anyone know how, or if, I can fix this and go back to my regular smooth skin?
Thanks for your help!